Democrats Ponder New Strategies On Abortion, Including Welcoming More Pro-Life Folks

Shattered said:
Believe me - my telling you to keep your legs closed is for your own good, since you "don't know" what you'd do if you ended up pregnant right now.
I really dont need you to tell me what to do, worry about yourself!!!
lolita715 said:
They should be able to choose because it's their own body!!! No one should be able to tell you what you can do with their body. You want the gov. to tell you what goes on with your body??? Give up your rights? Woman should be responsible. but they also have rights.

To be blunt, a woman chooses to let a man stick his penis in her. That's where the choice about your own body comes in, and that's where it stops. Having an abortion isn't about what you do to your body, it's about the fact that you are ending a life that only exists because of your actions. Being pro-choice is just another way of not taking responsibility for what you do.

Now, I'll add that I think most of the people on this board who are against abortion, including myself, understand that cases of rape and incest are different. But if a woman goes out, has sex, and gets pregnant, it takes a lot of nerve for her to believe that she has the right to end that life for her own convenience.
lolita715 said:
I really dont need you to tell me what to do, worry about yourself!!!

My life is perfectly in check. I can tell you step by step what *I* would do if I ended up pregnant. :) (And the word "abortion" wouldn't be anywhere in my description).

"You're an idiot" seems to be the only thing you understand, so.. You're an idiot. Keep your legs closed.
Jimmyeatworld said:
To be blunt, a woman chooses to let a man stick his penis in her. That's where the choice about your own body comes in, and that's where it stops. Having an abortion isn't about what you do to your body, it's about the fact that you are ending a life that only exists because of your actions. Being pro-choice is just another way of not taking responsibility for what you do.

Now, I'll add that I think most of the people on this board who are against abortion, including myself, understand that cases of rape and incest are different. But if a woman goes out, has sex, and gets pregnant, it takes a lot of nerve for her to believe that she has the right to end that life for her own convenience.
Well, like I said it's my opinion. Im not saying some woman are not responsible, Im saying every woman has the right to choose.
lolita715 said:
Well, like I said it's my opinion. Im not saying some woman are not responsible, Im saying every woman has the right to choose.

Yes, and like I said, the choice is made when the woman decides to have sex.
lolita715 said:
Well, like I said it's my opinion. Im not saying some woman are not responsible, Im saying every woman has the right to choose.

I just asked you what you would "choose" to do, and you told me "I don't know." So, do you think you are responsible, with that kind of attitude?
Jimmyeatworld said:
Yes, and like I said, the choice is made when the woman decides to have sex.
Well you know we are never going to agree, and there is no reason to argue. You like film??? Go to the film thread, there we might be able to have a conversation that's not heated??? I just found the film thread, I love it
Shattered said:
I just asked you what you would "choose" to do, and you told me "I don't know." So, do you think you are responsible, with that kind of attitude?
how could I know now, It would depend on the situation!! But like i said before I really dont think I could ever have an abortion.
lolita715 said:
how could I know now, It would depend on the situation!! But like i said before I really dont think I could ever have an abortion.

The situation is you found out yesterday you're pregnant. Now what?

C'mon. This is simple. Again, if you can't answer it, you are not responsible enough to engage in sex with anyone at all.
Shattered said:
The situation is you found out yesterday you're pregnant. Now what?

C'mon. This is simple. Again, if you can't answer it, you are not responsible enough to engage in sex with anyone at all.
you cant tell me that, worry about your own life!!!
lolita715 said:
you cant tell me that, worry about your own life!!!

Yeah, but not the life of your own baby (I mean fetus) huh? Sickass. :fu2: You libs are amazing.... :puke3:
TheEnemyWithin said:
Yeah, but not the life of your own baby (I mean fetus) huh? Sickass. :fu2: You libs are amazing.... :puke3:

I don't have an opinion on abortion at the moment, and mostly because of the distinction that TEW brought up (albeit in an unduely invective manner). There comes a point in the development of a fetus where it joins the human race; somewhere between birth and the sperm entering the egg the life of the child becomes just like the life of any adult walking around on his or her own steam. But where is that point? Certainly we can't call an egg that has been penetrated by a sperm a "child", or even a "fetus" for that matter. I may be wrong, but I'm not aware the morning-after pill constitutes abortion for anyone. When a micrscopic bit of tissue starts to develop, there are certain stages it passes through. It begins to develop the anatomy of a human. At a certain point it becomes self-aware. At a certain point it could survive outside of the mother's womb. I would support abortion up until the point has been reached; until it has reached that crucial point where it achieves its humanity, so to speak, I feel it should be the woman's choice to abort it before it does so. Now, I'm even precisely sure what constitutes "humanity", nor am I well-versed enough in terms of biology to point to a time in the pregancy when this stage of development can be reached. But I do believe it exists and abortion is acceptable before this point.

That being said, it you don't want a kid, don't have sex; you can get pregnant even if you use protection.

Also, let's keep it civil, ladies. I like a good catfight as much as the next guy, but its getting kind of tiresome.

Great taste! Less filling! :thup:
nakedemperor said:
That being said, it you don't want a kid, don't have sex; you can get pregnant even if you use protection.

I think that sentence is pretty much what it boils down to. The simple understanding that sex can lead to pregnancy. Imagine that.

I'm willing to throw my hat into the ring on this conversation because I used to hold your opinion.

Let's start with ONE section of this debate...try not to broaden it just yet...keep it at this small level:

You say it is "your body" (firstly, lets understand that when I say "your body" "your choice" "keep your legs closed" they are not insulting you, but rather using the pronoun as a way to make the conversation more personal and easily understandable...)...yet surely you must understand that a fetus (even if it is at its most basic state of cells) is NOT your body.

The cells have not been created by your body, like skin cells or a new lining in the uterine wall after your period...they are cells that are being formed because sperm and egg from TWO seperate people have joined, fertlizing and creating a new thing altogether...

These cells do NOT have your unique DNA...nor do they have the unique DNA of the man you were with...these rapidly growing zygote has its OWN UNIQUE DNA, which is a combonation of the two people that created it.

You can argue that it is not yet a baby...but arguing that it is YOUR body is could not have created it on your would not be there without a specific action taking place...and it is completely unlike you...

Can you see that point?
Most Democrats frankly aren't that concerned with abortion. That's an issue the right likes to use to divide our country. It's the same with guns and gays. These are the right wing wedge issues that bitterly divide America to the delight of right-wing conservatives everywhere.

I personally hope my party doesn't use abortion or any other such wedge issues to make decisions about the future of our party.

lolita715 said:
Why dont you try being civil?? dont insult me, just because Im pro choice does not mean Im not educated!!!
I dont know what I would do? Like I said before I dont think I could have an abortion, but Im still pro choice

Lolita. People dont think your uneducated because you are pro choice. they think you are uneducated because you can spell, can't write grammatically, can't tell the difference between justice and murder, can't form a rational argument, insult and demean people, act self righteous and basically disrespectful.
acludem said:
Most Democrats frankly aren't that concerned with abortion. That's an issue the right likes to use to divide our country. It's the same with guns and gays. These are the right wing wedge issues that bitterly divide America to the delight of right-wing conservatives everywhere.

I personally hope my party doesn't use abortion or any other such wedge issues to make decisions about the future of our party.


Doesnt really surprise me that the "compassionate" liberals aren't concerned with the mass murder of human life. But for most people its repulsive.
acludem said:
Most Democrats frankly aren't that concerned with abortion. That's an issue the right likes to use to divide our country. It's the same with guns and gays. These are the right wing wedge issues that bitterly divide America to the delight of right-wing conservatives everywhere.

I personally hope my party doesn't use abortion or any other such wedge issues to make decisions about the future of our party.


I agree with this statement, but I believe that the democratic party must take a strong stand on these issues, even if they aren't hysterically screaming it out from behind a pulpit-- they are wedge issues because they ellicit a gut reaction from a lot of people, and as relatively unimportant as, say, the gun lobby might be (relative to the national debt of the starting of wars, etc.) it IS a wedge issue, and thus cannot be ignored.

I agree with you. Abortion in the first trimester for me isn't a huge issue. Its between a woman and her doctor. The dividing cells in her body haven't achieved that 'level of humanity' that a new-born has but an egg that's just been penetrated by a sperm doesn't; there's a line there somewhere, and if that line hasn't been crossed, its kosher, IMHO.

Partial-birth abortion, however, is significantly more important to me.
Avatar4321 said:
Lolita. People dont think your uneducated because you are pro choice. they think you are uneducated because you can spell, can't write grammatically, can't tell the difference between justice and murder, can't form a rational argument, insult and demean people, act self righteous and basically disrespectful.

I'm totally not that guy to be a nitpicker, but its amusing how many grammatical and spelling errors are present in this post =)

"People think you are uneducated because you can spell."


Juuuuust playing around
acludem said:
Most Democrats frankly aren't that concerned with abortion. That's an issue the right likes to use to divide our country. It's the same with guns and gays. These are the right wing wedge issues that bitterly divide America to the delight of right-wing conservatives everywhere.

I personally hope my party doesn't use abortion or any other such wedge issues to make decisions about the future of our party.


I agree---It's just a method to instill fear in women that the goal of republicans is to return women to their former "barefoot and pregnant status". Democrats just want the votes and the resulting power. If they can't get it through the electorate, they can get it throught activist courts.

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