Democratic Debate Remarks

Listening now. The Democrats are openly going after the guns. Some people just can't learn.

That alone will lose them the election.
I hope the GOP plan to give the insane guns works. Keep them in GOP neighborhoods. Let's see what happens. See if we can gerrymander them.
Most gun deaths happen in the Democrat Party controlled ghetto's.. think Chicago...
End prohibition,destroy the gangs...

What prohibition .. :eusa_eh: .. and we agree
Listening now. The Democrats are openly going after the guns. Some people just can't learn.

That alone will lose them the election.
I hope the GOP plan to give the insane guns works. Keep them in GOP neighborhoods. Let's see what happens. See if we can gerrymander them.
Most gun deaths happen in the Democrat Party controlled ghetto's.. think Chicago...
End prohibition,destroy the gangs...

What prohibition .. :eusa_eh: .. and we agree
aka the drug war..
Hillary has an audience full of plants. Stands to reason, right? She couldn't get a crowd like that at her rallys.

View attachment 60206
Already used today..........reject alert!!!

I love that one, don't impinge on my right to be repeat .. ya commie Democrat...:laugh:
Just need a larger retinue....
Are you sure you used that word right??
Hay.......give him a brake.
FactChecking the Fourth Democratic Debate

7 hrs ago


The three Democratic presidential candidates made misleading claims on health care, energy and guns.

Sen. Bernie Sanders said his health care plan wouldn’t “tear up” the Affordable Care Act. But he would replace the ACA with an entirely new public insurance system.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said health care costs were “the lowest they’ve been in 50 years.” Costs have continued to go up, not down, but they have been growing at historically low rates.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said Obama “made us more energy independent.” But the rise in domestic oil production, and drop in imports, is due mainly to advances in drilling technology, not government policy.

Clinton said 1-in-3 black men “may well end up going to prison.” That’s outdated. It’s a projection based on the 2001 incarceration rate for black males that assumed the rate would remain unchanged. In fact, it has declined.

Clinton said Sanders once “publicly sought someone to run in a primary against” President Obama, while Sanders responded that he “worked as hard as I could to see that [Obama] was reelected.”
Sanders did voice some support for a contested primary to push Obama to the left, but there is no evidence he actively sought out an opposition candidate.

Clinton claimed that Sanders “voted to let guns go onto the Amtrak,” when he voted to allow guns in checked baggage only. She also said he voted for immunity for gun makers and sellers, who had a “total pass.” The legislation included exceptions where lawsuits could still occur.


The Democrats met in Charleston, South Carolina, for the debate, broadcast by NBC.

Sanders’ Health Plan

In a lengthy back-and-forth between Sanders and Clinton over his health care plan, Sanders said he wasn’t going to “tear up the Affordable Care Act” but instead “move on top of that” to a single-payer, universal health care system. But his plan actually calls for replacing current forms of insurance, including private insurance and Medicaid, with a new universal plan administered by the federal government.

Here’s that exchange:


FactChecking the Fourth Democratic Debate

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