Democrats Instigating Destruction

Let's outline the real provenance so no one will imagine that a fool like you actually understands what has happened.

Liberal welfare policies have led to this moment, these sorts of events.

  1. ā€˜Welfareā€™ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
      "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," by Peter Ferrara, chapter five
There was race protests and riots before welfare..Nice try though.........

There was never a time in America when there was no welfare.

Try not being stupid.
What welfare did the colonialist get? From the govt.???


Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains thathuman needs were taken care of by other human beings-not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the formeralso dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberalā€¦.conservatives donā€™t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

Now compare the above, the result of the efforts ofthe welfare state, to the achievements of earlier ages, specifically colonial times. It was bonds and affiliations that resulted in bothfinancial and moral uplift.
Today, efforts are based on materialism,
and materialism alone is hardly a basis for a satisfying and fulfilling life.

$22 trillion after LBJ's 'war on poverty' and the poverty rate is just were it was half a century ago.

Yet dolts like you are still on board.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

You'll never accept that Liberal welfare policy has no intention of solving poverty.

I will reference the Bible. In the best country the Western Hemisphere had to offer in the time of Jesus human needs were taken care of by no one until "the savior" walked by and touched the poor or ill who were laying in the streets. Even on my coldest day I don't want em lying in the streets lowering my property values, creating parts of town I absolutely can not go to, or sharing their diseases.

Hey, what is your plan btw? A welfare system about 1/2 Awhatbwe have now? Maybe I missed it.

1. Yours is he sort of self-serving nonsense that allows Liberals to do nothing for hide behind some fabrication that the government will do it.

2. ."Leftism, though secular, must be understood as a religion (which is why I have begun capitalizing it). The Leftist value systemā€™s hold on its adherents is as strong as the hold Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have on theirs. Nancy Pelosiā€™s belief in expanding the governmentā€™s role in American life, which inspired her passion for the health-care bill, is as strong as a pro-life Christianā€™s belief in the sanctity of the life of the unborn.

Given the religious nature and the emotional power of Leftist values, Jews and Christians on the Left often derive their values from the Left more than from their religion.

....most Leftist Jews and Christians will counter that Leftist values cannot trump their religionā€™s values because Leftist values are identical to their religionā€™s. But this argument only reinforces my argument that Leftism has conquered the Christianity and the Judaism of Leftist Christians and Jews. If there is no difference between Leftist moral values and those of Judaism or Christianity, then Christianity is little more than Leftism with ā€œJesusā€ rhetoric..."
Leftism the Religion National Review Online

3. Well, how was "welfare" formerly handled? Noted in the minutes of the Fairfield, Connecticut town council meeting: "April 16, 1673, Seriant Squire and Sam moorhouse [agreed] to Take care of Roger knaps family in this time of their great weaknes...."
"Heritage of American Social Work: Readings in Its Philosophical and Institutional Development," by Ralph Pumphrey and W. Muriel Pumphrey, p.22.

4. November, 1753, from the Chelmsford, Massachusetts town meeting: "payment to Mr. W. Parker for takng one Joanna Cory, a poor child of John Cory, deceased, and to take caree of her while [until] 18 years old."
See The Social Service Review XI (September 1937), p. 452.

5. The Scots' Charitable Society, organized in 1684, "open[ed] the bowells of our compassion" to widows like Mrs. Stewart, who had "lost the use of her left arm" and whose husband was "Wash'd Overboard in a Storm."
Pumphrey, Op.Cit., p. 29.

6. And here is the major difference between current efforts and the earlier: charity was not handed out indiscriminately- "no prophane or diselut person, or openly scandelous shall have any pairt or portione herein."

The able-bodied were expected to find work,and if they chose not to, was considered perfectly appropriate to press them to change their mind.
Olasky, "The Tragedy of American Compassion," chapter one.
There was race protests and riots before welfare..Nice try though.........

There was never a time in America when there was no welfare.

Try not being stupid.
What welfare did the colonialist get? From the govt.???


Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains thathuman needs were taken care of by other human beings-not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the formeralso dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberalā€¦.conservatives donā€™t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

Now compare the above, the result of the efforts ofthe welfare state, to the achievements of earlier ages, specifically colonial times. It was bonds and affiliations that resulted in bothfinancial and moral uplift.
Today, efforts are based on materialism,
and materialism alone is hardly a basis for a satisfying and fulfilling life.

$22 trillion after LBJ's 'war on poverty' and the poverty rate is just were it was half a century ago.

Yet dolts like you are still on board.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

You'll never accept that Liberal welfare policy has no intention of solving poverty.

I will reference the Bible. In the best country the Western Hemisphere had to offer in the time of Jesus human needs were taken care of by no one until "the savior" walked by and touched the poor or ill who were laying in the streets. Even on my coldest day I don't want em lying in the streets lowering my property values, creating parts of town I absolutely can not go to, or sharing their diseases.

Hey, what is your plan btw? A welfare system about 1/2 Awhatbwe have now? Maybe I missed it.

1. Yours is he sort of self-serving nonsense that allows Liberals to do nothing for hide behind some fabrication that the government will do it.

2. ."Leftism, though secular, must be understood as a religion (which is why I have begun capitalizing it). The Leftist value systemā€™s hold on its adherents is as strong as the hold Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have on theirs. Nancy Pelosiā€™s belief in expanding the governmentā€™s role in American life, which inspired her passion for the health-care bill, is as strong as a pro-life Christianā€™s belief in the sanctity of the life of the unborn.

Given the religious nature and the emotional power of Leftist values, Jews and Christians on the Left often derive their values from the Left more than from their religion.

....most Leftist Jews and Christians will counter that Leftist values cannot trump their religionā€™s values because Leftist values are identical to their religionā€™s. But this argument only reinforces my argument that Leftism has conquered the Christianity and the Judaism of Leftist Christians and Jews. If there is no difference between Leftist moral values and those of Judaism or Christianity, then Christianity is little more than Leftism with ā€œJesusā€ rhetoric..."
Leftism the Religion National Review Online

3. Well, how was "welfare" formerly handled? Noted in the minutes of the Fairfield, Connecticut town council meeting: "April 16, 1673, Seriant Squire and Sam moorhouse [agreed] to Take care of Roger knaps family in this time of their great weaknes...."
"Heritage of American Social Work: Readings in Its Philosophical and Institutional Development," by Ralph Pumphrey and W. Muriel Pumphrey, p.22.

4. November, 1753, from the Chelmsford, Massachusetts town meeting: "payment to Mr. W. Parker for takng one Joanna Cory, a poor child of John Cory, deceased, and to take caree of her while [until] 18 years old."
See The Social Service Review XI (September 1937), p. 452.

5. The Scots' Charitable Society, organized in 1684, "open[ed] the bowells of our compassion" to widows like Mrs. Stewart, who had "lost the use of her left arm" and whose husband was "Wash'd Overboard in a Storm."
Pumphrey, Op.Cit., p. 29.

6. And here is the major difference between current efforts and the earlier: charity was not handed out indiscriminately- "no prophane or diselut person, or openly scandelous shall have any pairt or portione herein."

The able-bodied were expected to find work,and if they chose not to, was considered perfectly appropriate to press them to change their mind.
Olasky, "The Tragedy of American Compassion," chapter one.

So you support no, some, less or more welfare? Heck, got a link?

The idea that you, me, my neighbor, your neighbors, will suddenly all change our ways and become more giving if we see poor in the street seems like wishful thinking to me. Maybe it is my cynical self.

To get you started talking about specifics of you plan...

Except for the genocide part I LOVE our welfare plan ofnthe 19th Century. If folks needed work the government gave them land and said go do something with it and itnis yours! Back in the day that was as good as a job.

Now we virtually exterminated a race and used the military to steal their lands repeatedly but it did work. Plus who do we obtain land from to give away now? Canada or Mexico? So we must come up with better ideas.
9. There is a solution, and it comes from Chloe Valdary, a student at the University of New Orleans,...

" Many people believed that the election of a black President would advance America to a new era of racial harmony.
That belief proved to be mistaken.

.... many people feel that they have to treat blacks with kid gloves. They think this is noble... enlightened... progressive. It's not. It's demeaning and condescending. In fact, it's racist.

Rioting and looting are acceptable forms of behavior? Why? Because the rioters and looters have no other options? Really? In free, democratic America, you have no other options? Does this apply to all ethnic groups? Hispanics? Southeast Asians? Pacific Islanders? Of course not.

.... the enlightened ones -- are ready with a pre-packaged list of excuses when blacks riot and loot. Worse, when it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don't matter. All that matters is the skin color of the teenager and the skin color of the cop.

Anyone, whether white or any other color, who excuses blacks for bad behavior just because they are black obviously doesn't consider blacks their equal. Rather, they view blacks, in effect, as children who are unable to adhere to the standards to which every other group is held. Think carefully about that. The only difference between this view and that of white supremacists is that white supremacists are honest and open: in their view blacks are inferior to whites. Period.

But those who condescend to blacks cloak themselves in self-righteousness. So, somehow that makes it okay. The bad behavior happens -- a riot in Ferguson -- and they nod knowingly: "They couldn't take it anymore. Who can blame them?" I'll take the white supremacist any day.

.... as a black human being, I want to be -- I must be --judged by the same standards as everybody else...

Treat blacks equally. Always. In every way. Not differently. Not better. Not worse. Not like we're demons. Not like we're angels."

Excerpt from OP's post:

9. There is a solution, and it comes from Chloe Valdary, a student at the University of New Orleans,...

" Many people believed that the election of a black President would advance America to a new era of racial harmony.
That belief proved to be mistaken.

Many of those people had no clue, that man in black had only one goal and that was to destroy America's prosperity by killing jobs, dividing and conquering her people, soar to a national debt so high, there can never be a return and to reduce their military to toy soldiers.
There was never a time in America when there was no welfare.

Try not being stupid.
What welfare did the colonialist get? From the govt.???


Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains thathuman needs were taken care of by other human beings-not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the formeralso dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberalā€¦.conservatives donā€™t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

Now compare the above, the result of the efforts ofthe welfare state, to the achievements of earlier ages, specifically colonial times. It was bonds and affiliations that resulted in bothfinancial and moral uplift.
Today, efforts are based on materialism,
and materialism alone is hardly a basis for a satisfying and fulfilling life.

$22 trillion after LBJ's 'war on poverty' and the poverty rate is just were it was half a century ago.

Yet dolts like you are still on board.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

You'll never accept that Liberal welfare policy has no intention of solving poverty.

I will reference the Bible. In the best country the Western Hemisphere had to offer in the time of Jesus human needs were taken care of by no one until "the savior" walked by and touched the poor or ill who were laying in the streets. Even on my coldest day I don't want em lying in the streets lowering my property values, creating parts of town I absolutely can not go to, or sharing their diseases.

Hey, what is your plan btw? A welfare system about 1/2 Awhatbwe have now? Maybe I missed it.

1. Yours is he sort of self-serving nonsense that allows Liberals to do nothing for hide behind some fabrication that the government will do it.

2. ."Leftism, though secular, must be understood as a religion (which is why I have begun capitalizing it). The Leftist value systemā€™s hold on its adherents is as strong as the hold Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have on theirs. Nancy Pelosiā€™s belief in expanding the governmentā€™s role in American life, which inspired her passion for the health-care bill, is as strong as a pro-life Christianā€™s belief in the sanctity of the life of the unborn.

Given the religious nature and the emotional power of Leftist values, Jews and Christians on the Left often derive their values from the Left more than from their religion.

....most Leftist Jews and Christians will counter that Leftist values cannot trump their religionā€™s values because Leftist values are identical to their religionā€™s. But this argument only reinforces my argument that Leftism has conquered the Christianity and the Judaism of Leftist Christians and Jews. If there is no difference between Leftist moral values and those of Judaism or Christianity, then Christianity is little more than Leftism with ā€œJesusā€ rhetoric..."
Leftism the Religion National Review Online

3. Well, how was "welfare" formerly handled? Noted in the minutes of the Fairfield, Connecticut town council meeting: "April 16, 1673, Seriant Squire and Sam moorhouse [agreed] to Take care of Roger knaps family in this time of their great weaknes...."
"Heritage of American Social Work: Readings in Its Philosophical and Institutional Development," by Ralph Pumphrey and W. Muriel Pumphrey, p.22.

4. November, 1753, from the Chelmsford, Massachusetts town meeting: "payment to Mr. W. Parker for takng one Joanna Cory, a poor child of John Cory, deceased, and to take caree of her while [until] 18 years old."
See The Social Service Review XI (September 1937), p. 452.

5. The Scots' Charitable Society, organized in 1684, "open[ed] the bowells of our compassion" to widows like Mrs. Stewart, who had "lost the use of her left arm" and whose husband was "Wash'd Overboard in a Storm."
Pumphrey, Op.Cit., p. 29.

6. And here is the major difference between current efforts and the earlier: charity was not handed out indiscriminately- "no prophane or diselut person, or openly scandelous shall have any pairt or portione herein."

The able-bodied were expected to find work,and if they chose not to, was considered perfectly appropriate to press them to change their mind.
Olasky, "The Tragedy of American Compassion," chapter one.

So you support no, some, less or more welfare? Heck, got a link?

The idea that you, me, my neighbor, your neighbors, will suddenly all change our ways and become more giving if we see poor in the street seems like wishful thinking to me. Maybe it is my cynical self.

To get you started talking about specifics of you plan...

Except for the genocide part I LOVE our welfare plan ofnthe 19th Century. If folks needed work the government gave them land and said go do something with it and itnis yours! Back in the day that was as good as a job.

Now we virtually exterminated a race and used the military to steal their lands repeatedly but it did work. Plus who do we obtain land from to give away now? Canada or Mexico? So we must come up with better ideas.

Although the author Daniel Silva used this description in a different connection, nothing could be more appropriate as a description of Liberals:

They come in two varieties- those willing to be used, and those too stupid to realize that they are being used.
1. The proximate cause of riots in Ferguson and Baltimore was police action...but we are regularly told that the rage has been simmering for decades.

If police-involved deaths were the match, the fuel for the explosion has been poverty, unemployment and discrimination. we have been told.
Over and over.
The facts are very different.

2. Crime data for blacks contradicts widespread beliefs as to causes of same, e.g., poverty, unemployment and discrimination. First fact: prior to the decade of the 60ā€™s, crime among black and white Americans was declining. It was after the historic civil rights that black riots in the urban ghettos began.

And the riots did not begin where blacks were poorest and most oppressed, the South. There were 34 deaths in Watts, and more, 43 in black riots in Detroit two years later.

a.While Detroit had the worst riots, the poverty rate among Detroitā€™s blacks was only half of that of blacks nationallyā€¦.and its homeownership rate among blacks was the highest in the nation, - and black unemployment rate was 3.4%,- lower than among whites nationally! So the riots were hardly based on economic factors.

b. The riots following the death of Martin Luther King resulted in Chicago Mayor Daley issuing a highly publicized ā€˜shoot to killā€™ order. Denounced by many, but the result was that deaths from riots in Chicago were a fraction of what they were in cities like Detroit where more humane and sympathetic expressions were used and the police restrained.

c. The most urban ghetto riots occurred during the Johnson administration; there was not one major urban riot during th entire eight years of the Reagan administration."
"Economic Facts and Fallacies," by Thomas Sowell, chapter six

Where, then, should we look for the instigation, the incitement, the impetus for the racial violence that is making its return?

3. The venues in which we find the violence is wholly owned and operated by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

And it is these elites who, sotto voce, push for the kind of anarchy we are witnessing.
From the start of his presidency, Barack Obama gave a cue as to how his 'amen corner' should view police.

"I wasn't there....but the police acted stupidly."

"But, but ... I'm not a racist, liberals, progressives and Democrats are"

And so it began.

"An agent provocateur (French for "inciting agent") is an undercover agent who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act. An agent provocateur may be acting out of their own sense of nationalism/duty or may be employed by the police or other entity to discredit or harm another group (e.g., peaceful protest or demonstration) by provoking them to commit a crime - thus, undermining the protest or demonstration as whole.

"To prevent infiltration by agents provocateurs,[1] the organizers of large or controversial assemblies may deploy and coordinate demonstration marshals, also called stewards."

A troll on steroids, is an agent provocateur on political forums, and is the genre of PoliticalChic. Thread after thread is of the same form and with the same intent.

I doubt that her cause, clearly an obsession, has convinced anyone but the most biddable of the self described conservatives on this message board of the truth of her allegations.

Consider me the steward.
Six cops indicted on multiple charges of some form of police brutality and negligence, and the OP tries to blame it on Obama supposedly being a Maoist.

This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Lol. Almost.

Ey, I think all kinds of things can be modified about the way we as a country do business. It is nice to just hear other people's ideas and add parts of them to your own.

I will give you drug testing as a requirement for welfare drug testing if u give me mortgage deduction drug testing for homes over 150k for example.
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?
I am so looking forward to you two in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!

Fifty years of the same welfare policies, $22 trillion of taxpayer treasure thrown down this Liberal sewer....

......and the 'poverty rate' is almost identical to what it was when the vaunted 'War on Poverty' was mounted.

Could you two be any more stupid?

If each of you had half a'd still only have half a brain.
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?

It certainly has been 'proven' in the court of public opinion....but to admit it, you'd have to lose your title 'NYLiar.'

"The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police officer Darren Wilson killed unarmed teen Michael Brown were Barack Obamaā€™s fault."
Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think The Nation

In your face, boyyyeeeee.
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?

It certainly has been 'proven' in the court of public opinion....but to admit it, you'd have to lose your title 'NYLiar.'

"The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police officer Darren Wilson killed unarmed teen Michael Brown were Barack Obamaā€™s fault."
Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think The Nation

In your face, boyyyeeeee.

And to quote the article your link took me to" He can be faultedā€”or rather creditedā€”with helping ignite the refusal of black citizens to be relegated to second-class status in the wake of Brown's slaying."
And it said something about Obama being on vacation and Holder being sent as a good move. It also criticized the national guard being called out and the curfew.

The part about the guard being called out being a flash point, and least in round 2 after the non-indictment, the night of the fires, is wrong. Therd was looting and chaos before the guard went anyplace noticable. That was a bad night.

It is good of Obama to remind black folks they are full citizens though, right? The article seems to cynically claim that is good.

Obama did not change the old white boy culture down the street (6 miles) from me in dying Ferguson I suppose....Ferguson is actually less bad than other communities near bad is a bit of interesting trivia. Moline Acres, now they have some ghetto with $10,000 suburb era housing.
1. The proximate cause of riots in Ferguson and Baltimore was police action...but we are regularly told that the rage has been simmering for decades.

If police-involved deaths were the match, the fuel for the explosion has been poverty, unemployment and discrimination. we have been told.
Over and over.
The facts are very different.

2. Crime data for blacks contradicts widespread beliefs as to causes of same, e.g., poverty, unemployment and discrimination. First fact: prior to the decade of the 60ā€™s, crime among black and white Americans was declining. It was after the historic civil rights that black riots in the urban ghettos began.

And the riots did not begin where blacks were poorest and most oppressed, the South. There were 34 deaths in Watts, and more, 43 in black riots in Detroit two years later.

a.While Detroit had the worst riots, the poverty rate among Detroitā€™s blacks was only half of that of blacks nationallyā€¦.and its homeownership rate among blacks was the highest in the nation, - and black unemployment rate was 3.4%,- lower than among whites nationally! So the riots were hardly based on economic factors.

b. The riots following the death of Martin Luther King resulted in Chicago Mayor Daley issuing a highly publicized ā€˜shoot to killā€™ order. Denounced by many, but the result was that deaths from riots in Chicago were a fraction of what they were in cities like Detroit where more humane and sympathetic expressions were used and the police restrained.

c. The most urban ghetto riots occurred during the Johnson administration; there was not one major urban riot during th entire eight years of the Reagan administration."
"Economic Facts and Fallacies," by Thomas Sowell, chapter six

Where, then, should we look for the instigation, the incitement, the impetus for the racial violence that is making its return?

3. The venues in which we find the violence is wholly owned and operated by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

And it is these elites who, sotto voce, push for the kind of anarchy we are witnessing.
From the start of his presidency, Barack Obama gave a cue as to how his 'amen corner' should view police.

"I wasn't there....but the police acted stupidly."

And so it began.

This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?

It certainly has been 'proven' in the court of public opinion....but to admit it, you'd have to lose your title 'NYLiar.'

"The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police officer Darren Wilson killed unarmed teen Michael Brown were Barack Obamaā€™s fault."
Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think The Nation

In your face, boyyyeeeee.

In your face, simple-minded girl. From your very own link, PoliticalTwit. Damn, you are the poster girl for shooting one's self in the foot:

"""Still, despite Obamaā€™s equivocationsā€”and also somewhat against his willā€”the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, were his fault. And he should be proud.

"""The people of Ferguson and those in solidarity with them took to the streets within a context of racial repression broader than just one horrific shooting. Between 2005 and 2012, African-Americans have been killed by white police officers at the rate of nearly twice a week. In the month preceding Brownā€™s slaying, police in this country killed at least four unarmed black men. And in a state like Missouri, African-American drivers are the targets of 92 percent of vehicle searches conducted by police, even though illegal items are found in less than 25 percent of these searches.

The fact that Barack Obama is the president of the United States is the most tangible daily reminder that black people are full citizens of the United States, endowed with the same inalienable rights as their fellow Americans, and capable of exerting their political will to bring forth the political and policy outcomes they prefer. President Obama is the contemporary embodiment of the astonishing possibilities of black citizenship. He can be faultedā€”or rather creditedā€”with helping ignite the refusal of black citizens to be relegated to second-class status in the wake of Brownā€™s slaying.""

Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think The Nation
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?

It certainly has been 'proven' in the court of public opinion....but to admit it, you'd have to lose your title 'NYLiar.'

"The protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police officer Darren Wilson killed unarmed teen Michael Brown were Barack Obamaā€™s fault."
Obama Is Responsible for the Protests in Ferguson but Not in the Way You Think The Nation

In your face, boyyyeeeee.

The opinion of that idiot Melissa Harris-Perry is the court of public opinion? lol you're losing it, again.

Name the riot that Obama incited with his Gates comments. That was your claim.
I am so looking forward to you two in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!

Fifty years of the same welfare policies, $22 trillion of taxpayer treasure thrown down this Liberal sewer....

......and the 'poverty rate' is almost identical to what it was when the vaunted 'War on Poverty' was mounted.

Could you two be any more stupid?

If each of you had half a'd still only have half a brain.

Tell us what the poverty rate would be if none of those programs had been implemented.
This is just too weird. All complaints, no suggestions as to what the system should be with you PC. Heck, I talk about things as ridiculous as annexing Mexico when brainstorming. Your ideas have to be worth mentioning simply. Don't be shy and hide behind quotes.

I agree NYcarbineer.

Athena, are you saying Obama is trying to ruin the country or does he just have different ideas that you believe will not work?

"I agree NYcarbineer."

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Did you come up yet with a riot that can be proven to have been incited by Obama?

Yes it was called Ferguson, before that it was Trayvon Martin. So yes the far left and their religious propaganda are the fore front..

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