Democrats Are More Humane Because The Media Tells Us They Are


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
How can a political party that believes in Democracy thru mob-rule, and believes in an authoritarian government that punishes anyone who steps out of line with their special brand of social justice, be considered more humane than a party that believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Easy. When you have a corrupt media conglomerate to support this false image, it's no small wonder that so many think that Democrats are a more humane political party than their opponents.

Democrats specialize in government that runs by whichever way the wind blows. Who cares about right or wrong anymore. What does the media tell you is popular? That is what you should focus on. If you want to be a decent human being, support open borders because it's the humane thing to do. Who cares that Democrats are stealing seats in Congress thru human-trafficking, and literally dumping our Social Security into 3rd World Countries, thus they are intentionally destroying our future. This is called wealth redistribution. They are robbing everyone of their future, and yet so many are brainwashed into thinking this is good.

Even in the face of undeniable fact.......some of these students still couldn't grasp the fact that they had been hoodwinked.

They tell us how to act....they tell us what is good.....and they tell us what to think.
Twitter is where much of the social justice takes place.
If you share your thoughts.....they better be what the authoritarians on the left think is correct or you will be your job....become an outcast.

And our kids think this is the definition of humanity.
If you start feeding feral cats, next thing you know they will be sleeping in your bed.
Democrats are humane?

Infanticide is the most humane thing I have ever heard.
How can a political party that believes in Democracy thru mob-rule, and believes in an authoritarian government that punishes anyone who steps out of line with their special brand of social justice, be considered more humane than a party that believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Easy. When you have a corrupt media conglomerate to support this false image, it's no small wonder that so many think that Democrats are a more humane political party than their opponents.

Democrats specialize in government that runs by whichever way the wind blows. Who cares about right or wrong anymore. What does the media tell you is popular? That is what you should focus on. If you want to be a decent human being, support open borders because it's the humane thing to do. Who cares that Democrats are stealing seats in Congress thru human-trafficking, and literally dumping our Social Security into 3rd World Countries, thus they are intentionally destroying our future. This is called wealth redistribution. They are robbing everyone of their future, and yet so many are brainwashed into thinking this is good.

Even in the face of undeniable fact.......some of these students still couldn't grasp the fact that they had been hoodwinked.

Time to pull down the curtain and reveal the "man" behind it and behind the modern Democratic Party. His name is Marxist/Communist/Postmodernist and he's a godless sadist. For the purpose of this response, we'll just call "him", Marxist. The American Marxists want power, all political power consolidated under their ideology, and they'll bloody well do anything to seize it; they've been waiting so many decades for the opportunity, and now the time is riper than ever. All the kumbaya peace/love/hippy associated fairy fest bullshit spewed by modern Marxist Democrats is just that; it's an insidious bait and switch means to an end.

The Marxists don't care about immigrant kids; they promote mass murder of the unborn. They don't care about minority Americans; they use them for political currency against the opposition and then throw them away like empty milk cartons. We all know this. Therefore I for one do not get why so many American Conservatives continue to beat around the bush of expecting the Marxist Democrats to play fair or even acknowledge reality because guess what? They're not gonna play by logic, reason, fact, truth or a code of morals beneficial to the human race, which are just about the only means fellow human beings can be reasoned with at all. So if there's no reasoning with them all that's left is to stop trying to gain value from communicating with them and defeat them at the polls. If that fails, we'll have to see where sane Americans want to take it from there, right?
Trump is enforcing the same laws Obama enforced and gave speeches in support of early in his administration, but then reversed course and condemned the closer he got to leaving office.
If you went to any country these refugees came from and tried what they're doing, with Democrats approval, you'd be jailed and deported so fast it would make your head spin. The reasons are a rational person. You can't have mass immigration and a welfare state at the same time. It has to be one or the other. Europe is discovering this fact. Generation X has yet to learn this. This is what the socialists want.
They tell us how to act....they tell us what is good.....and they tell us what to think.

But they don't tell us how to wear our hair...


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