CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

for the record---the land mass South of the Litani
river is a viper's nest of Hezbollah filth. The area
has no industrial or farming activity and is POPULATED
by indigent Lebanese who are scantily supported by
Iran with food and water because it is strategically
against Israel. As a "spiritual center" ---it is something like the scummy surround of the yellow
pustule called "al aqsa"----and a strategic place for the trashy minions of the rapist to toss rocks on the
heads of innocents below........
That wasn't until the mid 1980s. Israeli incursions into Lebanon began 30 years earlier.
That wasn't until the mid 1980s. Israeli incursions into Lebanon began 30 years earlier.
christian flight from Lebanon began even earlier---
like way back in the 1930s as a response to islamic
aggression who considered the MARONITES to
be KAFFIRIN in cahoots with the French. Lucky us (in my area of the USA) --
as a kid I thought Lebanese meant CHRISTIAN with
extra lines in the cross and purveyors of
christian flight from Lebanon began even earlier---
like way back in the 1930s as a response to islamic
aggression who considered the MARONITES to
be KAFFIRIN in cahoots with the French. Lucky us (in my area of the USA) --
as a kid I thought Lebanese meant CHRISTIAN with
extra lines in the cross and purveyors of
In the 1930s. ... up until 1948 Lebanon had a Christian majority.
Of course they had a Jewish community. You can thank the Zionists the Jews left Lebanon.
ROFLMAO have you ever met a jew from Lebanon? Jews left Lebanon for Israel for the same reasons Maronites fled to New York and New Jersey
ROFLMAO have you ever met a jew from Lebanon? Jews left Lebanon for Israel for the same reasons Maronites fled to New York and New Jersey
Yes. I know they left because they were overwhelmed with refugees from Palestine in 1948 and 1967. I spent a lot of time in Lebanon. Many of my classmates went to AUB or ACS.
Yes. I know they left because they were overwhelmed with refugees from Palestine in 1948 and 1967. I spent a lot of time in Lebanon. Many of my classmates went to AUB or ACS.
nope----earlier. Tensions between "communities"
already in Lebanon heated up LONG BEFORE 1948
as to "palestinian refugees" a very few hundred
thousand---probably under 200,000. The idea that the numbers were "overwhelming" is silly----
more like the nature of the "refugees" and the
fact of arab/muslim nationalism
nope----earlier. Tensions between "communities"
already in Lebanon heated up LONG BEFORE 1948
as to "palestinian refugees" a very few hundred
thousand---probably under 200,000. The idea that the numbers were "overwhelming" is silly----
more like the nature of the "refugees" and the
fact of arab/muslim nationalism
The Zionists destroyed over 300 villages in 1947-48 and another 67 Druze villages in the Golan heights in 1967. Are you proud of that?
good idea -----and Iran can return TEHERAN to it's
erstwhile significant population of jews INCLUDING
all confiscated property------I have relatives who will
be delighted to get compensated for that which was
stolen from them in Iran
good idea -----and Iran can return TEHERAN to it's
erstwhile significant population of jews INCLUDING
all confiscated property------I have relatives who will
be delighted to get compensated for that which was
stolen from them in Iran
Rosie. They would still be living in Tehran except for the action of the European Zionists.
The Zionists destroyed over 300 villages in 1947-48 and another 67 Druze villages in the Golan heights in 1967. Are you proud of that?
the minions of the rapist pig of mecca murdered
in the hundreds of millions-----in fact, so did the
christians PROUD? your fellows grabbed two
of my austrian cousins (little girls) by the ankles and
smashed their heads against brick walls PROUD?
PS----eye witness accounts of your 367 villages---
lied. For more filth----go to your local mosque
for the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling.
the minions of the rapist pig of mecca murdered
in the hundreds of millions-----in fact, so did the
christians PROUD? your fellows grabbed two
of my austrian cousins (little girls) by the ankles and
smashed their heads against brick walls PROUD?
PS----eye witness accounts of your 367 villages---
lied. For more filth----go to your local mosque
for the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling.
Does that justify your treatment of the Palestinians?
Rosie. They would still be living in Tehran except for the action of the European Zionists.
wrong again Jews did not create pig Khomeini.
In fact----way back in the late 60s and early 70s
I was well acquainted with both muslim and jewish
Iranians fleeing the filth of the ---COMING deluge
of Ayatoilets------and the stench of islamism in the
air. -----they were responding something like the
Lebanese maronites had in the 1930s.
ROFLMAO @ "european zionists" <<< another
islamo nazi meme
Does that justify your treatment of the Palestinians?
another islamo nazi MEME-----palestinians
seek my treatment in the hospitals in which
I have worked------somehow they do not seem
to trust arabs. Iranians hate arabs ---as do
Turks. sheeeesh you are brainwashed and nothing
like the Saudis with whom I have worked
another islamo nazi MEME-----palestinians
seek my treatment in the hospitals in which
I have worked------somehow they do not seem
to trust arabs. Iranians hate arabs ---as do
Turks. sheeeesh you are brainwashed and nothing
like the Saudis with whom I have worked
I know. You hate Arabs too.

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