Democrat Brags How Illegals Will Be Force Behind Blue Wave, Will Propel Dems To Victory

So raping and killing people is ok, if they're democrats? Is that where we are at? I'll give you points for honesty (since democrats DO NOT BELEIEVE THE WOMAN IF THEY ACCUSE A DEMOCRAT), but it's really really disgusting.
Where did all that crap come from?! Are you malfunctioning or was that meant for a different thread??

Uh no, raping and killing is never ok, what a stupid statement. And didn’t multiple democrat congressmen step down because of accusations from women? Have several media personality’s and Hollywood big wigs been accused and condemned? Where do you get your shitty talking points from? Do better.
No no no, don't play that game.
First I disagree you have to believe all women......they do lie about these that notion is bs.

As for killing and raping, why does the left not want illegals who do this deported? Why do they not work with ICE to get rid of those people, but instead they let them go?
And why do lefties love Roman Polanski? He raped a 13 year old, he's a horrible person that should be executed.

Yes, a lot of those fake feminists did get zapped and rightfully so, those piece of shit holier than thou people got nailed after DECADES of doing this. WHY did it take so long?
RAPE has always been bad, so it's not #METOO. Why were they protected? WHO protected them? wasn't republicans.
You gotta slow down and take some Breaths. Republicans and Democrats and any decent person would condemn rape and murder. For you to try and imply that only one party does and the other doesn’t just discredits your opinions because that is such a ridiculously absurd notion.

You try and narrow big issues into one specific spun narrative and then define the moral fiber of a parties supporters by that distortion. It’s transparent and dim witted. I’ll say again... do better

No, there are two major issues, with the left, one is after someone is convicted, what do they want to happen to them (to me this is very telling on how serious you take an issue)
I see democrats complaining about rape and catching people, but then find excuses to let them out of jail (not shoplifters, but rapists and others). So when they say they care, I laugh.

Then they will defend criminal illegals, just to be dicks and show their support for Hispanics, yet it allows rapists and murders to walk the streets (JUST GIVE THEM TO ICE), again they don't care, and the news media never reports that stuff or if they do it's like for 10 seconds.
Here is where your arguement fails and I’ll use myself as an example because I don’t want to speak for anybody else and I’m sure you consider me a libtard or whatever you like to call it...

I, in no way think rapist and murders should be given free passes. I don’t think many if any on the left would support that. Go ahead and show whatever cherry picked examples you have that gives you that idea and we can discuss.

As for defending criminal Hispanics I think you will find the overwhelming support is for DACA kids and hard working Hispanics who’s only crime is being undocumented. There is nowhere in law that defines what the penalty is for that, it’s up to the president and homeland security, doesn’t have to be deportation. Most on the left would be on board with punishing and deporting violent felons if they don’t have papers. The resistance you see is aimed to protect the kids and non criminals whose families get broken up by ice. You spin it to presume the left wants to protect criminals and it just isn’t honest.

No it's true, the left is much softer on sentencing than the right. I don't think any one would argue that. I'm soft on minor no violent crimes, but on violent crimes, I'm pretty much the criminal is lower than dirt.

On Hispanics, they do let CRIMINALS go and they give them heads up with ICE raids, where people that would have been caught, go on to commit horrible crimes.
Jeopardy! music still playing, as "Slade" can't seem to ID a single "good person" in office today....
all the good people

NAME your "good" people in office today....

Start the Jeopardy! music
I’m not going to get into that pissing match with you. Let’s just leave it at personal friends and family of mine who support both political parties and who are very good people. I’ve never met any politicians outside of my local reps, Clint Eastwood and Leon Pannetta both of who I have respect for... but current politicians I am always skeptical of until I can look them In The eye
Pannetta - LOL!!!!

Not the brightest of pesky partisan liars, are you....

Case closed. Slade can't ID one single "good person" in office today...

Jeopardy! music HALT.

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