Dem senators break federal law going after Trump and Cruz

You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

No, it's only against the law for government officials.
You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

Posters on this forum are not using state resources are they? You didn't read the entire article and now look like a fool
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any one does not affect the legislature from censuring or rebuking anyone. Is someone above practicing law without a license?

Fill out Butt Hurt Form No. 1, sassyirisheconchick, and send it to someone who cares.

Yes it does, moron. The legislature is not allowed to injure a private individual in any fashion. Attacking the reputation or business interest of private persons is strictly forbidden. Only a fascist totalitarian would imagine that's proper behavior for elected representatives.

Once again, a lib demonstrates how utterly shameless, dishonorable and unprincipled he is.

You think that censure is illegal?
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any one does not affect the legislature from censuring or rebuking anyone. Is someone above practicing law without a license?

Fill out Butt Hurt Form No. 1, sassyirisheconchick, and send it to someone who cares.

Yes it does, moron. The legislature is not allowed to injure a private individual in any fashion. Attacking the reputation or business interest of private persons is strictly forbidden. Only a fascist totalitarian would imagine that's proper behavior for elected representatives.

Once again, a lib demonstrates how utterly shameless, dishonorable and unprincipled he is.

You think that censure is illegal?

Members of Congress and the state legislature can censure other members. Censuring private citizens is illegal and a violation of their rights, especially considering that state legislatures and members of Congress can't be sued for their actions as government officials.
I know plenty of Mexicans (legal ones) and none of them want illegals here. They call them "wetbacks" and they hate them. Trump will probably pick up a lot of hispanic votes once they get past the misquotes liberals have been assigning to him. I've already enlightened many of them.
You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

Posters on this forum are not using state resources are they? You didn't read the entire article and now look like a fool

The "article" is pure garbage.

I read the law - which doesn't say a word about "state resources".
You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

Posters on this forum are not using state resources are they? You didn't read the entire article and now look like a fool

The "article" is pure garbage.

I read the law - which doesn't say a word about "state resources".

LOL You're such an ignorant tool. They are CA state senators. Once again your ignorance is revealed.
You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

Posters on this forum are not using state resources are they? You didn't read the entire article and now look like a fool

The "article" is pure garbage.

I read the law - which doesn't say a word about "state resources".

LOL You're such an ignorant tool. They are CA state senators. Once again your ignorance is revealed.

Why don't you show me where in the law it mentions anything about "state resources"?
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any one does not affect the legislature from censuring or rebuking anyone. Is someone above practicing law without a license?

Fill out Butt Hurt Form No. 1, sassyirisheconchick, and send it to someone who cares.

Yes it does, moron. The legislature is not allowed to injure a private individual in any fashion. Attacking the reputation or business interest of private persons is strictly forbidden. Only a fascist totalitarian would imagine that's proper behavior for elected representatives.

Once again, a lib demonstrates how utterly shameless, dishonorable and unprincipled he is.

You think that censure is illegal?

Members of Congress and the state legislature can censure other members. Censuring private citizens is illegal and a violation of their rights, especially considering that state legislatures and members of Congress can't be sued for their actions as government officials.

Show me the law.
You realize that under your absolutly bizarre interpretation of this law, most of the posters on this website would be criminally liable as well, right?

Your interpretation would mean anyone who has ever called for a boycott would be breaking the law.

Posters on this forum are not using state resources are they? You didn't read the entire article and now look like a fool

The "article" is pure garbage.

I read the law - which doesn't say a word about "state resources".

LOL You're such an ignorant tool. They are CA state senators. Once again your ignorance is revealed.

Why don't you show me where in the law it mentions anything about "state resources"?

Why don't you admit you're a partisan hack?

Why don't you stop trying to troll your own thread?
Trump has good attorneys, these clowns should be prosecuted


At a boisterous gathering outside the state Senate chamber Thursday, Democratic senators touted a resolution to rebuke Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump for his recent comments about immigrants. (According to the LA TIMES)

The resolution, which has not yet been put to a vote in the Legislature, excoriates Trump for his comments during his June 16th announcement speech. It also denounces Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), another presidential contender, who has come to Trump’s defense.

“The state of California will not stand for this type of racist rhetoric and racist behavior,” said Sen. Isadore Hall III (D-Compton), author of the resolution. “Today we stand and call upon the state of California to dump Trump.”

The measure asks the state to divest from, and otherwise cut business ties with, Trump-affiliated entities. It encourages private companies and individuals to do the same.

However in doing so those Democratic Party Senators have violated US Federal Law, specifically: 18 USC § 241 which states:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both

So, by introducing the resolution they are conspiring “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate” Donald Trump “because of his having so exercised” his right to free speech which is “secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States”.

And the “two or more persons” part is taken care of because 10 CA State Senators are sponsoring the bill:
Senators Hall, De León, Galgiani, Glazer, Hueso, Jackson, Lara, Mendoza, Mitchell, and Pan.


As usual your thread is a ridiculous joke, but if you really believe what you say, why are you here instead of on the phone to 911? You think a crime has been committed, and you are obligated to do more than just whine about it on a silly discussion board. Do your duty dummy.
I know plenty of Mexicans (legal ones) and none of them want illegals here. They call them "wetbacks" and they hate them. Trump will probably pick up a lot of hispanic votes once they get past the misquotes liberals have been assigning to him. I've already enlightened many of them.
I live a thousand miles from the Mexican border. Since 1990 illegal immigrants have made them selves known. From the spectrum of being mildly annoying to the far end of recklessly destructive. No on emcares or everyone says I am bad for not likiking the negative effects of illgal imigrants.
Sassy Hussy has failed yet again.

Have you recaptured RouteIrish yet.
Ruptured your router? That has got to hurt.
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any one does not affect the legislature from censuring or rebuking anyone. Is someone above practicing law without a license?

Fill out Butt Hurt Form No. 1, sassyirisheconchick, and send it to someone who cares.

They broke the law dumb ass.Now GFY you fake.

Actually, it is planned--the resolution has not been placed for a vote.

No law broken yet.
See how Democrats play politics?o_O
You are reacting to their words!!


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I know plenty of Mexicans (legal ones) and none of them want illegals here. They call them "wetbacks" and they hate them. Trump will probably pick up a lot of hispanic votes once they get past the misquotes liberals have been assigning to him. I've already enlightened many of them.
No, you didn't, and, no, they don't. Run along.
Fuck off, troll. You don't know shit about Mexicans or anyone else for that matter.
Says Mr. Ignoramus. :lol: I grew up and went to school with Spanish speakers. Speak it myself. My wife, as Anglo as I, speaks it fluently. We have never been worried about folks named Marron or Arriola, you goober. Hispanics overwhelmingly want a reform package. You cannot provide any meaningful stats that show they want deportation of 12 million folks.
I know plenty of Mexicans (legal ones) and none of them want illegals here. They call them "wetbacks" and they hate them. Trump will probably pick up a lot of hispanic votes once they get past the misquotes liberals have been assigning to him. I've already enlightened many of them.
I live a thousand miles from the Mexican border. Since 1990 illegal immigrants have made them selves known. From the spectrum of being mildly annoying to the far end of recklessly destructive. No on emcares or everyone says I am bad for not likiking the negative effects of illgal imigrants.
Sassy Hussy has failed yet again.

Have you recaptured RouteIrish yet.
Ruptured your router? That has got to hurt.
I heard a loud noise one night in the street (screeching tires, etc.). I went outside to see what happened and there was a flatbed truck turned on it's side, on fire, with lawn equipment scattered all over the road. Three Mexicans were running away from the truck. Found out later from a cop they were illegals, working for a landscaper. They were caught a short distance away, drunk, and had fled the scene, leaving the truck there to burn. I was talking to the guys where I buy supplies for my business about an accident that happened in front of their place. 3 illegals driving drunk came around the curve too fast, lost control of the car and it flipped over, then crashed into a parked car. Two of them got out and walked away, laughing, while their buddy was lying on the road next to their car dead. Nice people.
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any one does not affect the legislature from censuring or rebuking anyone. Is someone above practicing law without a license?

Fill out Butt Hurt Form No. 1, sassyirisheconchick, and send it to someone who cares.

Yes it does, moron. The legislature is not allowed to injure a private individual in any fashion. Attacking the reputation or business interest of private persons is strictly forbidden. Only a fascist totalitarian would imagine that's proper behavior for elected representatives.

Once again, a lib demonstrates how utterly shameless, dishonorable and unprincipled he is.

You think that censure is illegal?

Members of Congress and the state legislature can censure other members. Censuring private citizens is illegal and a violation of their rights, especially considering that state legislatures and members of Congress can't be sued for their actions as government officials.
You just make up shit as you go along don't you?
Gay liberals live in their own little world. They live in gated communities and Mexicans are their gardeners or pool boys and they can feel smug and condescend about helping the poor by enabling illegals. Live in Ya Ya land and get smug and self righteous as to the negative effects, just like the president of British Petroleum did when they ruined the bay of Mexico .
Got to love Trump, he has the Dems all fired up and giving him free publicity.

The Dems are so stupid, the resolution won't pass the House and it is dead, just more free publicity and making Trump look good.

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