Debian Lenny


Jun 25, 2009
Not fucking there !
I may be in the wrong section of this board but if you are sick or Winbloze or MacIntrash , I suggest Debian stable, AKA Lenny.
For the Windoze users that might not have a clue I recommend Ubuntu or Mintlinux\linuxmint.
Debian lenny will have less support for newer hardware than Ubuntu or linux mint (ubuntu based, and ubuntu is debian unstable based)...

Debian has a release schedule on "stable" branch version of about 3-5 years. Their "testing" branch is around 2 years or so, and the testing is roughly 6 months to a year.

They start with unstable, after a period of time its refined and becomes "testing" then after more time and refinement it becomes "stable"... Rule of thumb is current stable is about 3 years old in regards to hardware support. Current testing is about 1-2 years, and current unstable is about 6 moths to a year.

Ubuntu/mint, uses unstable debian for its minor releases (every 6 months). And uses testing for its major or Long Term Support (LTS) releases (every 2 years or so)..

Ubuntu/mint, will support more modern hardware and configurations, and sacrifice some stability. Debian stable is obviously more stable but sacrifices some more modern hardware support...

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