Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

Those thing all happened in 2020 and Benedict Donald handed off a shit storm in Afghanistan to the next CiC leaving only a skeleton force. So the opposite is true. Why can't any of the herd answer the question as to why Benedict didn't enforce the negotiated conditions before he withdrew those 10 thousand troops during 2020? Weren't they needed as leverage to enforce those conditions?
Biden didn't follow Trump's plan or time line
In reality you don't evacuate the last airbase until the withdraw is complete. Something Trump never agreed to do
Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)
So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan, something that the president made clear that he would not do.

Btw, Benedict Donald didn't give an "airborne rodents behind" about Bagram when he ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th 2021 did he?

"....on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 ...."

In other words, after the generals told him what a shit show that would be, Benedict Donald flip-flopped.
Biden didn't follow Trump's plan or time line
Under Benedict Donald, we had already carried out all of our conditions of the Doha Accord. The kitchen was emptied including the sink. The only item left was the truce and Biden most certainly followed that.

"There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition."
Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)
So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan, something that the president made clear that he would not do.

Btw, Benedict Donald didn't give an "airborne rodents behind" about Bagram when he ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th 2021 did he?

"....on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 ...."

In other words, after the generals told him what a shit show that would be, Benedict Donald flip-flopped.
Again you don't evacuate the last airbase until all assets are out. Why do you keep posting that bullshit? Biden did not follow Trump's plan
Under Benedict Donald, we had already carried out all of our conditions of the Doha Accord. The kitchen was emptied including the sink. The only item left was the truce and Biden most certainly follow that.

"There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition."

So basically you're saying Biden's dick is so far up your ass that what again?
What red State should Republicans indict Corrupt Joe in? I'm thinking Texas. What do you think, MAGA man?
I think you're dumb as dirt. What crime(s) in Texas are you accusing good old Joe of? Has he been hiding classified document here in Texas?
I think you're dumb as dirt. What crime(s) in Texas are you accusing good old Joe of? Has he been hiding classified document here in Texas?

Aren't you cute. You think we need a valid reason to indict Biden. You didn't, that's the whole point, MAGA man. We're coming for you like you came for us
Again you don't evacuate the last airbase until all assets are out. Why do you keep posting that bullshit? Biden did not follow Trump's plan
Benedict Donald had no evacuation plan that was left for the new CiC. Benedict Donald washed his hands of the matter after our Generals told him what for when he rashly ordered the complete evacuation in Nov. 2020, soon after his election loss was announced.
Benedict Donald had no evacuation plan that was left for the new CiC. Benedict Donald washed his hands of the matter after our Generals told him what for when he rashly ordered the complete evacuation in Nov. 2020, soon after his election loss was announced.

No worries. The "new" CiC is the same as the last one
They are terrified of just that.

The discovery news feed on MSN has been awash in absolute terror that Trump may win. Articles range from how GenZ is prepping for the disaster of Trump being a dictator to civil war.

I hope the psychopaths in the DNC leadership get completely destroyed.
Aren't you cute. You think we need a valid reason to indict Biden. You didn't, that's the whole point, MAGA man. We're coming for you like you came for us
Sure, sure all you have to do is think that ignoring a subpoena and hiding classified documents isn't a valid reason for an indictment.
Sure, sure all you have to do is think that ignoring a subpoena and hiding classified documents isn't a valid reason for an indictment.

Yes, you've tried the shit that it's legal for Senators and Veeps to take classified documents, but not the President.

It was so funny I forgot to laugh, MAGA man
Yes, you've tried the shit that it's legal for Senators and Veeps to take classified documents, but not the President.

It was so funny I forgot to laugh, MAGA man
None of them retained the documents after they were discovered did they? How many of them got subpoenaed when the documents weren't returned? Only Benedict Donald did that.
None of them retained the documents after they were discovered did they? How many of them got subpoenaed when the documents weren't returned? Only Benedict Donald did that.

So your defense is the BIden justice department favored Biden.

Wow, that's slimy, even for you, Frog Man
Fantasy?!!! Are you under the impression that we WONT weaponize the DOJ the way that democrats did? We gave you guys plenty of warnings that we would do the same things you were doing. You guys just laughed in our faces. That doesnt exactly inspire us to go easy on you when its our turn. :dunno:

& martybegan

I'm for not weaponizing those agencies for or against any political side.

I'm an actual conservative who believes in smaller, less intrusive government. You Republicrats LOVE your government intrusions. The Patriot Act and FISA 702, which both Trump and Biden reauthorized.

So when you say "You guys," I don't know what TF you're talking about.

You Trumpbots and Bidenbots need to go to you're rooms until you can learn to play nice.
And none of this "But mommy, he did it first, BS."
I'm for not weaponizing those agencies for or against any political side.

I'm an actual conservative who believes in smaller, less intrusive government. You Republicrats LOVE your government intrusions. The Patriot Act and FISA 702, which both Trump and Biden reauthorized.

So when you say "You guys," I don't know what TF you're talking about.

You Trumpbots and Bidenbots need to go to you're rooms until you can learn to play nice.
And none of this "But mommy, he did it first, BS."

So you were for weaponizing them until your team weaponized them now you're against your opponents paying you back doing the same thing.


Oh, and some advice. Bend over, this is going to hurt ...
Benedict Donald had no evacuation plan that was left for the new CiC. Benedict Donald washed his hands of the matter after our Generals told him what for when he rashly ordered the complete evacuation in Nov. 2020, soon after his election loss was announced.
The man sitting in the Oval Office is responsible for whatever happens on his watch. Grow up.

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