Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response

... which does not excuses their foibles, crimes, and shortcomings. Just tell the truthful story.
Why the need to denigrate them? What's the point of that? History is what it is...What you're doing is trying to apply todays morays to that time...It's a fail on your part...
Nothing that exists now would exist without what came before. If things happened differently in the past then they would be different today. You could make the same exact argument about Hitler. Without Hitler and the Nazis we wouldn't have the world we have today. We don't have the state of Israel. We wouldn't have the so called "greatest generation". That doesn't mean we have to celebrate Hitler.
No, but he does have a place in history. What you and your ilk try to do is erase that which you think offensive, instead of learning from it, therefore you'll be doomed to repeat it.
No, but he does have a place in history. What you and your ilk try to do is erase that which you think offensive, instead of learning from it, therefore you'll be doomed to repeat it.
No one is trying to erase history you clown. I'm more than happy to have American children learn that the Founders were slavers, rapists and generally pieces of human shit.
No one is trying to erase history you clown. I'm more than happy to have American children learn that the Founders were slavers, rapists and generally pieces of human shit.
Yes, you'd love to teach children that America is an ignoble venture wouldn't you? You piece of shit.
Nope. Just the slavers and their ignorant idolaters. Harriet Tubman was just about one of the greatest Americans to ever live. That's the America I celebrate. Not the deplorable mutant slavers.

Blacks were the largest suppliers of blacks to the trade. EVERY culture (which doesn't make it ok) was involved with it. Blacks practiced it, Arabs still do. American Indians practiced it. Get off your high horse and just shut the eff up.
Yes, you'd love to teach children that America is an ignoble venture wouldn't you? You piece of shit.
Are we talking about the past or the present? I made my case for why and how the Americans of the past were ignoble and deplorable and you really have no counter argument. That doesn't mean anything with regards to today.
Blacks were the largest of blacks to the trade. EVERY culture (which doesn't make it ok) was involved with it. Blacks practiced it, Arabs still do. American Indians practiced it. Get off your high horse and just shut the eff up.
Biden is responsible for child trafficking today that is putting these children in slave labor here in America.
Blacks were the largest of blacks to the trade. EVERY culture (which doesn't make it ok) was involved with it. Blacks practiced it, Arabs still do. American Indians practiced it. Get off your high horse and just shut the eff up.
I'm not suggesting we venerate or idolize African or Asian slavers either. I'm not sure what high horse you're referring to. I don't find not celebrating monsters to be that high of a bar you seem to think it is. For me that seems pretty basic.
Why the need to denigrate them? What's the point of that? History is what it is...What you're doing is trying to apply todays morays to that time...It's a fail on your part...
History is: Jefferson was an enslaver, an abuser of Sally Hemings who as a slave could not consent to sexual relations, and a writer of the DoI.

Those are truths, j-mac.
History is: Jefferson was an enslaver, an abuser of Sally Hemings who as a slave could not consent to sexual relations, and a writer of the DoI.

Those are truths, j-mac.
Ok, and at that time, as wrong as it was, it was within society’s norms. Thank goodness we ended it.
Ok, and at that time, as wrong as it was, it was within society’s norms. Thank goodness we ended it.
It being normal in early American society to enslave and rape makes a pretty good case for early American society being a basket of deplorables.

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