Day One-Repubs launch attack on Social Security

The earlier generations actually reaped massive amounts of money that they never put in.

Yep, and passed the bill onto us. Time to eliminate it completely. The only part that needs to exist is the disability component.

it's too late
It's never too late to do the right thing. Pay everyone exactly what they put into SS and medicare with adjustments for inflation minus what they've already received. Then shut it down.
Can you imagine how much better off your SS would have been if a portion of it had been privatized and put in the market in 2008? Or, is that too difficult.

Not difficult at all. I did exactly that, AND I have SS. Now imagine that you retired in 2008, lost your income, had no SS, and was forced to sell in 2008...or is that too difficult?

I did not suggest that you have NO SS, only that you put a percentage of it into the market. And, since when are you forced to sell all of your investments? Normal people take a monthly distribution once they retire. Are you that stupid, or just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Too small,

People on this thread, (which I assume included you) are arguing that they do not want to be forced into SS, and that they could handle their privatized retirement plan WITHOUT SS. I was asking what would happen to these people if, instead of getting a check from SS every month, they had put their money in equities, retired, and suddenly found that their equities value was cut in half during the Bush recession. Now, if someone invested in equities, which would be the only way one could save enough to retire, then one would have to sell equities to pay their bills. if they had to sell them during the Bush recession, they would have gotten $.50 on the dollar.

Now, have I finally made myself clear on this? I have explained it on this thread four times, so I hope so...or are you that stupid?

Not a problem, since I would have several hundred thousand dollars in my equity account and would only withdraw 2 or 3 thousand a month for retirement. The remaining balance in the equity account would continue to appreciate and as the market recovered, so would the equities in the account. You ding dongs seem to think that someone would withdraw their entire account at retirement, and that isn't the way it works.
You have made it perfectly clear that you aren't very bright.

Well, Toosmall, we all have dreams of being as bright as you someday! And I am sure that what you have done for yourself would be a snap for everyone in the country, all the way down to custodial engineers whose career was mopping the floor at the school cafeteria. So, by all means, get rid of, or privatize SS!

Quit dreaming and start learning and you might make it, tho' I seriously doubt it. If that custodial engineer worked for a company, rather than the government, he could have a 401K where every dollar he put into it would be matched by his employer with a dollar. A 50% drop in his equity account would mean he is still ahead because they earned dividends that were put in his account. Are you still with me?

If a portion, say 10% of his SS contribution was privatized, when he retired from sweeping floors he could receive a cash payment of what he had contributed, plus what his account had earned. If the market was down, he could let it ride until the market recovered, or take it in monthly payments. Get a book and study dollar cost averaging and think of it in reverse.

I realize anyone who mistakes Too Tall for Too Small is already at a distinct disadvantage, but perhaps you know someone with half a brain that could explain it to you.
Not difficult at all. I did exactly that, AND I have SS. Now imagine that you retired in 2008, lost your income, had no SS, and was forced to sell in 2008...or is that too difficult?

I did not suggest that you have NO SS, only that you put a percentage of it into the market. And, since when are you forced to sell all of your investments? Normal people take a monthly distribution once they retire. Are you that stupid, or just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Too small,

People on this thread, (which I assume included you) are arguing that they do not want to be forced into SS, and that they could handle their privatized retirement plan WITHOUT SS. I was asking what would happen to these people if, instead of getting a check from SS every month, they had put their money in equities, retired, and suddenly found that their equities value was cut in half during the Bush recession. Now, if someone invested in equities, which would be the only way one could save enough to retire, then one would have to sell equities to pay their bills. if they had to sell them during the Bush recession, they would have gotten $.50 on the dollar.

Now, have I finally made myself clear on this? I have explained it on this thread four times, so I hope so...or are you that stupid?

Not a problem, since I would have several hundred thousand dollars in my equity account and would only withdraw 2 or 3 thousand a month for retirement. The remaining balance in the equity account would continue to appreciate and as the market recovered, so would the equities in the account. You ding dongs seem to think that someone would withdraw their entire account at retirement, and that isn't the way it works.
You have made it perfectly clear that you aren't very bright.

Well, Toosmall, we all have dreams of being as bright as you someday! And I am sure that what you have done for yourself would be a snap for everyone in the country, all the way down to custodial engineers whose career was mopping the floor at the school cafeteria. So, by all means, get rid of, or privatize SS!

Quit dreaming and start learning and you might make it, tho' I seriously doubt it. If that custodial engineer worked for a company, rather than the government, he could have a 401K where every dollar he put into it would be matched by his employer with a dollar. A 50% drop in his equity account would mean he is still ahead because they earned dividends that were put in his account. Are you still with me?

If a portion, say 10% of his SS contribution was privatized, when he retired from sweeping floors he could receive a cash payment of what he had contributed, plus what his account had earned. If the market was down, he could let it ride until the market recovered, or take it in monthly payments. Get a book and study dollar cost averaging and think of it in reverse.

I realize anyone who mistakes Too Tall for Too Small is already at a distinct disadvantage, but perhaps you know someone with half a brain that could explain it to you.

Golly, Toosmall! They never taught me that when I earned my ChFC designation (Chartered Financial Consultant)! I'll have to write the American College at Bryn Mawr and demand my money back! But, in spite of my under education in finance and economics, I seriously doubt if you are anywhere near my tax bracket, and I have been retired since 2005. But keep at it! Since you have mastered the stock market, you too may get there. (Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.
QUOTE="peach174, post: 10495673, member: 23262"]
What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.

I'll keep that in mind the next time she gives us a history lesson on Paul Revere.
She was right about that you know.
The American Revolution against British Gun Control
The patriotic Boston Committee of Correspondence learned of the arms embargo and promptly dispatched Paul Revere to New Hampshire, with the warning that two British ships were headed to Fort William and Mary, near Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to seize firearms, cannons, and gunpowder. On December 14, 1774, 400 New Hampshire patriots preemptively captured all the material at the fort. A New Hampshire newspaper argued that the capture was prudent and proper, reminding readers that the ancient Carthaginians had consented to “deliver up all their Arms to the Romans” and were decimated by the Romans soon after.

Peach, I hesitate to even mention to you the difference between what happened with Paul Revere's ride, and what Palin SAID happened to Paul Revere's ride, since it is one of the dumbest interpretations of American history ever made by a polititian, and you, apparently don't even aunderstand why. However, in a nutshell, Sarah's version had it that PR was warning the British that we were going to be free, instead of warning the colonials that the British were coming. In Sarah's version, one can come to the conclusion that the British were so taken aback by PR riding around, ringin' those bells, and firing his single shot musket that they must have considered reboarding their ships because PR and his musket may have intimidated them:

Your defense of Sarah over this issue explains an awful lot about Palin worshipers. They don't have a clue.

Why was Revere warning the colonists that the British were coming?
Because they were coming to take away their firearms and the Colonists got them before the British got there.
She was right they did not allow their guns to be taken from them.
The libs blind hatred of her off the cuff remarks is duly noted and totally unreasonable.
So what you are upset about is that Revere did not ring the bells himself or fire warning shots.

How Accurate Were Palin s Paul Revere Comments NPR
Even a history professor agrees that she was right.
BLOCK: Professor Robert Allison is chair of the history department at Suffolk University in Boston.

BLOCK: So you think basically, on the whole, Sarah Palin got her history right.
Prof. ALLISON: Well, yeah, she did. And remember, she is a politician. She's not an historian. And God help us when historians start acting like politicians, and I suppose when politicians start writing history.[/QUOTE]

Peach, if you think that Paul Revere was making his famous ride to warn the British that we were not going to let them take away the colonial's arms, frankly, you are simply too brain dead for further discussion. Talk it over with Sarah. The two of you combined have the intelligence of a comatose jellyfish.[/QUOTE]

Did the British get the colonials arms? NO
They got them before the Brits did.
Read the history of it.
The American Revolution against British Gun Control
Don't have a problem with me, have a problem with the History Professor Robert Allison who said she is right.
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I did not suggest that you have NO SS, only that you put a percentage of it into the market. And, since when are you forced to sell all of your investments? Normal people take a monthly distribution once they retire. Are you that stupid, or just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Too small,

People on this thread, (which I assume included you) are arguing that they do not want to be forced into SS, and that they could handle their privatized retirement plan WITHOUT SS. I was asking what would happen to these people if, instead of getting a check from SS every month, they had put their money in equities, retired, and suddenly found that their equities value was cut in half during the Bush recession. Now, if someone invested in equities, which would be the only way one could save enough to retire, then one would have to sell equities to pay their bills. if they had to sell them during the Bush recession, they would have gotten $.50 on the dollar.

Now, have I finally made myself clear on this? I have explained it on this thread four times, so I hope so...or are you that stupid?

Not a problem, since I would have several hundred thousand dollars in my equity account and would only withdraw 2 or 3 thousand a month for retirement. The remaining balance in the equity account would continue to appreciate and as the market recovered, so would the equities in the account. You ding dongs seem to think that someone would withdraw their entire account at retirement, and that isn't the way it works.
You have made it perfectly clear that you aren't very bright.

Well, Toosmall, we all have dreams of being as bright as you someday! And I am sure that what you have done for yourself would be a snap for everyone in the country, all the way down to custodial engineers whose career was mopping the floor at the school cafeteria. So, by all means, get rid of, or privatize SS!

Quit dreaming and start learning and you might make it, tho' I seriously doubt it. If that custodial engineer worked for a company, rather than the government, he could have a 401K where every dollar he put into it would be matched by his employer with a dollar. A 50% drop in his equity account would mean he is still ahead because they earned dividends that were put in his account. Are you still with me?

If a portion, say 10% of his SS contribution was privatized, when he retired from sweeping floors he could receive a cash payment of what he had contributed, plus what his account had earned. If the market was down, he could let it ride until the market recovered, or take it in monthly payments. Get a book and study dollar cost averaging and think of it in reverse.

I realize anyone who mistakes Too Tall for Too Small is already at a distinct disadvantage, but perhaps you know someone with half a brain that could explain it to you.

Golly, Toosmall! They never taught me that when I earned my ChFC designation (Chartered Financial Consultant)! I'll have to write the American College at Bryn Mawr and demand my money back! But, in spite of my under education in finance and economics, I seriously doubt if you are anywhere near my tax bracket, and I have been retired since 2005. But keep at it! Since you have mastered the stock market, you too may get there. (Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.

Based on your lack of knowledge, I wouldn't even consider any of your financial advice. And, they won't give you back your money so don't make a bigger fool of yourself and try to get it. The very fact that you are one of the moneyed elitists explains your attitude towards lowly a Electrical Engineer such as myself that actually worked for a living.
BTW, your attempt at changing my name is what children do. Are you now in your second childhood?
On edit: If you will pay attention to my advice, you may be able to get your masters degree and make your clients some money. I am not responsible for what they did not teach you Bryn Mawr.
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Almost everyone of them is smarter than you.

So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?

Do all Americans that visit Indonesia eat dogs? I have been to Jakarta twice and didn't eat any dog for what that is worth. My son made a dozen trips to Indonesia on business and he said he refused to eat a steak from Lassie as well.

There is a clip showing Ellen DeGeneres's kid standing on a big dog several years ago and PETA named her 'Woman of the Year.' in case you are interested in hypocrisy. A conservative woman is ostracized for allowing it and a liberal lesbian woman gets an award. So the answer to your question is sometimes some American kids do stand on their dog.
Quite a long answer considering what I said went right over your head.
You numb nuts it is lowering benefits to the disabled, half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim, I know way to many people down here who fake it.

"half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim,,," if true you must have some evidence and yet, you didn't post any - color me surprised.

Evidence? What evidence is necessary when disability payments spike? If millions were being hurt in home or work accidents, we would be hearing about it.

Reality tells me what is happening. What does it tell you?


It doesn't tell me anything, and you've given me your opinion based on "Reality(?)". If reality did provide you assurance why can't I and others assume there has to be data (evidence) to prove your axiom (assumption sans facts)?

Are you seeing huge spikes in workplace or home accidents? If not, that should be telling you something.

(Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.
Sears? They screwed the pooch long ago and let Home Depot and Lowes take over a big part of their niche. Every Sears I've been in for a long while has more employees than customers and the employees are often too busy socializing with other employees. They must have a great union but I think they are soon not for this world. And buying K Mart was stupid because Walmart took over that niche.
I can take far better care of my money than some Clown in DC.

Judging by the members of this forum, I would say most Americans would end up losing their ass if they tried to manage their own retirement money.

Based on the incredible amount of piss drinking the rubes here do with respect to the hack media they parrot, most of these gullible fools would be investing their money in the Brooklyn Bridge, waterfront property in Florida, and 24 karat gold-plated coins.
So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?

Do all Americans that visit Indonesia eat dogs? I have been to Jakarta twice and didn't eat any dog for what that is worth. My son made a dozen trips to Indonesia on business and he said he refused to eat a steak from Lassie as well.

There is a clip showing Ellen DeGeneres's kid standing on a big dog several years ago and PETA named her 'Woman of the Year.' in case you are interested in hypocrisy. A conservative woman is ostracized for allowing it and a liberal lesbian woman gets an award. So the answer to your question is sometimes some American kids do stand on their dog.
Quite a long answer considering what I said went right over your head.

What kind of digs do they eat in Indonesia?
Archaeological ? Maybe seeds from clay pots? :)
(Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.
Sears? They screwed the pooch long ago and let Home Depot and Lowes take over a big part of their niche. Every Sears I've been in for a long while has more employees than customers and the employees are often too busy socializing with other employees. They must have a great union but I think they are soon not for this world. And buying K Mart was stupid because Walmart took over that niche.

Ice...It was a joke.
(Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.
Sears? They screwed the pooch long ago and let Home Depot and Lowes take over a big part of their niche. Every Sears I've been in for a long while has more employees than customers and the employees are often too busy socializing with other employees. They must have a great union but I think they are soon not for this world. And buying K Mart was stupid because Walmart took over that niche.
Ice...It was a joke.
I was wondering if you wanted him to tank.
(Hint. Buy Sears! You can't miss!) Consider that a freebee, just for you. I usually charge for financial advice.
Sears? They screwed the pooch long ago and let Home Depot and Lowes take over a big part of their niche. Every Sears I've been in for a long while has more employees than customers and the employees are often too busy socializing with other employees. They must have a great union but I think they are soon not for this world. And buying K Mart was stupid because Walmart took over that niche.
Ice...It was a joke.
I was wondering if you wanted him to tank.

1.1% and SS nnnnnnnever rears its ugly head again ..

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

$9 a damn WEEK ... keep your ass out of Starbucks , end of problem.

Source? Because I have to believe that if it were this simple, we'd already have done this.

12 Ways to Fix Social Security - US News

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

theres your source and 11 other ways to solve the problem ... yes, its that simple. Unfortunately nobody gives a shit just like I said.


Every fix libturds propose involves taking more flesh out of my hide.

Go fuck yourself.
So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?

Do all Americans that visit Indonesia eat dogs? I have been to Jakarta twice and didn't eat any dog for what that is worth. My son made a dozen trips to Indonesia on business and he said he refused to eat a steak from Lassie as well.

There is a clip showing Ellen DeGeneres's kid standing on a big dog several years ago and PETA named her 'Woman of the Year.' in case you are interested in hypocrisy. A conservative woman is ostracized for allowing it and a liberal lesbian woman gets an award. So the answer to your question is sometimes some American kids do stand on their dog.
Quite a long answer considering what I said went right over your head.

I answered your questions. Of course you did post they eat DIGS, and I thought that was meant to be dogs.
What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?

Do all Americans that visit Indonesia eat dogs? I have been to Jakarta twice and didn't eat any dog for what that is worth. My son made a dozen trips to Indonesia on business and he said he refused to eat a steak from Lassie as well.

There is a clip showing Ellen DeGeneres's kid standing on a big dog several years ago and PETA named her 'Woman of the Year.' in case you are interested in hypocrisy. A conservative woman is ostracized for allowing it and a liberal lesbian woman gets an award. So the answer to your question is sometimes some American kids do stand on their dog.
Quite a long answer considering what I said went right over your head.

I answered your questions. Of course you did post they eat DIGS, and I thought that was meant to be dogs.
Yes, it was supposed to be dogs. And you did not understand what I said at all.
Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?

Do all Americans that visit Indonesia eat dogs? I have been to Jakarta twice and didn't eat any dog for what that is worth. My son made a dozen trips to Indonesia on business and he said he refused to eat a steak from Lassie as well.

There is a clip showing Ellen DeGeneres's kid standing on a big dog several years ago and PETA named her 'Woman of the Year.' in case you are interested in hypocrisy. A conservative woman is ostracized for allowing it and a liberal lesbian woman gets an award. So the answer to your question is sometimes some American kids do stand on their dog.
Quite a long answer considering what I said went right over your head.

I answered your questions. Of course you did post they eat DIGS, and I thought that was meant to be dogs.
Yes, it was supposed to be dogs. And you did not understand what I said at all.

OK, how about explaining this to me since it appears to be a statement that what 'they' eat and a rather simple minded question.

"They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?"

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