Dem Rep Wacky Bennie Thompson: "I don't want my son to listen to President Trump speak or tweet"

Trump is Da Man.
He says what a lot of Conservatives think but are too scared of the Liberal masses to say.
Name calling. Bullying, lying, threatening and insulting is a conservative thing?
Calling a Spade a Spade.
All Mexicans are rapists for example? Or lying Ted that later he became his friend, or the times he insulted Kim and retreated to praise him?
He didn't say all illegals are rapist, but why let them in when some are?
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.
Yeah our last president hated America, that's why he wanted to transform it. That's why you loved him.
Biden is hitting a similar theme. i agree. our children are listening. our silence is complicity!

Dem Rep. Thompson: I Don't Want My Grandson to Listen to Trump Speak | Breitbart
I can imagine any parent regardless of their political beliefs wanting their children to listen to a man such as Trump. He's a draft dodger who repeatedly attacks war heroes. He just grins when reporters ask him about his extra-marital affairs, claims to be Christian but has no time for church, and preaches a doctrine of fear, hate, and racism. He is certain no role model for the youth.

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says in the recording. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

Donald Trump, the old pussy grabber

And no one cares except the unrighteous sanctimonious loonbat radical libs.
HAHAHAHA, I seem to have stumbled into another Trump hater thread. How bout you whackjob fistfuckers go to another country and spread your shit? We're sick of you whackjob commies.
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people, and he also said he is the least RACIST. And from your avatar you telling us you are a bigot no wonder you like him.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

We had more dignified Presidents and Candidates and you people eat them for lunch.

Trump is our response to your tactics.
Who are we? Cause I dont adhere to any political group...I'm just calling the orange low life on his screw ups.
orange low lifes do not become multi billionaires, or Presidents of the worlds most powerful government, and that means you can't even lick his boots.
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

We had more dignified Presidents and Candidates and you people eat them for lunch.

Trump is our response to your tactics.
Who are we? Cause I dont adhere to any political group...I'm just calling the orange low life on his screw ups.

We are "Republicans" and you and Flopper are both the enemies of the GOP, that "ate" those nicer and more dignified Presidents and Candidates for lunch. You can save your claim of not "adhering to any political group" for the retards at your half way house. They might fall for it.

My point stands. Trump is our response to YOUR tactics.

Address it or employ more cowardly dodging tactics.

Your choice lefty.
Trump is a lowlife bully, those who praise him are just like him. I didnt vote for Obama but the man has class and empathy...trump represent every bad thing that we teach our kids not to say or do.
Like him or not but 5o be able to stand listening bragging about himself is unbeatable for decent humans.
We have pretty much destroyed the idea of our president being a model for the youth of America. I just we wish could destroy the idea that he is the face of America to the world. It so damn embarrassing.

We had more dignified Presidents and Candidates and you people eat them for lunch.

Trump is our response to your tactics.
Quite a response. After Trump, I may never complain about another president.
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
Rapes in the US are twice as likely as in Mexico. The rate of Rapes in the US is 9th in the world. Mexico is ranked 18th. The murder rate in the US is 10th the world, 33% greater than Mexico. The US is ranked #1 for total crime in the world and Mexico is ranked 12th.
Mexico vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
Rapes in the US are twice as likely as in Mexico. The rate of Rapes in the US is 9th in the world. Mexico is ranked 18th. The murder rate in the US is 10th the world, 33% greater than Mexico. The US is ranked #1 for total crime in the world and Mexico is ranked 12th.
Mexico vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Wait till they blame all the crimes on Mexicans.
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
He did not say most of them are rapists. You just think he did because your extraordinarily feeble mind has been brainwashed into thinking he said that, you stupid jackass.
All Mexicans are rapists for example?
It is amazing how many feeble-minded brainwashed idiots believe that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Drink some more grape Kool-Aid, TDS dumbass.
He said SOME are good people,
In other words, it is simply wrong to insinuate that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Can you understand that, jackass?
He said most and that's racist...and we have to beleive him when he claimed to be the least racist.
He did not say most of them are rapists. You just think he did because your extraordinarily feeble mind has been brainwashed into thinking he said that, you stupid jackass.
He said some are good people, that means most are rapists , drug traffickers...why are you even trying to defend him or you od not being racists? You thrive on racism and bigotry and your avatar proves it.

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