Deep calleth unto deep

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In reading the quoted writings below in Cowman's 1965 publishing, consider King David, who wrote: Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.
Psalm 42:7

At the noise of thy waterspouts... the Lord is calling us out into the deep where wave after wave of trials, afflictions and tribulations wash over us. It is there that we grow deeper in our faith, trust, and abiding in Jesus Christ who is our Great Deliverer and our Great Victor.


They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep (Ps. 107:23, 24).

He is but an apprentice and no master in the art, who has not learned that every wind that blows is fair for Heaven. The only thing that helps nobody, is a dead calm. North or south, east or west, it matters not, every wind may help towards that blessed port. Seek one thing only: keep well out to sea, and then have no fear of stormy winds. Let our prayer be that of an old Cornishman: "O Lord, send us out to sea--out in the deep water. Here we are so close to the rocks that the first bit of breeze with the devil, we are all knocked to pieces. Lord, send us out to sea--out in the deep water, where we shall have room enough to get a glorious victory."
--Mark Guy Pearse

Remember that we have no more faith at any time than we have in the hour of trial. All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence. Fair-weather faith is no faith.
--C. H. Spurgeon

Streams in the Desert - August 30
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