Democrats lie about recession

There was a massive wave of retirements during COVID which drastically impacted the labor force resulting in a lot of inflation as employers scramble to get employees in the tight labor pool.

This has benefited the lower half of the country disproportionately who have seen incomes rise higher than inflation.
haha incomes have not raised higher then inflation…not even close

like are you just making things up?
haha incomes have not raised higher then inflation…not even close

like are you just making things up?
Q1 saw real income growth of 5% if you were in the bottom 50% of income earners. The top 10% saw real income go down 1.5%. Top 1% went down 3.3%.

I don’t have Q2 numbers yet.
Q1 saw real income growth of 5% if you were in the bottom 50% of income earners. The top 10% saw real income go down 1.5%. Top 1% went down 3.3%.

I don’t have Q2 numbers yet.
inflation is 9.1 percent…5 is less…way less

geez dembot
Still waiting for TODAYs economy to be declared a recession
/——-/ I don’t have to prove anything else to you. No matter what sources J post you simply dismiss them for ridiculous reasons.
Well, you post any economic group that has posted a definition of a recession TODAY. Not last month, not last week, not yesterday but TODAY like you demanded of me.
And don’t move the goal posts again.
do you know how to think?
Yes. I do.

Do you know what the word “real” in real income growth means?

Bet you don’t, but you’ll still try to pretend like I’m the stupid one here.
Yes. I do.

Do you know what the word “real” in real income growth means?

Bet you don’t, but you’ll still try to pretend like I’m the stupid one here.
you are lying. Wages have not keep up with inflation…just a complete lie
Im asking one more time if you know what the term “real” means in real income growth?
of course…

and i know you are trying to suggest that the working class has had their real wages increased 5 percent…

which is just a lie…a massive lie
of course…

and i know you are trying to suggest that the working class has had their real wages increased 5 percent…

which is just a lie…a massive lie
If you know what the term “real” means, then why did you try to tell me that 9% inflation was greater than 5% real income growth when real income growth is already corrected for inflation?
If you know what the term “real” means, then why did you try to tell me that 9% inflation was greater than 5% real income growth when real income growth is already corrected for inflation?

  • Economic data has shown during this inflationary period that while nominal wages are higher American workers are not experiencing real wage gains.
  • A new CNBC|Momentive national survey of workers shows that two-thirds say their pay isn’t keeping up with higher prices.
  • Middle-income Americans are now the most squeezed, according to the survey, and the percentage of workers thinking about quitting is at a four-year high.

Inflation Drives Wages Down, Not Up​

Inflation Is Rising Faster Than Pay for Many American Workers​

New research finds many lower-income earners are looking to tax refunds to ease financial pressures.

  • Economic data has shown during this inflationary period that while nominal wages are higher American workers are not experiencing real wage gains.
  • A new CNBC|Momentive national survey of workers shows that two-thirds say their pay isn’t keeping up with higher prices.
  • Middle-income Americans are now the most squeezed, according to the survey, and the percentage of workers thinking about quitting is at a four-year high.

Inflation Drives Wages Down, Not Up​

Inflation Is Rising Faster Than Pay for Many American Workers​

New research finds many lower-income earners are looking to tax refunds to ease financial pressures.

You sure sound like a Trump Republican.
So sound like a lefty idiot, funny thing about lefty idiots, they never want to admit it.
Have Republicans lost their minds? What has Trump done to the Republican Party?

NPR reports, "When Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orbán, arrived in the U.S. this week, he bypassed the White House and President Biden to pay a visit to a more admiring U.S. president. He caught up with former President Donald Trump at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J.

"That was on the way to the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual gathering in Dallas, where Orbán gave the kickoff address on Thursday afternoon.

"Don't worry, a Christian politician cannot be racist, so we should never hesitate to heavily challenge our opponents on these issues," Orbán told his Texan audience. "Be sure: Christian values protect us from going too far."

"To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success. His endurance — he won his fourth straight term as prime minister in April — relies on an unrepentant appeal to a white and Christian heritage for Hungary. It has also depended on rounds of crackdowns on civil liberties and dissenting voices inside the country."

To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success.

I was once a member of the Republican Party due to my adherence to conservative core beliefs. All that ended with Trump and the GOP's abandonment of conservative principles.

It is readily apparent that true American conservatives would not embrace a Hungarian dictator and allow him to be a guest speaker at a Conservative Political Action Conference.

The Republican Party believes that the state should control a woman's health in the case of a pregnancy. It is readily apparent that the Religious Right has superseded conservative principles within the Republican Party. True conservatives believe in less government control, not more, and a woman's body -- and a man's -- is sacrosanct, meaning the absence of government interference.

True American conservatives would come down hard on any President who gave approval to upend a Presidential election without offering proof the election was fraudulent. The Republican Party embraces Trump's baseless claim. He is the leader of the party, and most Republican candidates state without proof that the election was stolen from Trump.

So, I left the Republican Party during the summer of 2020 because of the GOP's complete abandonment of conservative principles.

I don't expect forum Republicans to respond to this message.

After all, what can they say? The truth shall set you free!
Have Republicans lost their minds? What has Trump done to the Republican Party?

NPR reports, "When Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orbán, arrived in the U.S. this week, he bypassed the White House and President Biden to pay a visit to a more admiring U.S. president. He caught up with former President Donald Trump at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J.

"That was on the way to the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual gathering in Dallas, where Orbán gave the kickoff address on Thursday afternoon.

"Don't worry, a Christian politician cannot be racist, so we should never hesitate to heavily challenge our opponents on these issues," Orbán told his Texan audience. "Be sure: Christian values protect us from going too far."

"To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success. His endurance — he won his fourth straight term as prime minister in April — relies on an unrepentant appeal to a white and Christian heritage for Hungary. It has also depended on rounds of crackdowns on civil liberties and dissenting voices inside the country."

To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success.

I was once a member of the Republican Party due to my adherence to conservative core beliefs. All that ended with Trump and the GOP's abandonment of conservative principles.

It is readily apparent that true American conservatives would not embrace a Hungarian dictator and allow him to be a guest speaker at a Conservative Political Action Conference.

The Republican Party believes that the state should control a woman's health in the case of a pregnancy. It is readily apparent that the Religious Right has superseded conservative principles within the Republican Party. True conservatives believe in less government control, not more, and a woman's body -- and a man's -- is sacrosanct, meaning the absence of government interference.

True American conservatives would come down hard on any President who gave approval to upend a Presidential election without offering proof the election was fraudulent. The Republican Party embraces Trump's baseless claim. He is the leader of the party, and most Republican candidates state without proof that the election was stolen from Trump.

So, I left the Republican Party during the summer of 2020 because of the GOP's complete abandonment of conservative principles.

I don't expect forum Republicans to respond to this message.

After all, what can they say? The truth shall set you free!
I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, I dislike Trump. I dislike Biden, I don't like the two corrupt parties, so I have no idea what the hell your point is other than wasting time.

The truth hasn't set you free you still vote for one of the two corrupt parties and every election cycle the candidates get worse and you faithfully vote for worse and get it. You must be so proud.

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