Democrats in the News and it is not pretty.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Just a recap of what has happened inthe past and some hints on why it still revilement.
Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Michael F. Haverluck (
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Leftist billionaire George Soros is funding the well-organized anti-Trump migrant caravan invasion from Central America that has been hitting the United States-Mexico border in defiance of immigration enforcement.

Several major ultra-liberal foundations and corporations have supported the asylum-seeking migrant caravans, and Soros’ funding has been tied to several groups that have spearheaded the “refugee” invasion coalition – also dubbed “the Soros Express.”

“The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, ut the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA,” WND reported. “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.”

Former AILA President Victor Nieblas Pradas is behind the Soros-led caravans and contends that detaining mothers and their children who break into the U.S. illegally is inhumane, unfair and unjust.

"There is simply no humane way to detain families,” Pradis declared in an AILA announcement. “Asylum seeking families should be given due process, not expedited removal – and the end of the road must be the end of family detention entirely."

Soros in cahoots with big-time leftist players on immigration

With the CARA coalition being officially announced last week, it was also reported by WND that other groups financially supporting the northbound Central American migrant caravans through Mexico include the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and the MacArthur Foundation.

It was also stressed that there are deep ties between this left-wing activism attacking the border and corporate and foundation sponsorship, as Pueblo Sin Fronteras has been recognized as a member of the National Day Laborer Network – a group affiliated with United for Justice and Peace, Caravan Against Fear and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

“Alex Mensing is one of the organizers of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras group, [who is] serving as an official spokesman at the border,” WND informed. “While identifying himself as a paralegal at the University of San Francisco’s Immigration and Deportation Defense Law Clinic, he also works with CARA [and] regularly briefs leftist website and magazine Mother Jones – also a major recipient of Soros grants.

The financial and political connections between Soros and the radical pro-immigration activist group was revealed last month.

“After following the money, it becomes clear where Mother Jones’ agenda lies,” Big League Politics (BLP) divulged last month. “A report from CNS News shows that Mother Jones has received immense funding from George Soros through the Foundation for National Progress, which has received over $1 million from George Soros.”

His interference with national borders is challenging numerous governments’ customs policies so that he can unleash his global mass-immigration movement, which is being countered across the globe.

“George Soros has a clear incentive for groups like Pueblo Sin Fronteras flooding into the United States,” BLP’s Luke Rohlfing added. “He has been pushing for more open immigration laws around the world, resulting in him being condemned by world leaders.”

Dems uniting with Soros to push pro-immigration platform

Cash-strapped Democrats are grateful for Soros’ deep pockets, as elected officials are happy to forward the billionaire’s anti-Trump, pro-immigration agenda.

“The Democratic Party links are also in strong evidence, [as] earlier this month, Oregon’s Democratic Governor Kate Brown accepted a contribution to her re-election campaign from Soros – his first direct involvement in that state’s elections,” WND noted. “Three days later, Brown announced the Oregon National Guard would not be participating in President Trump’s effort to get the Guard providing border security.”

Oregon Republican Chairman Bill Currier pointed out the leftwing conspiracy masterminded by Soros and funded by his deep pockets.

“Kate Brown has consistently ignored problems facing everyday Oregonians and has instead used the office of governor to make herself a national left-wing celebrity,” Currier contended, according to WND. “Now, Brown is cashing in and taking big campaign donations from notorious leftist puppet master, billionaire George Soros.”
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