Democrats Must Choose Next Year: Lap Dogs Or Guard Dogs?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Thursday's failed rebellion over the omnibus government funding bill offered two radically different models for the Democratic Party over the next two years. Which will it be: a unified, determined opposition or junior partners to a more powerful GOP?

The determined opposition was on display when Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) declared Wednesday that they would do whatever they could -- short of shutting down the government -- to strip a Wall Street giveaway from the so-called cromnibus bill.

It reared up again Thursday when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) delivered an impassioned plea on the House floor to oppose the bill over provisions that chipped away at the Dodd-Frank financial reform law and campaign finance limits.

Pelosi's stand nearly won, almost killing the cromnibus during a procedural vote. The handful of Democrats who had intended to let it go through changed their votes, and every Democrat backed their leader.

"I'm giving you the leverage to do whatever you have to do," Pelosi later told her caucus in a closed-door meeting. "We have enough votes to show them never to do this again."

But then came the matter of final passage of the bill, and Pelosi said her members should vote their consciences. For 57 House Democrats, their inner voices told them to take what they could get from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and let the Republicans have their goodies, too.

Some questioned the fate of Democrats in a GOP-controlled Congress if they were willing to cave now, while they still control the Senate.

"If you let them bully you on this, they're for sure going to bully you on immigration and they're for sure going to bully you on the Affordable Care Act," Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who co-chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told HuffPost in an interview Friday. "At what point do we say no?"

"I don't want to speculate what's going to happen next year, but I think the American people want us to stand tall and oppose a right-wing Republican agenda, which is designed to protect the wealthy and the powerful," said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who caucuses with the Democrats. Sanders then called the anti-Dodd-Frank provisions "disgusting" and a "disaster."

More: Failed Omnibus Revolt Leaves Democrats Pondering Future In The Minority

I hope our elected Democrats give Republicans/Teabaggers a taste of their own medicine. Therefore, I am hopeful that Democrats will be more like guard dogs than lap dogs. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is setting a good far...
oh for crying out loud. Republicans haven't even take over yet and here you are

the sky is falling. You people eat, sleep and live politics
Why are they mutually exclusive? They will continue to be Obamas lap guard and will guard him regardless.
I think Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Maxine Waters need to get the Democrat nomination for President/Vice-President in the 2016 Presidential election. They are probably the only people who act stupid enough to give a Governor Chris Christie/Senator Ted Cruz ticket a run for their money.

Perhaps Warren and Waters can break away and focus on the rabid pit bull stance.

Republicans are pussies. They won't do anything.

That's very good possibility. They just need to realize that this last week has already put Conservatives on edge about their party's Conservative credentials. Failing to actually follow through on the things they promised the electorate this year would likely be the kiss of death for their 2016 candidates.
I hope our elected Democrats give Republicans/Teabaggers a taste of their own medicine. Therefore, I am hopeful that Democrats will be more like guard dogs than lap dogs. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is setting a good far...

I'm fairly certain that's exactly what they'll do. I also hope that the Republicans don't do what the Dems did. I want wallpaper the Oval Office with legislation for Obama to veto. Run the White House out of ink to sign those vetos. Defund EVERYTHING. Repeal EVERYTHING. Make the next two years about giving Mister Obama Carpal-Tunnel syndrome in the arm of the hand he writes with.
I hope our elected Democrats give Republicans/Teabaggers a taste of their own medicine. Therefore, I am hopeful that Democrats will be more like guard dogs than lap dogs. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is setting a good far...

I'm fairly certain that's exactly what they'll do. I also hope that the Republicans don't do what the Dems did. I want wallpaper the Oval Office with legislation for Obama to veto. Run the White House out of ink to sign those vetos. Defund EVERYTHING. Repeal EVERYTHING. Make the next two years about giving Mister Obama Carpal-Tunnel syndrome in the arm of the hand he writes with.

While America continues to crumble from NaziCon obstruction? Yeah, that's a great plan to help Americans.
I think Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Maxine Waters need to get the Democrat nomination for President/Vice-President in the 2016 Presidential election. They are probably the only people who act stupid enough to give a Governor Chris Christie/Senator Ted Cruz ticket a run for their money.

Perhaps Warren and Waters can break away and focus on the rabid pit bull stance.


So you think Citibank should be able to write their own policy into the spending bill?

Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill
Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill
Are you kidding me. Congress and the senate are filled with shit zus, misspelling intended, and chihuahuas.

More like lap dogs for the big banks, according to Ms. Warren. And she's right. Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, et al. are running the country. Eric Holder should have prosecuted many of them for fraud after the mortgage crisis. But not one slimy hair on a Wall Street banker's head has been touched.
While America continues to crumble from NaziCon obstruction? Yeah, that's a great plan to help Americans.

The Government's job isn't to help Americans. That's the responsibility each and every American to do for themselves. I wouldn't allow a single Democrat written bill to even reach a committee. Totally shut everything down until this man is out of the Oval Office. If NOTHING gets passed an signed into law in the next two years..... GREAT!!!!!!!
WASHINGTON -- Thursday's failed rebellion over the omnibus government funding bill offered two radically different models for the Democratic Party over the next two years. Which will it be: a unified, determined opposition or junior partners to a more powerful GOP?

The determined opposition was on display when Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) declared Wednesday that they would do whatever they could -- short of shutting down the government -- to strip a Wall Street giveaway from the so-called cromnibus bill.

It reared up again Thursday when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) delivered an impassioned plea on the House floor to oppose the bill over provisions that chipped away at the Dodd-Frank financial reform law and campaign finance limits.

Pelosi's stand nearly won, almost killing the cromnibus during a procedural vote. The handful of Democrats who had intended to let it go through changed their votes, and every Democrat backed their leader.

"I'm giving you the leverage to do whatever you have to do," Pelosi later told her caucus in a closed-door meeting. "We have enough votes to show them never to do this again."

But then came the matter of final passage of the bill, and Pelosi said her members should vote their consciences. For 57 House Democrats, their inner voices told them to take what they could get from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and let the Republicans have their goodies, too.

Some questioned the fate of Democrats in a GOP-controlled Congress if they were willing to cave now, while they still control the Senate.

"If you let them bully you on this, they're for sure going to bully you on immigration and they're for sure going to bully you on the Affordable Care Act," Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who co-chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told HuffPost in an interview Friday. "At what point do we say no?"

"I don't want to speculate what's going to happen next year, but I think the American people want us to stand tall and oppose a right-wing Republican agenda, which is designed to protect the wealthy and the powerful," said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who caucuses with the Democrats. Sanders then called the anti-Dodd-Frank provisions "disgusting" and a "disaster."

More: Failed Omnibus Revolt Leaves Democrats Pondering Future In The Minority

I hope our elected Democrats give Republicans/Teabaggers a taste of their own medicine. Therefore, I am hopeful that Democrats will be more like guard dogs than lap dogs. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is setting a good far...
So let me get this right..... When Republicans stand up to the majority democrats they are the party of no and have no desire other then to shut the Government down. When Democrats stand up to the majority Republicans they are voting their conscious and what the people want.

I got that right?
I think Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Maxine Waters need to get the Democrat nomination for President/Vice-President in the 2016 Presidential election. They are probably the only people who act stupid enough to give a Governor Chris Christie/Senator Ted Cruz ticket a run for their money.

Perhaps Warren and Waters can break away and focus on the rabid pit bull stance.


So you think Citibank should be able to write their own policy into the spending bill?

Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill
Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill

Uh no ... I didn't say that at all.

I posted that I would love it if Senator Warren and Representative Waters ran for President and Vice President.

By all means I hope they continue to rip Citigroup and anything else those two loons can think of.

Are you kidding me. Congress and the senate are filled with shit zus, misspelling intended, and chihuahuas.

More like lap dogs for the big banks, according to Ms. Warren. And she's right. Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, et al. are running the country. Eric Holder should have prosecuted many of them for fraud after the mortgage crisis. But not one slimy hair on a Wall Street banker's head has been touched.

Nope, she's a corrupt hypocrite just like the rest of them:

Elizabeth Warren crusader against greedy banks made a profit flipping homes - New York Manhattan Conservative
While America continues to crumble from NaziCon obstruction? Yeah, that's a great plan to help Americans.

The Government's job isn't to help Americans. That's the responsibility each and every American to do for themselves. I wouldn't allow a single Democrat written bill to even reach a committee. Totally shut everything down until this man is out of the Oval Office. If NOTHING gets passed an signed into law in the next two years..... GREAT!!!!!!!

"The Government's job isn't to help Americans"? Really? Then why have government?
So shitting bull now supports the Democrats being very thing they claimed the Republicans were and bitched non stop about the party of no.
I think Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Maxine Waters need to get the Democrat nomination for President/Vice-President in the 2016 Presidential election. They are probably the only people who act stupid enough to give a Governor Chris Christie/Senator Ted Cruz ticket a run for their money.

Perhaps Warren and Waters can break away and focus on the rabid pit bull stance.


So you think Citibank should be able to write their own policy into the spending bill?

Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill
Elizabeth Warren Rips Citigroup For Weaseling Wall Street Giveaway Into Government Spending Bill

Uh no ... I didn't say that at all.

I posted that I would love it if Senator Warren and Representative Waters ran for President and Vice President.

By all means I hope they continue to rip Citigroup and anything else those two loons can think of.


We need to give them the power to do it.

If anyone else gets into office, whether they be Republican or Hillary or Biden, the big banks will repeat the scam of the housing bubble all over again. And just like last time, they will become wealthy and the taxpayer will get stuck with the tab of a massive mortgage crisis. It will kick this country into the dirt one last final time.

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