Decline of traditional family. Who is to blame?

The traditional family is the one where the husband has a mistress on the side.
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


The chart confirms what is often said that money problems are one of the main reasons relationships/marriages fail.

Bitches love money. If you don't have it, they are gone.

Hell, our MSM has them believing that material comforts are more important than their own children, I shit you not.

Divorce Study Financial Arguments Early In Relationship May Predict Divorce
Traditional family? You mean this right?

That mom and dad, and two kids, living away from the rest of the family and the older generations, hardly traditional.

Three-Generation Households Are Making a Comeback - The Wire

Those your Hillbilly, gun toting neighbors, Eddie Albert?
Didn't know you disliked your "real Americans"? You must be the one in pink.

You come up with that one on your own?

You're part right though, my legs are amazing...
Newt Gingrich is a one man marriage institution wrecker. He gets a mistress while married to his first wife, then divorces her to marry the mistress. Then he gets another mistress while married to the second wife who was his first mistress. Then he divorces the second wife to marry the second mistress!


The Gay Agenda™ made me do it.
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


People seem to devalue and discard each other too easily today.
The ideology of Progressivism-Statism is the root cause.
Combine LBJ's poorly written bureaucratic mess of the "Great Society" with the assault on Christian values based on fake Constitutional law by a former KKK member and widespread left wing political support for killing the unborn and factor in Hollywood pushing the limits of decency for the last half century and you have a witches brew for the decline of society.
Traditional family? You mean this right?

That mom and dad, and two kids, living away from the rest of the family and the older generations, hardly traditional.

Three-Generation Households Are Making a Comeback - The Wire

Those your Hillbilly, gun toting neighbors, Eddie Albert?
Didn't know you disliked your "real Americans"? You must be the one in pink.

You come up with that one on your own?
I did, then I went to change a saw blade for the wife. Timing can be everything.
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reaskon, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.

Who is to blame? Henry VIII, King of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France, Defender of the Faith, bka bla bla
Marriage Equality is happening, and all the whining in the world will not stop that.
This thread is not about marriage equality. We are not talking about gay people here. We are talking about the notion of family in the US and family-related problems. I mentioned gay marriage as a reference. Dob't you think there are enough family-related problems in the present-day United States except for gays?
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


Who is to blame?

if i told you it is liberscum would you believe me ? they HATE Christian Conservatives, any religion except for Isham.

liberscum also
HATE America, they want total control over people..., this remind you of anyone ? :up:

Well, that's an interesting view on the problem.
According to you Christianity - and Christian family-oriented values - is being destroyed by liberals. How is it even possible? I thought people abandon their faith out of personal reasons, not political propaganda. Moreover, there are enough liberals who claim to be true Christians. How can you determine who is true Christian and who is not?
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


60% of Protestant marriages end in divorce. That stat's always had me thinking marriage, if monogamous, isn't natural. Especially in a consumer society where little if anything is bought for the long-term. Cars are leased, computers are upgraded every few years (except mine which is now 16 years old with probably 18 year-old technology,) houses are flipped or people just move peridocially instead of having a multigenerational homestead, jobs come and go.

It's like the line from "Brave New World" of "New things are better than old things. I want all new things." And this desire includes relationships. When one gets dull or encounters hardships, instead of trying to patch it, you discard it for a new one.

The problem isn't tied to ethnicity or sexuality, but culture. Our culture is a consumer-capitalist one where no one patches things any more when it's acceptable by the rest of society to simply discard things and people alike.

Monogamy is a natural trait of Christianity and European civilization with the United States being a part of it. Now we slowly drift from Christian values and therefore traditional understanding of what family is.
I do agree it is culture-related. I am not sure consumerism is to blame though. You can be a perfect consumer and still spend all your life with one partner.
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


Let me try to follow your logic - gays can not effect your mentality, but they can cause you to not take your marriage vows seriously... simply by their existence?

Homophobia is a mental illness that causes a detachment from reality.
Approximately every third marriage gets disrupted. Fertility rate is dropping. 397,122 children in the US live without permanent families. The notion of family is transforming. So is our attitude to traditional family values. Gays are not the reason, they are the cause. It is not possible for LGBT community to affect our mentality, we are the ones destroying the image and value of traditional family in the US.


60% of Protestant marriages end in divorce. That stat's always had me thinking marriage, if monogamous, isn't natural. Especially in a consumer society where little if anything is bought for the long-term. Cars are leased, computers are upgraded every few years (except mine which is now 16 years old with probably 18 year-old technology,) houses are flipped or people just move peridocially instead of having a multigenerational homestead, jobs come and go.

It's like the line from "Brave New World" of "New things are better than old things. I want all new things." And this desire includes relationships. When one gets dull or encounters hardships, instead of trying to patch it, you discard it for a new one.

The problem isn't tied to ethnicity or sexuality, but culture. Our culture is a consumer-capitalist one where no one patches things any more when it's acceptable by the rest of society to simply discard things and people alike.

Monogamy is a natural trait of Christianity and European civilization with the United States being a part of it. Now we slowly drift from Christian values and therefore traditional understanding of what family is.
I do agree it is culture-related. I am not sure consumerism is to blame though. You can be a perfect consumer and still spend all your life with one partner.

"We" drift from Christianity?

Who the fuck is "we"? We are the the United States, a broad spectrum of races, cultures, and religious traditions.

The word Christian doesn't even mean ONE single thing as there are thousands of Christian sects.

Some would say being a Christian means practicing unconditional love and tolerance, feeding the poor, caring for the sick, and helping those in need.

Homophobes need to stop calling themselves "Christians" -- you are anything but.

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