Democrats outlawing cars that are not electric

Nobody is going to force you to buy an electric vehicle, but you are still allowed to whine because you think they might. Gun nuts are always quick to point out that driving is a privilege and not a right anyway.
So is voting clueless democrats out of office still a right
They were discussing on some pod the other day that the government is considering making all auto manufacturers install a kill switch on vehicles so they can be disabled by LE.


Every day we are getting closer to a real life episode of black mirror. Its so weird.
people will find out how to disable that quite quickly
You think gasoline powered cars will not be available? Really?
I want to be able to buy a Coke for 10 cents plus 3 cent deposit for the bottle like I did when I was kid. Looks like we're both gonna be disappointed.
His request is reasonable. Yours isn't.
What whining? I am making a point, one you repeatedly feel the need to dodge.
And what point might that be? That technology has advanced to a pint that electric powered vehicles are now feasible? I remember all the whining about new style light bulbs. The world is advancing and moving on. It's your call if you choose to be left behind.
And what point might that be? That technology has advanced to a pint that electric powered vehicles are now feasible? I remember all the whining about new style light bulbs. The world is advancing and moving on. It's your call if you choose to be left behind.

And again you refuse to answer the question of why government has to force the issue.

This isn't advancement, it's government mandated use of inferior products.
And again you refuse to answer the question of why government has to force the issue.

This isn't advancement, it's government mandated use of inferior products.
Your opinion is noted, but only shared by a few likeminded right wing crazies.
Your opinion is noted, but only shared by a few likeminded right wing crazies.

Dismissiveness, another prog trait.

EV's are not superior to ICE vehicles, and won't be until you can charge a battery as fast as you fill a gas tank.
Dismissiveness, another prog trait.

EV's are not superior to ICE vehicles, and won't be until you can charge a battery as fast as you fill a gas tank.
You think I'm being dismissive to you. Good. I was wondering how long it would take you to catch on. Since driving is a privilege, and not a right, as I have heard so often, you should quit whining.
Dismissiveness, another prog trait.

EV's are not superior to ICE vehicles, and won't be until you can charge a battery as fast as you fill a gas tank.
It's a lot cheaper to charge a battery than it is to buy gasoline for the same miles traveled.
You think I'm being dismissive to you. Good. I was wondering how long it would take you to catch on. Since driving is a privilege, and not a right, as I have heard so often, you should quit whining.

Driving is an easily obtained privilege, and the issue is common use of roads, not banning a type of propulsion because of AGW bullshit.

You think you have a gotcha, but you ain't got shit.
Please reread the first 8 words in my post.
Wow...what is the matter with you? for goodness sake...Are opposing opinions so scary to you that you feel you must be a bitch?

I don't wish harm on other people, but you are making me rethink that.

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