Definition v. Physical Evidence

To Emma: This from the article I linked changes the playing field:

Klayman told WND that during a hearing today on discovery issues in the case, Lewis noted that while Klayman’s brief cited a U.S. Supreme Court’s decision defining “natural born citizen” as the offspring of two citizens of the nation, the White House’s arguments provided no citations.

Klayman had cited the U.S. Supreme Court case Minor v. Happersett from 1875.

That case did nothing of the sort.
Talk about getting cute! Everybody knows about technicalities but this one is ridiculous:

Attorneys arguing on behalf of Barack Obama’s re-election plans today urged a Florida judge to decide that Obama is not yet the Democratic nominee for president and ignore evidence challenging his eligibility.

Obama attorneys argue he's not Dem nominee
Urge Florida judge to ignore evidence challenging eligibility
Published: 6 hours ago

Obama attorneys argue he’s not Dem nominee

Hussein’s attorneys are trying to run out the clock before election day.

Here’s the video of the hearing earlier today. It’s fairly interesting if you can listen to lawyers. Move the cursor to 7:30. Nothing important happens before then.

Obama is not the Democratic candidate until the Democratic convention states he is the Democratic candidate.

The issue is not BHO, has not been for a long time: the light and heat are focused on birfers and their birferism pervisions.

The 97% of America who is sane on this issue simply ignores it.

It will have no impact whatsoever on the election.

But there are good people out there in government on both sides of the aisles that are going to hold the birfers to account. Their day is coming when they will be held accountable.

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