Democrat Party Motto: White Working Class Not Allowed


May 23, 2014
After generations of supporting Democratic Party(since FDR) the pary leaders have turned their back on Rust Belt Democrats. Free Trade (unfair trade) benefited Wall Street and screwed Main Street. Men who fought for their nation could not provide for their families. NAFTA, China, and traitors like Bill Clinton made that happen. Trump won Rust Belt for that reason. Social justice issues don't pay the bills. Liberal media, who have never punched a time clock, who like to talk down their narcissistic noses to the lowly peasants that live outside New York City, live in a bubble and don't get it. Fuck you! Enjoy your smug life in Versailles. But don't be shocked when liberals are rejected again in 2018. Fuck gay marraige, fuck false racist premise of Black Lives Matter, and fuck spoiled little crybaby college kids.
White, working-class and angry: Ohio's left-behind help Trump to stunning win
As long as Democratic Party supports NAFTA, PPT, Black Lives Matter, gay pride parades, and college campuses that suppress free speech, fuck you. I regret every time I voted Democrat.

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