Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

Conspiring with Russian Officials to win an election
Never happened. Literally every person in America acknowledges this who isn't an absurd partisan. Intelligence reports have already proven that Russians ran a campaign to help Hitlery as much as they did to help Trump. They were just trying to disrupt our entire election process and turn American's against each other. They had absolutely no agenda to get a particular candidate elected.
Obstruction of Justice
That's a first. Where did this supposed accusation come from? A shred of evidence to back this one up? Even an article?
And now it seems witness tampering
That's a first. Where did this supposed accusation come from? A shred of evidence to back this one up? Even an article?
Violations of the Emoluments clause
Of all the left-wing lies, this one is the most absurd. Hitlery Clinton actually did violate the Emoluments Clause (when she sold uranium mines to Russia). President Trump has even come remotely close to violating the Emoluments Clause.

So to made 4 accusations...2 of which are 100% wrong and have been thus proven and 2 of which are new accusations which you failed to add anything credible to back up your accusation.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.
  1. “Collusion” is not a crime
  2. At best, what you have there are computer crimes
  3. Russia worked to disrupt our elections - as much on Hitlery’s behalf as Trump’s
At some point, you’re just going to have to accept reality over your ideology hon.

Computer crimes are felonies in some cases. Unauthorized use of a computer network (aka hacking) is a crime. Conspiring with hackers is a crime as well. But you’re right, your spoon fed line “collusion” is not a crime.

Is it in Russia?

Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

The Hamas gurl is just fucking lying, as is her way.

Stone acknowledged he is likely the unnamed person in the indictment of Russian military intelligence officers charged with hacking Democratic computers.

But Stone insisted throughout that he did nothing illegal. In a tweet Oct. 23, Stone said in pungent language for CNN and The Washington Post that he didn’t communicate with WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign and didn’t receive emails allegedly hacked from Democratic computers.

“The answer is no,” Stone said.}

Roger Stone, Trump friend and campaign aide, will plead the Fifth, refuses to appear before Senate Judiciary Committee

‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?’ Trump said — years after invoking it himself - The Washington Post

According to Trump…

“The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said at an Iowa campaign rally in September. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”


All the KOS Talking Points and all the KOS hate, couldn't keep Hamas Candy from her fate

Her fate to be exposed as the fucking liar she is...

Candy sez; "As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing." which is a total fucking lie...
That's proof of exactly nothing. You snowflakes are so desperate, but all you can come up with are great big nothing burgers.

Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange
Published time: 13 Jun, 2016 18:47 Edited time: 13 Jun, 2016 21:15​
What Mueller is probably looking at is whether the hacking occurred before Stone tweeted about it or not. Because if it happened between the tweet and when they were made public, bingo-game over.
Speaking of "game over". The entire trail from Russian leads directly to the Dumbocrats. This is some really damning stuff here CC. And not just weird accusations like you've posted. Actual, credible intelligence from news articles across the nation.

The Russian Trail Leads To The Democratics
Who did Hitlery Clinton collude with to obtain the fake Christopher Steele dossier? That's right...the Russians!
What we know already is the Democrats financed this dossier [targeting Donald Trump]. The Democrat National Committee, the Clinton campaign, paid Fusion GPS who paid Christopher Steele who paid Russians to do what? Influence the election.
That is seriously damning. Absolutely no evidence (yet) of Trump-Russian collusion but a treasure trove of evidence of Clinton-Russian collusion.

Lawmakers Seek Release of Secret Memo on FBI, Anti-Trump Dossier
Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:


Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

Is it Clinton accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring and downplaying "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?

Tree, all the facts and evidence in the world prove nothing to the Left in the Life Game of Chess when they play by Checkers Rules. You'd be better off trying to tell your dog not to run outside into traffic during a tornado even though the door is wide open. Like Pavlov's Dogs, the Left have been given their talking points on Trump to follow blindly. Doesn't matter to them they only keep running face first into a brick wall.
That's proof of exactly nothing. You snowflakes are so desperate, but all you can come up with are great big nothing burgers.

Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange
Published time: 13 Jun, 2016 18:47 Edited time: 13 Jun, 2016 21:15​
We're ALL waiting for that **** to be indicted. Unfortunately, the Dumbocrats believe deeply in corruption. And they make sure a former 1st Lady, former Senator, and former Secretary of State from their side of the aisle is above the law. Sad but true.
What Mueller is probably looking at is whether the hacking occurred before Stone tweeted about it or not. Because if it happened between the tweet and when they were made public, bingo-game over.
Speaking of "game over". The entire trail from Russian leads directly to the Dumbocrats. This is some really damning stuff here CC. And not just weird accusations like you've posted. Actual, credible intelligence from news articles across the nation.

The Russian Trail Leads To The Democratics

Conspiring with Russian Officials to win an election
Never happened. Literally every person in America acknowledges this who isn't an absurd partisan. Intelligence reports have already proven that Russians ran a campaign to help Hitlery as much as they did to help Trump. They were just trying to disrupt our entire election process and turn American's against each other. They had absolutely no agenda to get a particular candidate elected.
Obstruction of Justice
That's a first. Where did this supposed accusation come from? A shred of evidence to back this one up? Even an article?
And now it seems witness tampering
That's a first. Where did this supposed accusation come from? A shred of evidence to back this one up? Even an article?

Violations of the Emoluments clause
Of all the left-wing lies, this one is the most absurd. Hitlery Clinton actually did violate the Emoluments Clause (when she sold uranium mines to Russia). President Trump has even come remotely close to violating the Emoluments Clause.

So to made 4 accusations...2 of which are 100% wrong and have been thus proven and 2 of which are new accusations which you failed to add anything credible to back up your accusation.
What Mueller is probably looking at is whether the hacking occurred before Stone tweeted about it or not. Because if it happened between the tweet and when they were made public, bingo-game over.
Speaking of "game over". The entire trail from Russian leads directly to the Dumbocrats. This is some really damning stuff here CC. And not just weird accusations like you've posted. Actual, credible intelligence from news articles across the nation.

The Russian Trail Leads To The Democratics

The investigation into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continues unabated.
At the time Mueller was appointed, there was sufficient evidence of Russian meddling in our election to warrant special counsel. This has already proven justified by the number of indictments, convictions and jail sentences so far.

What evidence? There was not sufficient evidence of anything at all done by The Trump Campaign to launch any sort of Investigation in to Russian Collusion? The only evidence was Clinton-Obama-and Fusion GPS said. It was a hoax, and The Heads of THE FBI knew it was a hoax but filed false affidavits in a FISA Court at the direction of Obama to help Clinton and Obama spy on The Trump Campaign.

Again, please define the term Russian Collusion and site US Code that defines it. please tell us why Mueller exists at all using US Code to define his existence and to define exactly what law was broken that he needed to investigate."
What evidence? There is a mountain of it.
The FBI investigation was started due to Papadopoulos boasting to an Australian diplomat.
That also turns out to be a lie, idiot.
Thats why i had linked to usa today, a reliable source
Its your word against...

* wired, Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable

* wikipedia: russia interference.

* new york times, Inside a 3-Year Russian Campaign to Influence U.S. Voters, and propaganda tools used by russia.

* Council on foreign relations, Russia, Trump, and the 2016 U.S. Election

etc etc
Where's the evidence that Trump had anything to do with it?

Do you assholes ever post anything that actually supports your moronic claims? You certainly didn't post any evidence that the FBI investigation was started due to Papadopoulos boasting to an Australian diplomat.
I just gave you four references pertaining to Russian meddling in our election. The question of Trump having anything to do with it is a separate topic, but the answers are coming, and it likely has alot to do with Roger Stone and Corsi.
I'm not going to give you any link to Papadopoulos causing the FBI to start its investigation, you can just google search for it; because its so easy to find.
The investigation into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continues unabated.
And after more than 2 years has resulted in.....? Nothing. Not so much as an unsubstantiated accusation. :laugh:

Well, Ben-gotcha got six years and 0.00 convictions. Mueller has uncovered great many crimes that were committed by Trump’s hires who worked on his campaign. Advantage Captain Mueller.

At the 17 month mark we haven’t yet begun to drag your messiah through the mud yet.
Well, Ben-gotcha got six years and 0.00 convictions.
Well sure. Because the Dumbocrats make sure their kind is above the law. Doesn't change the fact that the people at Benghazi came forward and testified that MaObama lied (and people died). Those that were actually there and were shot at even had a movie made about it to make sure the truth came out.

More than 2 years later and Mueller doesn't even have an accusation. Who has come forward to testify that Trump violated a law? Nobody. Not a single person. Because....well...."collusion" not only didn't happen, but it's not even illegal if it had happened. Sorry hon.
At the 17 month mark we haven’t yet begun to drag your messiah through the mud yet.
You speak the truth. Your side of the aisle will piss away tens of millions in a faux witch hunt in hopes of stealing the 2020 election.

America is used to the Dumbocrats engaging in this desperate nonsense. Nothing new there. :dunno:
What Mueller is probably looking at is whether the hacking occurred before Stone tweeted about it or not. Because if it happened between the tweet and when they were made public, bingo-game over.
Well CC, one of the most prominent attorney’s in the nation - and a hard core leftist - vehemently disagrees with your comments.
Speaking with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Dershowitz predicted Mueller would ultimately "blur the line between crimes and sins" in an effort to paint Trump in negative light.

The reason? According to Dershowitz, it's because Trump has not committed a crime. It's only if Mueller's team "stretch...vague laws" will they potentially secure criminal prosecution, Dershowitz explained.
See, Allen Dershowitz is perfectly articulating what you and everyone else on the left is doing. Declaring anything you don’t like to be a “crime”.

Alan Dershowitz shoots holes through newest major development in Mueller's investigation
The investigation into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continues unabated.
And after more than 2 years has resulted in.....? Nothing. Not so much as an unsubstantiated accusation. :laugh:

Well, Ben-gotcha got six years and 0.00 convictions. Mueller has uncovered great many crimes that were committed by Trump’s hires who worked on his campaign. Advantage Captain Mueller.

At the 17 month mark we haven’t yet begun to drag your messiah through the mud yet.
I'm glad you admit this has nothing to do with justice or the law.
Well, Ben-gotcha got six years and 0.00 convictions.
Well sure. Because the Dumbocrats make sure their kind is above the law. Doesn't change the fact that the people at Benghazi came forward and testified that MaObama lied (and people died). Those that were actually there and were shot at even had a movie made about it to make sure the truth came out.

More than 2 years later and Mueller doesn't even have an accusation. Who has come forward to testify that Trump violated a law? Nobody. Not a single person. Because....well...."collusion" not only didn't happen, but it's not even illegal if it had happened. Sorry hon.

Using the Ben-Gotcha standard, Mueller should get over 4 more years.

Who knows what Trump’s former confidants are saying to Captain Mueller.

Mueller’s investigation into the multiple scandals of the Trump administration and campaign continues.

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