Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE

We were told Biden was the answer for everything wrong in the world in 2020.

So what has Biden accomplished?

Dems cannot find anything, so they are pushing DIVISION AND HATRED.

It is sad.
Ended our 20+ y/o war in Afghanistan
Passed Infastruture bill
Military pay raise
BBB passed in part
Contained and defeated Covid
Stimulus bills
Distributed Vaccine

Most of that done on a bi-partisan basis with what is left of the sane prt of the GOP.

Moreover returning a sense of normalcy to our government. No more firing people via tweet, no sleeping with porn stars, etc...






Lest we forget, TWO NEW WARS!
Hilariously stupid fuckup

Just how is that comer Pyle gymnastics Jordan pho impeachment going????
So how people act on camera is what you think is important to the country? Oh, maybe you are a foreigner, that would explain it.
Yes absolutely. The words a president says while on camera and now social media absolutely impact our country and Trump takes both to damaging and embarrassing levels
Health care costs are not going down, Simp.

The health care cost curve has been flat since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010. Meanwhile, Biden's achieved the lowest uninsurance rate ever and has finally gotten Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices.
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Yes absolutely. The words a president says while on camera and now social media absolutely impact our country and Trump takes both to damaging and embarrassing levels

I loved Biden's Francis Scott Key bridge story, taking the train over it many times.
What does that say to the world?
Lots of folks starting to notice that Biden's a bit better at presidentin' than his rival.

Trump vs. Biden: Who Got More Done on Legislation?
If the rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were decided based on who enacted more of their legislative agenda, the race would already be over.

In the run-up to the 2016 election, Trump listed his top 10 legislative priorities as part of his “Contract with the American Voter,” which included repeal of the Affordable Care Act, infrastructure investment, harsher prison sentences for immigration violations, and full funding of a border wall to be reimbursed by Mexico. None of that reached his desk. The only wish list items that did were a military spending bill and a tax cut bill, the latter of which incorporated a part of a third item, an expanded child tax credit.

Biden fared much better with his core agenda. In July 2020, as he campaigned for the presidency, he laid out a vision for rebuilding the middle class through investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, and clean energy. In November 2021, he signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Then, in August 2022, he signed the CHIPS bill, which invests $280 billion in semiconductor manufacturing. Days later, he signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which invests $370 billion in clean energy and related infrastructure, along with provisions designed to reduce health care costs.
Biden took bipartisanship seriously. Trump did not.

Most of what Biden has accomplished—not just on his economic agenda but also on gun safety, Postal Service reform, same-sex marriage rights, and hate crimes, as well as banning Chinese goods produced by forced labor and avoiding catastrophic debt default—would not have happened without deep engagement with Republican congressional leaders to secure the necessary votes. Trump, in stark contrast, had a volatile and erratic relationship with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The 45th president often resorted to petulant bullying without recognizing that he lacked the leverage for such combative tactics.

There are exceptions. Biden signed two historic pieces of legislation without Republican help, using the filibuster-proof yet procedurally complex budget reconciliation process: the American Rescue Plan Act and the aforementioned Inflation Reduction Act. In the latter’s case, Republicans had no interest in finding a middle ground, but Biden let the Senate’s most conservative Democrat, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, dictate the terms.
In no particular order:

  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken thIe first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees
The health care cost curve has been flat since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010. Meanwhile, Biden's achieved the lowest uninsurance rate ever and has finally gotten Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices.
Gonna have to ask for a link to healthcare costs not going up since 2010.

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