Democratic Party.. "Uncle Toms"

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009

When you consider lifetimes of high unemployment, generations withering in social programs, lack of opportunity, (past, present and future) millions of abortions and the Democratic Party underwhelming support for the ending of slavery and civil rights legislation for African Americans.

Wouldn't you have to consider most Democratic Party leaders and supporters nothing more than, "Uncle Toms".


The term "Uncle Tom" is used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives their own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly.

Uncle Tom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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After passing a gargantuan stimulus plan that was supposed to fix the economy, the unemployment rate continued to rise -- until it only recently began falling. Although we are currently at a 9.1 percent unemployment rate, the rate in the black community is at an unpardonably enormous 16.1 percent -- the highest of any ethnic group in the country. It is also important to note that black unemployment was lower under Bush than it has been at any point during Obama's administration. In point of fact, black unemployment was even lower under Bush than it was under Clinton.

More egregious than the high rate of black unemployment is the fact that Obama has been completely disconnected with the black community. He has failed to articulate any policy that would deal with the crisis that is evident in urban America. Rather, Obama is much more focused on articulating and enacting policies about issues that are close to his heart, such as allowing gays to serve openly in the military, as well as becoming a potent mouthpiece for the immoral Arab scam to steal Israeli land and annihilate the Jewish people.

Any intellectually honest person in America must look at Obama's demonstrable disregard for black issues and come to the unavoidable conclusion that black America is the very least of Obama's concerns. So obvious is this fact that even some of Barack Obama's most ardent supporters in the black intelligentsia have begun voicing strident denunciations of the president. The latest assault on Obama from his left-wing compatriot Cornel West is evidence of this phenomenon.

Although West's critique of Obama was partly personal and laden with his characteristically asinine divisive racial rhetoric, there was some substance to his criticism to which left-wing Obama cheerleaders in the black community remain willfully blind. West accused Obama of being "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats."

While West foolishly assumes that support for black issues and being in favor of business are mutually exclusive, the unstated and basic premise in West's critique is that Obama does not care enough about, and expresses no interest in, black people and black issues. As absurd as the rest of his intellectually messy ramblings are, West is right about that fundamental point.

Obama's sycophants are used to writing off all criticism of the president coming from whites as racist, and they are equally used to describing all criticism from black conservatives as being the puerile rants of Uncle Toms obsequiously looking for approval from "the white man"; however, although Cornel West is one of the black left's most revered academics, they would much rather write him off as entirely crazy than to admit that any criticism he has of Barack Obama contains even a scintilla of merit.

.... and for the young African-American teens..


African Americans continued to be battered by a high rate of unemployment on the eve of the high-stakes presidential election, as numbers rose in October to 14.3 percent from 13.4 percent in September, the U.S. Department of Labor said on Friday.

More stunning were the statistics for the jobless rate among African-American teens: 40.5 percent, rising from 36.7 percent in September.

Black Unemployment At 14.3 Percent In New October Job’s Report | Breaking News for Black America
Things to ponder...


“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”

June 10, 1964
Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) criticizes Democrat filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act, calls on Democrats to stop opposing racial equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced and approved by a staggering majority of Republicans in the Senate. The Act was opposed by most southern Democrat senators, several of whom were proud segregationists—one of them being Al Gore Sr. Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson relied on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, the Republican leader from Illinois, to get the Act passed.

August 4, 1965
Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose. Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

February 19, 1976
President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981
President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982
President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988
President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991
President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996
Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

And let’s not forget the words of liberal icon Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood…

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population….

The Democrat Race Lie | Black & Right
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Democrats and Gun Control...


Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance.

(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU’er, but every ACLU’er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.)

In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks — even freemen — could not own guns.

Chief Justice Roger Taney’s infamous opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford circularly argued that blacks could not be citizens because if they were citizens, they would have the right to own guns: “t would give them the full liberty,” he said, “to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

With logic like that, Republicans eventually had to fight a Civil War to get the Democrats to give up slavery. Alas, they were Democrats, so they cheated.After the war, Democratic legislatures enacted “Black Codes,” denying black Americans the right of citizenship — such as the rather crucial one of bearing arms — while other Democrats (sometimes the same Democrats) founded the Ku Klux Klan.

The Democrats’ Racist Gun Control History
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[ame=]Star Parker: Welfare dependency destroys black families - YouTube[/ame]

“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”

March 1, 1875
Civil Rights Act of 1875, guaranteeing access to public accommodations without regard to race, signed by Republican President U.S. Grant; passed with 92% Republican support over 100% Democrat opposition

January 10, 1878
U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women’s suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919. Republicans foil Democratic efforts to keep women in the kitchen, where they belong

February 8, 1894
Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans’ Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote

January 15, 1901
Republican Booker T. Washington protests Alabama Democratic Party’s refusal to permit voting by African-Americans

The Democrat Race Lie | Black & Right
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”

October 10, 1871
Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands

October 18, 1871
After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan

November 18, 1872
Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”

January 17, 1874
Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government

September 14, 1874
Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed

The Democrat Race Lie | Black & Right

When you consider lifetimes of high unemployment, generations withering in social programs, lack of opportunity, (past, present and future) millions of abortions and the Democratic Party underwhelming support for the ending of slavery and civil rights legislation for African Americans.

Wouldn't you have to consider most Democratic Party leaders and supporters nothing more than, "Uncle Toms".


The term "Uncle Tom" is used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives their own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly.

Uncle Tom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the GOP's subservience to Grover Norquist, the NRA, and the oil industry, for instance,

would be the best examples of what you're talking about?

Yes, I'd say so.

When you consider lifetimes of high unemployment, generations withering in social programs, lack of opportunity, (past, present and future) millions of abortions and the Democratic Party underwhelming support for the ending of slavery and civil rights legislation for African Americans.

Wouldn't you have to consider most Democratic Party leaders and supporters nothing more than, "Uncle Toms".


The term "Uncle Tom" is used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives their own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly.

Uncle Tom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the GOP's subservience to Grover Norquist, the NRA, and the oil industry, for instance,

would be the best examples of what you're talking about?

Yes, I'd say so.

Another commie attempt to deflect and change the subject. What's wrong can't take a little truth?
This is tremendously interesting:

Really shows the racist history of the Democratic Party -- in their own words.

Democrats and Republicans:
In Their Own Words
A 124 Year History of Major Civil Rights Efforts
Based on a Side-by-Side Comparison
of the Early Platforms of the
Two Major Political Parties​

When you consider lifetimes of high unemployment, generations withering in social programs, lack of opportunity, (past, present and future) millions of abortions and the Democratic Party underwhelming support for the ending of slavery and civil rights legislation for African Americans.

Wouldn't you have to consider most Democratic Party leaders and supporters nothing more than, "Uncle Toms".


The term "Uncle Tom" is used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives their own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly.

Uncle Tom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the GOP's subservience to Grover Norquist, the NRA, and the oil industry, for instance,

would be the best examples of what you're talking about?

Yes, I'd say so.

Another commie attempt to deflect and change the subject. What's wrong can't take a little truth?

So because I'm talking about the Republican Party of the present and you're talking about the Democrat Party of the past,

that's changing the subject?

This is tremendously interesting:

Really shows the racist history of the Democratic Party -- in their own words.

Democrats and Republicans:
In Their Own Words
A 124 Year History of Major Civil Rights Efforts
Based on a Side-by-Side Comparison
of the Early Platforms of the
Two Major Political Parties​

Democrats won't read or acknowledge it, so this reality doesn't exist..:wink_2:

Which party did you belong to in 1950?
This is tremendously interesting:

Really shows the racist history of the Democratic Party -- in their own words.

Democrats and Republicans:
In Their Own Words
A 124 Year History of Major Civil Rights Efforts
Based on a Side-by-Side Comparison
of the Early Platforms of the
Two Major Political Parties​

Democrats won't read or acknowledge it, so this reality doesn't exist..:wink_2:

Which party did you belong to in 1950?

I wasn't even born yet..

I'd recommend you go to the link Daveman & I offered up and read carefully.. mmkay

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