David Starkey has been criticised for saying slavery was not genocide because of the survival of "so many damn blacks".


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
rude language, but David Starkey is 100% right , the black rulers sold their surplus population , exporting away social and economical problems
" Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to European buyers.[22] The prisoners and captives who were sold were usually from neighbouring or enemy ethnic groups.[citation needed] These captive slaves were considered "other", not part of the people of the ethnic group or "tribe"; African kings held no particular loyalty to them. Sometimes criminals would be sold so that they could no longer commit crimes in that area. "
kingdom of Dahomey,[60] the Oyo Empire, and the Asante Empire.[61] etc.
No, blacks are the salt of the earth and all our problems today stem from white people and republicans.
all people the same, the geography is the key, when Nigerians, etc. started to cultivate rice only the big scale slavery could stabilize local sates - empires

What did Hutch say about it?
i dont know , ps the Marxists, racists , pogromists with Putin´s Muscovite support are trying to destroy western civilization. Putin is doing it 20 years already , nothing new
Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.
It was heinous and horrendous...but genocide? No. The Native Americans however did go through a genocide.
It was heinous and horrendous...but genocide? No. The Native Americans however did go through a genocide.
" The Native Americans however did go through a genocide. " by microbes and virueses ?

That and waging wars against them after having their land claimed by outsiders, then having their population dwindle to nearly nothing, and be driven tot he crappiest land in the country.
Indians got a raw deal but so did the Irish and everyone else on the planet at one time or another. Oklahoma Indians did pretty well for themselves when oil was discovered on tribal lands. Poor white trash had to scrape for a living as housekeepers for rich Indians. Now they get to pick the white man's pockets in tax exempt multi million dollar gambling establishments. What goes around etc.
That and waging wars against them after having their land claimed by outsiders,
until 20c wars was an ordinary tool in politic , "outsiders" not sure about it, read more about tribe mentality . once again Americans did not commit genocide of "native " population , stone age people have had no chance , you know evolution

Let's say we go to one of the few remote islands with indigenous people living there who're completely isolated from the outside world. We kill most of them, then section off a small place of the island for the survivors and tell them to live there. Would that not be genocide? Of course it would be-the fact that they're not as advanced with technology as we are doesn't negate the fact that it would still be a genocide.

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