Defund NPR campain

You're wrong. The government has no business disseminating news. That's the conservative opposition to NPR.

What happened to the Left in this nation? Used to none of you would accept anything from the government. Now, you implicitly trust the government with news, with healthcare, with managing your daily lives.

Can you back that up with a link?

Oh, shit - I just realized who I was asking. :cuckoo: Never mind.

Indeed we can, you nattering nabob of nonsense.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

In other words, you cannot.

Most of their funding comes from private donations and philanthropics.

They still receive 16% of their funding from the federal government - with another 14% from universities (which largely feed from the public trough).

If there programming is so valuable, they should be able to exist with no taxpayer support.

It's also important to note that the Kroc estate avoided an enormous amount of estate taxes by making contributions to NPR.

Can you back that up with a link?

And I thought that avoiding estate taxes was a good thing? Not if you are a Liberal, right?

If you're so damned smart? Look it up yourself.
You're wrong. The government has no business disseminating news. That's the conservative opposition to NPR.

What happened to the Left in this nation? Used to none of you would accept anything from the government. Now, you implicitly trust the government with news, with healthcare, with managing your daily lives.

Can you back that up with a link?

Oh, shit - I just realized who I was asking. :cuckoo: Never mind.
If government's paying part of the bill, government has a say.

Why do you have such a blind trust of government?
Where have you showed that government is paying part of the bill, Linkless One?
Say, maybe you could get that fuckhead from to help create some lying bullshit propaganda (you know some selectively cut video clips that makes it look like NPR worships the devil) that all the connies would buy into too?

Personally I think the FCC should revoke the Faux News license to broadcast.

On what grounds? That you don't like them?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm surprised Boo has time to post with how much time he spends tongue punching Saul Alinsky in the fart box.
Most of their funding comes from private donations and philanthropics.

They still receive 16% of their funding from the federal government - with another 14% from universities (which largely feed from the public trough).

If there programming is so valuable, they should be able to exist with no taxpayer support.

It's also important to note that the Kroc estate avoided an enormous amount of estate taxes by making contributions to NPR.

Can you back that up with a link?

And I thought that avoiding estate taxes was a good thing? Not if you are a Liberal, right?

Shame you cannot back up your post with common sense.
Taxpayer funding is only a very small percentage of NPR's operating budget, Tommy Boy.

So sorry that you won't be able to shut up the voices of progress.
Then pay for it your own self.

At least you acknowledge NPR's progressive bent...and the fact that it can't succeed without being forced on America by the government.

Progress is not the same as the political label of Progressive.

Tell your mom she should have sent you to public school! :lol:
She did, but I managed to learn how to think for myself anyway. You can tell because I'm not a liberal.
You can bet if NPR & PBS were only pushing Conservative/Republican propaganda,the Left/Democrats would have already had the Government shut them down. Socialists/Progressives do not stand for free and open speech. I don't know too many who still believe they do. The fact the Left/Democrats defend NPR & PBS so much,really does say it all. They should enforce their 'Fairness Doctrine' on themselves. No Government-funded Media Outlet should be allowed to spew such propaganda.
Taxpayer funding is only a very small percentage of NPR's operating budget, Tommy Boy.

So sorry that you won't be able to shut up the voices of progress.

Miss the bus again?


Any percentage of taxpayer funding is too much.
Looks like you missed that bus - Blind Boo has already showed that there isn't taxpayer funding.
Odd, then, that NPR says there is.
NPR & PBS have been pushing Liberal/Democrat propaganda for many years. I can't think of any Conservatives who are on NPR. All of their hosts are far Left-leaning. I will support their defunding unless i see some major changes. NPR needs to add some Conservatives or they should no longer receive Taxpayer Dollars. The last straw for me was when they took all that cash from George Soros and then fired Juan Williams. They're a sham at this point.

Truth and facts and reality ALL have a Liberal bias, yes.
To those unwilling to acknowledge any other point of view, yes.

Truth, facts, and reality do not need to acknowledge another point of view.

Reality: "this is how it is, but I should also really acknowledge how it isn't, just to be fair".

Yep auction off their public licenses to other media outlets. That'll teach um to be fairly-one-sided huh?

"I said it before, but I’ll say it again: NPR receives no direct funding from the federal government for operations. Here is a breakdown of NPR’s funding sources"

Fact Check: Palin Calls For Congress To ‘Defund’ NPR | Hubbub | Blogs | WBUR

You killed the thread!!!!!!

Oh great, now they're going to take their ball and go home. Hahahahaha.
Oh, they'll take their balls - they're teabaggers!

Your republicans are laughable sometimes. Some of you really love to be up in arms over things. Relax, NPR is not liberal propoganda. That is SO alarmist, and you clearly are only trying to have a retort for the fact that liberals called fox news right wing propoganda. They have Storytime for christ sake, and 'Soundstage'... Ooo! Real political! I listen to it all the time. It's awesome. They offer different perspectives about a plethora of topics.
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Most of their funding comes from private donations and philanthropics.

They still receive 16% of their funding from the federal government - with another 14% from universities (which largely feed from the public trough).

If there programming is so valuable, they should be able to exist with no taxpayer support.

It's also important to note that the Kroc estate avoided an enormous amount of estate taxes by making contributions to NPR.

Lets not forget the 49% subsidies through tax breaks. Sounds like its close to a 100% taxpayer funded.
Can you support your premise with a link?

Which premise? That Righties are ignorant? Read this thread!

You support a station that only exists because the public coffers prop them up and say the Right is ignorant? NPR has what, 10 listeners?

Who's ignorant?

Who's ignorant? You are, of course. Listen to NPR, and listen to those who call in with their comments. Then, listen to Limbaugh or Hannity, and listen to those who call in with their comments ("Ah, ditto Rush, ditto ditto ditto...").
Most of their funding comes from private donations and philanthropics.

They still receive 16% of their funding from the federal government - with another 14% from universities (which largely feed from the public trough).

If there programming is so valuable, they should be able to exist with no taxpayer support.

It's also important to note that the Kroc estate avoided an enormous amount of estate taxes by making contributions to NPR.

Lets not forget the 49% subsidies through tax breaks. Sounds like its close to a 100% taxpayer funded.

More and more ignorance on display.
Bring on the Conservatives! I think more people would listen and watch NPR & PBS if they hired some Conservatives. Socialists/Progressives really are such a bore. Just a suggestion anyway.
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They still receive 16% of their funding from the federal government - with another 14% from universities (which largely feed from the public trough).

If there programming is so valuable, they should be able to exist with no taxpayer support.

It's also important to note that the Kroc estate avoided an enormous amount of estate taxes by making contributions to NPR.

Lets not forget the 49% subsidies through tax breaks. Sounds like its close to a 100% taxpayer funded.

More and more ignorance on display.

You are one of the stupidest people on the internets.

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