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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has gone from bad to worse to down right criminal. The beauty of it is that the world is watching and their actions are manufacturing more conservatives every day. The bad news is that a lot of good people are getting hurt in the process.

Conservatives: I cannot stress this enough. You must be armed 24x7. When you attend these events, arm yourself (firearms, knives, teasers, mace, etc.). Not just one of those. All of those. Go in groups and defend yourselves. Use the minimum force necessary to end the violence against you (up to and including lethal force). Whatever level you were forced into using, keep them subdued until law enforcement arrives and press charges. Don't let these animals just get up and walk away so that they can comeback again the next day and attack someone else.

Trump Administration: it's time to crack down on this stuff. This is domestic terrorism - making it your jurisdiction. It is time to turn Homeland Security and the F.B.I. on these animals. Track them down, prosecute them, and put them in prison where they belong.

Domestic Terrorism Hits UC Berkeley and Our Media Only Encourages More
Rioting is all they have....they continue to lose seats and have lost the rust belt union workers. Minorities is all they have left
The left has gone from bad to worse to down right criminal. The beauty of it is that the world is watching and their actions are manufacturing more conservatives every day. The bad news is that a lot of good people are getting hurt in the process.

Conservatives: I cannot stress this enough. You must be armed 24x7. When you attend these events, arm yourself (firearms, knives, teasers, mace, etc.). Not just one of those. All of those. Go in groups and defend yourselves. Use the minimum force necessary to end the violence against you (up to and including lethal force). Whatever level you were forced into using, keep them subdued until law enforcement arrives and press charges. Don't let these animals just get up and walk away so that they can comeback again the next day and attack someone else.

Trump Administration: it's time to crack down on this stuff. This is domestic terrorism - making it your jurisdiction. It is time to turn Homeland Security and the F.B.I. on these animals. Track them down, prosecute them, and put them in prison where they belong.

Domestic Terrorism Hits UC Berkeley and Our Media Only Encourages More
As a Republican and a conservative, I advocate building concentration camps in America and gasing all the Muslims and Liberals. Also, let's invade Canada and Mexico and build concentration camps there too.
A little overwrought, I'd say.

Still, the leftist loons are beginning to look more and more like middle East terrorists, aren't they?

Rioting over simple slogans and words. Showing up in black masks and clothing, hiding their faces, throwing firebombs and smashing things, etc. Making impossible demands, screaming out their rage as they destroy street after street.

These particular leftist terrorists aren't competent enough yet to kill anyone, so I guess that's one difference between them and their middle Eastern brethren. So far.

But it's about the only difference.
Here are left-wing hatriot "progressives" regressing society into an uncivilized, barbaric society. It sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
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