Death.. Moving On..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

Is your brother named Lumpy 2?
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

Is your brother named Lumpy 2?

No... Did your parents have all girls...?
I think that this conscious energy we call our spirit is so used to residing in our physical bodies that after death it retains certain properties, but only momentarily - maybe hours or years or decades.

Perhaps not properties of sight, smell, hearing, or touch- but a consciousness nonetheless.

But I tend to agree with Lumpy 2... this eventually disipates into the ether and we continue to exist only in the memories of the living.
I think that this conscious energy we call our spirit is so used to residing in our physical bodies that after death it retains certain properties, but only momentarily - maybe hours or years or decades.

Perhaps not properties of sight, smell, hearing, or touch- but a consciousness nonetheless.

But I tend to agree with Lumpy 2... this eventually disipates into the ether and we continue to exist only in the memories of the living.

Oh Yah.. that's what this thread was about...interesting perspective of the unknown..

Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

I've always thought that one's spirit is actually the memory that is left behind. And if you've lived a good life and have been loved by many, then you will remain here in good memories...essentially you will be in heaven.

For those who are evil and have left only bad memories, then they are in hell. But even those people may have a family member who remembers them fondly...and to those people, they are in heaven.
I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

And what if you're 'just a memory' in the first place? All the objective evidence we have points to the 'mind' as the memory contents of the brain. To the extent that you've shared your memories - your experiences, your values, your dreams - with others, you'll live on in as a 'free rider' in their brains.
Some interesting views so far...more of them... would be nice...
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..


So assume that one or the other of you is right.

Then what?
I believe we have a spirit. I think during life it is trapped in our bodies, and upon release, God sends it where we have chosen to have it sent during our lives.

I've chosen heaven. I look forward to getting there. Until then, I enjoy my time on earth because we have joy while we're here as well.
If your body dies does that mean part or all of you die?

Is your body you?

Are you you without your body?

My mind tells me when my amblitory shell becomes unfuntional to the point it begins to rot then the brain in the top container will rot too.

Causing my mind to no longer exsist.

I know many of you (if still unrotted) will rejoyce at this idea.

I know people ( Im sure you do to) that believe they have had contact with people who were in post rot stage.

I can not quantify or disect these beliefs. I simply have to take them into consideration.

I belive after you die you no longer exsist.

Yet if there are parallel universes like some postulate then perhaps some energy is released upon death and these "experiences" are beings reaching into a parralel universe for some reason such as trama or love.

It would be awesome but I have no proof and so I have to go with my best guess which is at death its over.
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If your body dies does that mean part or all of you die?

Is your body you?

Are you you without your body?

My mind tells me when my amblitory shell becomes unfuntional to the point it begins to rot then the brain in the top container will rot too.

Causing my mind to no longer exsist.

I know many of you (if still unrotted) will rejoyce at this idea.

I know people ( Im sure you do to) that believe they have had contact with people who were in post rot stage.

I can not quantify or disect these beliefs. I simply have to take them into consideration.

I belive after you die you no longer exsist.

Yet if there are parallel universes like some postulate then perhaps some energy is released upon death and these "experiences" are beings reaching into a parralel universe for some reason such as trama or love.

It would be awesome but I have no proof and so I have to go with my best guess which is at death its over.

Your body is not you. Your personality is not you.` Your consciousness leaves the body when you die and it transmigrates to another body in one of six realms of existence.

Hey that would be cool with me.

It beats not exsisting.

i jsut dont have the proper PROOF to believe anything exsists of me beyond my fleshy ablitory device
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

Key questions here...

Move on to where, and when exactly?

Also, what scripture(s) are you basing your understanding of the state of the dead on?
Does the bottom line between the faithful and the non-believers come down to this?

I have faith that when my body dies, my spirit is moving on..

My brother believes that when his body dies, that's it, you're just a memory..

I've always thought that one's spirit is actually the memory that is left behind. And if you've lived a good life and have been loved by many, then you will remain here in good memories...essentially you will be in heaven.

For those who are evil and have left only bad memories, then they are in hell. But even those people may have a family member who remembers them fondly...and to those people, they are in heaven.
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