Dear Hollywood Progressives: You don't matter


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The people who whine the loudest about "income inequality" while making $20 million per movie haven't quite figured out yet that the more they talk - the more the American people laugh at them and reject them:

"Did the phony, hypocritical liberal celebrities who made fools of themselves during the 2016 campaign not get the memo? I am specifically referring to all the useful post-election analysis that should have clued them in to how little their opinions mattered in the political realm, and what their utility might be in the future. Even back in 2014, a CBS News poll showed that 61 percent of Americans thought Hollywood had "too much influence on American politics and social values."

To remind everyone, celebrities from Beyoncé to Leonardo DiCaprio to Katy Perry appeared at Hillary Clinton rallies, held concerts in support of Clinton and produced what they obviously thought were really cute, funny videos trying to get people to vote for Clinton. But, as Maureen Callahan so succinctly wrote in a smart piece for Page Six entitled "Why celebrity endorsements didn't help Hillary at all," "Those who have money, fame, privilege and status and have no cause to worry - and fail to do so - can only further divide the country and alienate those who, rightly, feel unseen, unheard and looked down upon." And, Callahan wrote, after Clinton lost, "those celebrities who reacted publicly often did so with a pungent brew of self-pity, condescension and didacticism." Sarah Jones, writing in the New Republic, may have said it best: Clinton's "campaign employed a candy-colored brand of female empowerment seemingly based on the assumption that white women's political priorities are influenced by the pop culture they consume."

Opinion | Politically illiterate Democratic celebrities continue to embarrass themselves
The people who whine the loudest about "income inequality" while making $20 million per movie haven't quite figured out yet that the more they talk - the more the American people laugh at them and reject them:

"Did the phony, hypocritical liberal celebrities who made fools of themselves during the 2016 campaign not get the memo? I am specifically referring to all the useful post-election analysis that should have clued them in to how little their opinions mattered in the political realm, and what their utility might be in the future. Even back in 2014, a CBS News poll showed that 61 percent of Americans thought Hollywood had "too much influence on American politics and social values."

To remind everyone, celebrities from Beyoncé to Leonardo DiCaprio to Katy Perry appeared at Hillary Clinton rallies, held concerts in support of Clinton and produced what they obviously thought were really cute, funny videos trying to get people to vote for Clinton. But, as Maureen Callahan so succinctly wrote in a smart piece for Page Six entitled "Why celebrity endorsements didn't help Hillary at all," "Those who have money, fame, privilege and status and have no cause to worry - and fail to do so - can only further divide the country and alienate those who, rightly, feel unseen, unheard and looked down upon." And, Callahan wrote, after Clinton lost, "those celebrities who reacted publicly often did so with a pungent brew of self-pity, condescension and didacticism." Sarah Jones, writing in the New Republic, may have said it best: Clinton's "campaign employed a candy-colored brand of female empowerment seemingly based on the assumption that white women's political priorities are influenced by the pop culture they consume."

Opinion | Politically illiterate Democratic celebrities continue to embarrass themselves

Thank you for that post! Every conservative should agree!

Ummm, besides California, you think it is time to hose them too!

1. California

2. Chicago, Illinois

3. Hollyweird, and it would be easy to get into their pockets. All we have to do is be a little smart-)
Not only are you out of touch with reality and the American people, Hollywood progressives, but now you've alienated yourselves further by not keeping your word. That doesn't fly with real American's. Progressives may love lies - but they are a very small population.

Keep Your Word: Renounce Your Citizenship and Leave the United States immediately

These 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Wins
The electoral college makes sure that crazy cali does not determine the direction of this country....:dance:
Crazy Cali wants to succeed from the union anyways...
The electoral college makes sure that crazy cali does not determine the direction of this country....:dance:

That's all you RWnuts have left...dependency on a system that doesn't let the People elect the president.

The people did elect the President. The people, in what amounts to 51 different elections where they get to vote, chose the winner of each of those 51 elections. When the votes that count were added up, Trump won and your bitch lost.

Don't like the system, change it. However, don't expect too much support from the two states that gave Hillary 1/3 of her electoral vote total. They benefit from the system.
The electoral college makes sure that crazy cali does not determine the direction of this country....:dance:

That's all you RWnuts have left...dependency on a system that doesn't let the People elect the president.
Not only are you out of touch with reality and the American people, Hollywood progressives, but now you've alienated yourselves further by not keeping your word. That doesn't fly with real American's. Progressives may love lies - but they are a very small population.

Keep Your Word: Renounce Your Citizenship and Leave the United States immediately

These 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Wins

You're out of touch with something for making the same post 3 times.
Not only are you out of touch with reality and the American people, Hollywood progressives, but now you've alienated yourselves further by not keeping your word. That doesn't fly with real American's. Progressives may love lies - but they are a very small population.

Keep Your Word: Renounce Your Citizenship and Leave the United States immediately

These 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Wins

You're out of touch with something for making the same post 3 times.
Three different links you nitwit....ask an adult to help you read next time.
Not only are you out of touch with reality and the American people, Hollywood progressives, but now you've alienated yourselves further by not keeping your word. That doesn't fly with real American's. Progressives may love lies - but they are a very small population.

Keep Your Word: Renounce Your Citizenship and Leave the United States immediately

These 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Wins

You're out of touch with something for making the same post 3 times.
Many times liberals are so unbelievably STOOPID they have to be told over and over!

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