Democrats hate every Republican President, this is nothing new


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The Democrats hate every Republican President, this is nothing new. They think they're entitled to power, and act like whiney bitchy babies every time they don't get it.

The best thing to do about the Democrats is realize that they are evil people who are all going to hell, unless they repent, which they probably won't.

If you don't believe me that Democrats are evil, take a look at a photo of an aborted baby and realize that thanks to the Democrats, 3000 unborn babies are murdered in cold blood every day.

That's a pretty hard number to get a mental grip on, it numbs the mind.

Just imagine an opera house full of people watching a show, and watching it explode and everyone blown apart in little bits and dying, and realize that the Democrats are the terrorists who kill an opera house full of people every day, like clockwork, making them worse than ISIS or even the Nazis or the Communists.

They've murdered 58 million people so far, and no end is in sight to how many more people they will kill.

58,586,256 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 |

Keep in mind that their victims are innocent little babies who never hurt anyone, and that makes their evil all the more obvious.

Hell is already full of millions of Democrats in hell, and thousands of new Democrats die every day and join the other Democrats in hell. They are burning in pain, and crying out, but no one deserves hell more than a Democrat.
The weird thing about Democrats is, they think they're the good guys, even though they're the ones murdering and chopping up babies and selling their body parts for a profit.

They're totally deluded, and probably insane.
Democrats hate everybody

They especially hate themselves. Would that they would act upon it and leave the rest of us alone.
The Democrats hate every Republican President, this is nothing new. They think they're entitled to power, and act like whiney bitchy babies every time they don't get it.

The best thing to do about the Democrats is realize that they are evil people who are all going to hell, unless they repent, which they probably won't.

If you don't believe me that Democrats are evil, take a look at a photo of an aborted baby and realize that thanks to the Democrats, 3000 unborn babies are murdered in cold blood every day.

That's a pretty hard number to get a mental grip on, it numbs the mind.

Just imagine an opera house full of people watching a show, and watching it explode and everyone blown apart in little bits and dying, and realize that the Democrats are the terrorists who kill an opera house full of people every day, like clockwork, making them worse than ISIS or even the Nazis or the Communists.

They've murdered 58 million people so far, and no end is in sight to how many more people they will kill.

58,586,256 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 |

Keep in mind that their victims are innocent little babies who never hurt anyone, and that makes their evil all the more obvious.

Hell is already full of millions of Democrats in hell, and thousands of new Democrats die every day and join the other Democrats in hell. They are burning in pain, and crying out, but no one deserves hell more than a Democrat.

Just a reminder that the republican party threw President Bush under the bus after they used him up and spit him out, I actually feel sorry for him ....He knows it and so do the Americans paying attention...
"My objective is to make Barack Obama a one term President." Mitch McConnell senate majority leader.

"I hope he fails!" Rush Limbaugh, partisan blowhard

Oh! The love shown Democrat President's from Republicans!
I agree with the OP that this is nothing new....but the way they are going about attacking President Trump is totally unheard off....everybody in the political world agrees.....the disgusting viciousness of these attacks from the Shadow government and the Demrats has reached levels never seen before. :mad-61:
I agree with the OP that this is nothing new....but the way they are going about attacking President Trump is totally unheard off....everybody in the political world agrees.....the disgusting viciousness of these attacks from the Shadow government and the Demrats has reached levels never seen before. :mad-61:
How culpable is Trump in his problems? His tweets, the now revealyemail chain, the undisclosed meetings. Some of his problems are born of his own doing.
Democrats believe that every time they lose an election it is stolen from them. Democrats never accepted Bush as president and he was elected twice.

If you think it's bad now, when Trump is reelected, they will go so crazy they will be blowing up trains and buses.
I agree with the OP that this is nothing new....but the way they are going about attacking President Trump is totally unheard off....everybody in the political world agrees.....the disgusting viciousness of these attacks from the Shadow government and the Demrats has reached levels never seen before. :mad-61:
How culpable is Trump in his problems? His tweets, the now revealyemail chain, the undisclosed meetings. Some of his problems are born of his own doing.

You are wrong.
The Democrats hate every Republican President, this is nothing new. They think they're entitled to power, and act like whiney bitchy babies every time they don't get it.

The best thing to do about the Democrats is realize that they are evil people who are all going to hell, unless they repent, which they probably won't.

If you don't believe me that Democrats are evil, take a look at a photo of an aborted baby and realize that thanks to the Democrats, 3000 unborn babies are murdered in cold blood every day.

That's a pretty hard number to get a mental grip on, it numbs the mind.

Just imagine an opera house full of people watching a show, and watching it explode and everyone blown apart in little bits and dying, and realize that the Democrats are the terrorists who kill an opera house full of people every day, like clockwork, making them worse than ISIS or even the Nazis or the Communists.

They've murdered 58 million people so far, and no end is in sight to how many more people they will kill.

58,586,256 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 |

Keep in mind that their victims are innocent little babies who never hurt anyone, and that makes their evil all the more obvious.

Hell is already full of millions of Democrats in hell, and thousands of new Democrats die every day and join the other Democrats in hell. They are burning in pain, and crying out, but no one deserves hell more than a Democrat.
Eisenhower created the national highway system and NASA. Who could hate him?

I don't really hate them, but I hate damage caused by Reagan, Bush and Trump and all the lives lost.
"My objective is to make Barack Obama a one term President." Mitch McConnell senate majority leader.

"I hope he fails!" Rush Limbaugh, partisan blowhard

Oh! The love shown Democrat President's from Republicans!

Dumbass Libtard. Can't you jerks get ANYTHING into the right context?

What Limbaugh meant was that if Obama succeeded, we'd get the Obamacare disaster, an IRS scandal, a broken military, a gay White House, horrible for America trade deals, energy dependence on foreign nations, trillion more in debt....and on ALL those points Obama succeeded. It's a damn shame Obama had the successes he did. All of them fucked Americans.......which makes libtards VERY proud and happy.

Lean a little closer to the screen so I can Internet Bitch Slap your ass
Not all Democraticans hate all Republican Presidents....

there would be ZERO Republican Presidents the last century if there were not registered Democraticans voting for them... even Trump would not be president, if it were not for registered democraticans/democrats voting for him.
I agree with the OP that this is nothing new....but the way they are going about attacking President Trump is totally unheard off....everybody in the political world agrees.....the disgusting viciousness of these attacks from the Shadow government and the Demrats has reached levels never seen before. :mad-61:
How culpable is Trump in his problems? His tweets, the now revealyemail chain, the undisclosed meetings. Some of his problems are born of his own doing.

You are wrong.
Is it really that simple? Is it really that easy?

If you drank the koolaid I suppose so. But the real world sees it much differently. Here's a hint: the emperor is naked.
What's important to realize about the Democrats is they've always been sore losers.

They lost the election of 1860, and because they were sore losers they started a Civil War that killed 600,000 people.

Then they lost that war, so because they were sore losers they started wearing sheets, burning crosses, and lynching black folks and Republicans.
What's important to realize about the Democrats is they've always been sore losers.

They lost the election of 1860, and because they were sore losers they started a Civil War that killed 600,000 people.

Then they lost that war, so because they were sore losers they started wearing sheets, burning crosses, and lynching black folks and Republicans.
Have Republicans always been Conservatives? Lincoln, who fought a war to preserve the union and against the doctrine of state's rights. Theodore Roosevelt who broke up monopolies and trusts. Garfield who fought for civil rights before we called it civil rights?

Has political ideology always accompanied political party?'s not just our presidents they go nuts over.

Just one example would be ANY well-known black Republican or conservative. The dimocrat attack dogs break out the Oreos, house nigga, Uncle Tom, etc. claptrap every single time. It's as sure as death, taxes, and the sun coming up for them.

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