Darrell Issa's Hilarious backtrack on calling the president corrupt.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
This is simply gold.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California), the brand-new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform, defended comments he had previously made that President Obama is "one of the most corrupt presidents of modern times."

"I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word corrupt, and obviously, CNN does. 'Corrupt', or 'corrupted' or 'failure', it's no different than a disc drive that's given you some bits that are wrong," Issa said on CNN.

Yeah, I'm SURE that's what he meant when he said it on Limbaugh's show.

Issa defends calling Obama ‘corrupt’ – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Issa, during his work, must avoid McCarthyism. If he fails in that, I have no doubt that when the pendulum swings, he will be indicted. He must walk carefully and within the law.
Issa, during his work, must avoid McCarthyism. If he fails in that, I have no doubt that when the pendulum swings, he will be indicted. He must walk carefully and within the law.

How can Issa avoid McCarthism when he has already started down the same path by asserting the President is corrupt even though he has no evidence to support his statement. Sounds to me like he's made up his mind about what he is going to find.

Republicans - the Dis-Loyal opposition!
How can Issa avoid McCarthism when he has already started down the same path by asserting the President is corrupt even though he has no evidence to support his statement.

Of course the president is corrupt; he is a politician.
Let him investigate as long as it is not "Return to Witch Hunt Mountain", and the watchdog does not become P Issa Mangnum.
How can Issa avoid McCarthism when he has already started down the same path by asserting the President is corrupt even though he has no evidence to support his statement.

Of course the president is corrupt; he is a politician.

And by the same token is Issa. So now what are you going to do, support the politician who is openly working against your own best interests or the one who belongs to the party that at least claims to work for the people?

All politicians may be corrupt to some extent but it is the Repubs who have sold out the people. It's Repubs who have shipped all the jobs overseas, closed 40,000 factories in the last ten years. It's the last three Repub administrations that have borrowed over Ten Trillion dollars.

Oh, that's right all politicians are corrupt so it doesn't matter...
How can Issa avoid McCarthism when he has already started down the same path by asserting the President is corrupt even though he has no evidence to support his statement.

Of course the president is corrupt; he is a politician.

And by the same token is Issa. So now what are you going to do, support the politician who is openly working against your own best interests or the one who belongs to the party that at least claims to work for the people?

All politicians may be corrupt to some extent but it is the Repubs who have sold out the people. It's Repubs who have shipped all the jobs overseas, closed 40,000 factories in the last ten years. It's the last three Repub administrations that have borrowed over Ten Trillion dollars.

Oh, that's right all politicians are corrupt so it doesn't matter...

Do you know my best interests? Does Barack Obama? Does Nancy Pelosi?
Of course the president is corrupt; he is a politician.

And by the same token is Issa. So now what are you going to do, support the politician who is openly working against your own best interests or the one who belongs to the party that at least claims to work for the people?

All politicians may be corrupt to some extent but it is the Repubs who have sold out the people. It's Repubs who have shipped all the jobs overseas, closed 40,000 factories in the last ten years. It's the last three Repub administrations that have borrowed over Ten Trillion dollars.

Oh, that's right all politicians are corrupt so it doesn't matter...

Do you know my best interests? Does Barack Obama? Does Nancy Pelosi?

You don't know your own best interests, Revere, much less have a clue what the other 310,999,999 of us need.
And by the same token is Issa. So now what are you going to do, support the politician who is openly working against your own best interests or the one who belongs to the party that at least claims to work for the people?

All politicians may be corrupt to some extent but it is the Repubs who have sold out the people. It's Repubs who have shipped all the jobs overseas, closed 40,000 factories in the last ten years. It's the last three Repub administrations that have borrowed over Ten Trillion dollars.

Oh, that's right all politicians are corrupt so it doesn't matter...

Do you know my best interests? Does Barack Obama? Does Nancy Pelosi?

You don't know your own best interests, Revere, much less have a clue what the other 310,999,999 of us need.

Do you need goverment to tell you how to wipe your ass after take a crap?
Revere, we live in a society. We operate in a Constitutional Republic. The majority rules, unless minority rights are violated. None of your, or my, minority rights have been violated in the last four years. Stop chattering like a mindless chipmunk.
Of course the president is corrupt; he is a politician.

And by the same token is Issa.

Naturally. Why would you trust any of them?

So now what are you going to do, support the politician who is openly working against your own best interests or the one who belongs to the party that at least claims to work for the people?

Who are you to determine which party serves my best interests? Both of them can claim to be working for who ever they want. It doesn't mean they aren't full of shit and that I cannot make that determination on my own. Can't you?

All politicians may be corrupt to some extent but it is the Repubs who have sold out the people. It's Repubs who have shipped all the jobs overseas, closed 40,000 factories in the last ten years.

Well if Republicans have closed down 40,000 factories in the past decade then you should have a pretty easy time giving me the name of a Republican who shut one of those factories down.

It's the last three Repub administrations that have borrowed over Ten Trillion dollars.

Correct and the Democratic Party has run up historical deficits in the past few years after campaigning against the massive amount of debt piled on by the GOP. So is it your point to have a pissing match over who the bigger hypocrites are? In the end, they are all still hypocrites.

Oh, that's right all politicians are corrupt so it doesn't matter...

You don't become a powerful politician without being corrupt.
You really do not know, Revere, what you are talking about, do you?

The % of Americans in poverty is 1/2 of what it was in 1964.

The fact that it grew by three million under Bush is unforgivable.

Either you really don't know or you are lying. Just shut up.
Revere, we live in a society. We operate in a Constitutional Republic. The majority rules, unless minority rights are violated.

Actually, no. The majority doesn't rule. That's why we're set up as a Republic and not a Democracy.
By numbers or %. You better compare both to 1966 to 1970. You lose.

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