Democrats rail on about "Southern Strategy"

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Seems when elections roll around, some Democrats brings up the Southern Strategy. It is a non starter as I and others see this.
There is no such thing happening now.

A strategy is a mental event. Proposing things in writing when elections roll around. What is the Democrats strategy right now? To harass Trump. Plain and simple, their non effective tactics are their strategy. Future discussions can involve this current Democrats strategy.
But let's clear up the mistaken idea that Democrats revolted against their party and became Republicans nonsense.

A good approach to this is will Democrats revolt against their party to elect Trump now?
Definitely not. So there is no rational basis to believe that around 1964 to 1970 there was a wholesale rejection of the Democrats principles and desires. Democrats who later voted for Republicans came along 16 years later as I did myself. I left the Democrat party not due to some strategy, but due to acts of Carter who happened to be a Southern Democrat. Carter shoved his foot up our Asses at the time so we changed to voting for Reagan. If anybody had a southern strategy it was Jimmy Carter.I know, I changed parties and now you know why.

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The fact is rational basis exists to believe that around 1964 to 1970 there was a wholesale rejection of the Democrats principles and desires by white Southerners, who could not stand blacks being equal in civil rights.

Democrats had to recreate the Party in the 1980s to be relevant in the South.
The fact is rational basis exists to believe that around 1964 to 1970 there was a wholesale rejection of the Democrats principles and desires by white Southerners, who could not stand blacks being equal in civil rights.

Democrats had to recreate the Party in the 1980s to be relevant in the South.
This actually addresses not the Republicans claims, but current Democrats claims that they became traitors to their own cause, reformed and became Republicans, but when Nixon ran for President. There was no sudden, for Nixon, change of the Democrats.

Watch this video.
Seems when elections roll around, some Democrats brings up the Southern Strategy. It is a non starter as I and others see this.
There is no such thing happening now.

A strategy is a mental event. Proposing things in writing when elections roll around. What is the Democrats strategy right now? To harass Trump. Plain and simple, their non effective tactics are their strategy. Future discussions can involve this current Democrats strategy.
But let's clear up the mistaken idea that Democrats revolted against their party and became Republicans nonsense.

A good approach to this is will Democrats revolt against their party to elect Trump now?
Definitely not. So there is no rational basis to believe that around 1964 to 1970 there was a wholesale rejection of the Democrats principles and desires. Democrats who later voted for Republicans came along 16 years later as I did myself. I left the Democrat party not due to some strategy, but due to acts of Carter who happened to be a Southern Democrat. Carter shoved his foot up our Asses at the time so we changed to voting for Reagan. If anybody had a southern strategy it was Jimmy Carter.I know, I changed parties and now you know why.

That old argument went out the window when DemoKKKrats voted for this guy in droves:


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