Democrat Party in disarray and leaderless

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The election was almost a year ago, and the Democrat Party is still a mass of confusion.

Their only platform is "hate Trump", and "somehow" the Russian's cost them the election.

No leader has emerged from their disastrous defeat, and they have no one on the bench.

So comical how Trump's daily tweet's sends them into a crazed frenzy.

It's a wonderful time to be a Republican!! .... :thup: ... :cool:
The election was almost a year ago, and the Democrat Party is still a mass of confusion.

Their only platform is "hate Trump", and "somehow" the Russian's cost them the election.

No leader has emerged from their disastrous defeat, and they have no one on the bench.

So comical how Trump's daily tweet's sends them into a crazed frenzy.

It's a wonderful time to be a Republican!! .... :thup: ... :cool:
And the 2018 campaign is starting and again all the left have for a platform is hate Trump.
It's true, D's haven't got shit for a platform, much less anyone to spout it. I have no idea what they think they're doing, but quite frankly I'm happy to see their entitled asses sink after all the bullshit they pulled, and are /still/ pulling. Petulant children.
The election was almost a year ago, and the Democrat Party is still a mass of confusion.

Their only platform is "hate Trump", and "somehow" the Russian's cost them the election.

No leader has emerged from their disastrous defeat, and they have no one on the bench.

So comical how Trump's daily tweet's sends them into a crazed frenzy.

It's a wonderful time to be a Republican!! .... :thup: ... :cool:

A party that features Hillary, Pelosi, Wasserman-Schultz, Brazile and Warren? Go figure.If they want to go with a woman so badly, can't they find a Thatcher, or at least Peron?
I hope Pocohantes runs. She'll make Hillary look like Mama Teresa.
A party that features Hillary, Pelosi, Wasserman-Schultz, Brazile and Warren? Go figure.If they want to go with a woman so badly, can't they find a Thatcher, or at least Peron?

The fucked up part is that there are so many women that could do the job... sadly for the D's they all seem to be on the right. The left's women are completely... ooohhh never mind I don't feel like starting the day out by getting called a misogynist bitch... I'm looking for "heartless capitalist" ( because it's portfolio review day [aka payday] :p )
The root problem with the Democratic Party is that it has no concept of Objective Reality.

The election was almost a year ago, and the Democrat Party is still a mass of confusion.

Their only platform is "hate Trump", and "somehow" the Russian's cost them the election.

No leader has emerged from their disastrous defeat, and they have no one on the bench.

So comical how Trump's daily tweet's sends them into a crazed frenzy.

It's a wonderful time to be a Republican!! .... :thup: ... :cool:

And repubs have done nothing since controlling congress. We are low on leaders.
The election was almost a year ago, and the Democrat Party is still a mass of confusion.

Their only platform is "hate Trump", and "somehow" the Russian's cost them the election.

No leader has emerged from their disastrous defeat, and they have no one on the bench.

So comical how Trump's daily tweet's sends them into a crazed frenzy.

It's a wonderful time to be a Republican!! .... :thup: ... :cool:

Hardly. The Republicans ran on I hate Trump without offering any alternatives. They won't be able to do that. Everything Trump stands for is being rejected by voters. The last Fox poll was devastating for Republicans.

The biggest issue should be healthcare. Voters overwhelmingly reject Republican solutions and support Obamacare fixes not repeal. If this is a referendum then Republicans lose the House and could lose a seat in the Senate.
Sunni Man, trying to deflect from the GOP's disarray and and ineffective leadership, points at the Dems.

Of course he does.
JimBowie1958, he has not been able to govern effectively since the poll on election day.

His Presidency is a failure.
The voters actually hated Trump more because he got ELEVEN MILLION LESS VOTES than all of the other votes combined.

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