Darrell Issa(R) "cuts 'n runs"

Rise above it! Using the media as a reason everything went so wrong for you guarantees that things will continue to go wrong! It's your responsibility to vet candidates to your own standards. Looking for a boogeyman is the province of small, mistake laden minds.

Rising above it does not mean giving your side a pass when you say the media is not on your side. In fact, your tact acknowledgement of it is refreshing.
With the glut of media services, calling the media the boogeyman seems silly, doesn't it? One may avail one's self of a myriad of media outlets to either confirm one's politics or refute it. I suggest a healthy helping of both just to cut through the propaganda minefield. But looking to the media for honesty, truth and clarity is a fool's errand. Blaming the media for all problems great and small is a sterling example of someone lacking intellectual curiosity.

That assumes the majority of people go out and get information from all sources. Most people get it from cable news, the papers, local news, and the websites associated with them, and most of those are biased towards the left, even if subtly.
Hey! Who's the Conservative here? PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Isn't that the watchword whenever some poor person applies for government benefits? Well, if that is a good enough excuse to raise the homeless numbers, it sure as hell ought to be good enough to decide on a candidate.

I responded in another post, take your "burn" and cram it up your ass with all of your other buttplugs.
Well, this thread sure died when some folks were asked to back themselves up with actual events using actual facts.
But have no fear, they'll still claim the the Dems are bad as the GOP when it comes to witch hunts and wasting tax payer money, just for the purpose of political posturing.
This certainly demonstrates that some people just don't know their history or willingly forget history.

Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?

So no democrat in congress made calls for a special prosecutor?

Well yes, the Democrats did call for a Special Prosecutor on October 1st 2003. But as I mentioned earlier, the GOP controlled the executive branch, plus both houses of Congress. The Dems had no power to force the situation. The CIA acted independently in pressuring the Justice Department to investigate Plame's outing. Obviously, the CIA felt the need as they felt pressure internally from within the CIA to demand what exactly happened. Leaks like that went very poorly within the intelligence community.
Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:
And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:

The butt-hurt is strong in this thread.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:

The butt-hurt is strong in this thread.


Yeah, ain't that the truth. I think next time you folks should bring your "A" game and bring along documented evidence that backs up your claims. :2up: All we have here is conjecture and conjecture doesn't hold water. :boohoo:
Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?

So no democrat in congress made calls for a special prosecutor?

Well yes, the Democrats did call for a Special Prosecutor on October 1st 2003. But as I mentioned earlier, the GOP controlled the executive branch, plus both houses of Congress. The Dems had no power to force the situation. The CIA acted independently in pressuring the Justice Department to investigate Plame's outing. Obviously, the CIA felt the need as they felt pressure internally from within the CIA to demand what exactly happened. Leaks like that went very poorly within the intelligence community.

And all they got was a perjury conviction from some flunky.
And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:

They appointed a special prosecutor based on the CIA request, and I do not doubt, dem congressional pressure, as they were like sharks with blood in the water.

Why do you keep posting drivel Dot quat?
And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:

They appointed a special prosecutor based on the CIA request, and I do not doubt, dem congressional pressure, as they were like sharks with blood in the water.

Why do you keep posting drivel Dot quat?

Marty, I suggest you do some serious research before wasting your time and ours with nothing but partisan conjecture. As someone far less partisan than you, at least I admit that the Dems have also done dog & pony shows for the sole purpose of political posturing. Anyone who is honest would admit that both parties do it, it's just that factual history shows that the GOP has wasted more taxpayer dollars with their persistent never-ending investigations (see Benghazi & Whitewater).
Who cares what the 'vast majority of journalists' are? Do you eschew your responsibility as a voter to that mean old media boogeyman? Can that boogey man be blamed? Or is that media boogeyman just the most convenient scapegoat available? Fear driven politics desperately needs a scapegoat.

So you can say, as a matter of fact, the media does not have a pro-Obama/Democrat bias?

Just to be clear on this, please define exactly what you call the media. Is it every website and cable tv channel as well as networks, or just the major players? Define your terms.

The major networks, the major newspapers and their websites.

Yes we all know fox news is the devil, so you don't need to bring them up.

Ok. Would you agree that the major sources of news are in the best position to know what is actually happening? They do have the resources and connections to get to the actual facts no matter what bias they may or not have.

So its OK if they are biased as long as they have more resources?

That's not what I said. I'm just trying to understand exactly what you are complaining about. Would you agree they have a better handle on the facts and events as they play out, no matter what is later reported?
Just to be clear on this, please define exactly what you call the media. Is it every website and cable tv channel as well as networks, or just the major players? Define your terms.

The major networks, the major newspapers and their websites.

Yes we all know fox news is the devil, so you don't need to bring them up.

Ok. Would you agree that the major sources of news are in the best position to know what is actually happening? They do have the resources and connections to get to the actual facts no matter what bias they may or not have.

Kind of like Rolling Stone now, and Dan Rather during Memogate?

Having resources doesn't mean you use them.

So you think they intentionally ignore gathering information even if it might help them frame what you think might be a predefined agenda?

Sometimes. I consider it more willful ignorance, plus they downplay certain stories if it hurts their buddy Obama.

OK, we'll get to that, but for now, answer the question.
The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
So, somebody "Leaked" the name of a CIA operative not in the field, and the leaker you assholes don't even want to mention because he was let go soon after it was discovered he was the leaker, yet you assholes spent millions of dollars going on a witchhunt and end up getting Scooter Libby on a process crime, totally forgetting about the guilty party entirely. Richard Armitage.


So what was the whole purpose of the investigation if the leaker was already revealed. Why didn't Armitage get any time for leaking Plame's identity?

Well, because it isn't against the law. That's why. The president can declassify anything he chooses. Obama does it all of the time. Giving away secrets about the UBL takedown, where Israel was staging aircraft for a possible attack on Iran. Giving away secrets to the Iranians and the Russians when things had settled down after the election when he could be more flexible.. Lot's of stuff.

How exactly did "we' spend millions dollars on a witch hunt?
For the third time today, the CIA asked the Judicial Department to investigate Plame being outed. The Justice Department chose a Special Prosecutor and the rest is history. The Dems had their own hearings after Libby was convicted, which lasted a couple of months.
Now, where does "we" come in? Both the CIA and the Judicial Department were not in control of the Dems. The Republicans controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during Plame-gate.
Would you like to compare how much tax payer money was spent on Plame-gate versus Benghazi or Whitewater?
yes shit stain martybegan why don't you give us some links & enlighten us you two-bit hack.

Why do you run interference for the party of no marty? :eusa_think:

They appointed a special prosecutor based on the CIA request, and I do not doubt, dem congressional pressure, as they were like sharks with blood in the water.

Why do you keep posting drivel Dot quat?

Marty, I suggest you do some serious research before wasting your time and ours with nothing but partisan conjecture. As someone far less partisan than you, at least I admit that the Dems have also done dog & pony shows for the sole purpose of political posturing. Anyone who is honest would admit that both parties do it, it's just that factual history shows that the GOP has wasted more taxpayer dollars with their persistent never-ending investigations (see Benghazi & Whitewater).
^ that martybegan

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
maybe Issa and Gowdy can get a room and ponder all the "what if's" and come up with something new they can FAIL with ...
And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?

So no democrat in congress made calls for a special prosecutor?

Well yes, the Democrats did call for a Special Prosecutor on October 1st 2003. But as I mentioned earlier, the GOP controlled the executive branch, plus both houses of Congress. The Dems had no power to force the situation. The CIA acted independently in pressuring the Justice Department to investigate Plame's outing. Obviously, the CIA felt the need as they felt pressure internally from within the CIA to demand what exactly happened. Leaks like that went very poorly within the intelligence community.

And all they got was a perjury conviction from some flunky.
Dick's "right hand man" (Scooter Libby) was just a Flunky? Maybe in the right wing-o-verse :rofl:
And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?

So no democrat in congress made calls for a special prosecutor?

Well yes, the Democrats did call for a Special Prosecutor on October 1st 2003. But as I mentioned earlier, the GOP controlled the executive branch, plus both houses of Congress. The Dems had no power to force the situation. The CIA acted independently in pressuring the Justice Department to investigate Plame's outing. Obviously, the CIA felt the need as they felt pressure internally from within the CIA to demand what exactly happened. Leaks like that went very poorly within the intelligence community.

And all they got was a perjury conviction from some flunky.
Dick's "right hand man" (Scooter Libby) was just a Flunky? Maybe in the right wing-o-verse :rofl:

one lousy perjury conviction, thats it.
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
After moving on from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) will be the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on the Internet, Courts and Intellectual Property when Congress returns next year.

How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

What say you?

Darrell Issa really does personify the crooked politician.

Not So Grand: Behind Rep. Darrell Issa’s Three Auto Theft Accusations
by Tommy Christopher | 2:08 pm, June 4th, 2013
Not So Grand Behind Rep. Darrell Issa 8217 s Three Auto Theft Accusations Mediaite

The first alleged theft occurred in 1971, and did not result in an arrest or charges. Here’s what First Sergeant (Ret.) Jay Bergey told The San Francisco Chronicle in 1998:

“That kid stole my car out of the parking lot and took it to Cleveland, and I knew he did it,” said retired 1st Sgt. Jay Bergey, who served with Issa in 1971 on the 145th Ordnance Detail, an Army bomb squad stationed near Pittsburgh.

“I confronted Issa. . .. . I got in his face and threatened to kill him, and magically my car reappeared the next day, abandoned on the turnpike,” the retired soldier said in a phone interview from his home in Pennsylvania.

…According to Sgt. Bergey, the alleged auto theft occurred shortly before Christmas in 1971.

Bergey said he had been sent on short notice to eastern Pennsylvania to dispose of ammunition. When he returned the next day, he said, the car was missing.

Bergey said only a few soldiers knew of his overnight assignment. He said he concluded that Issa had stolen the car, driven it 150 miles to Cleveland and then returned to the barracks.

At the time a 15-year veteran who had served in Vietnam, Bergey said he confronted the teenage soldier.

“I told him I was going to kill him if I didn’t get my car back,” Bergey said. He said Issa denied stealing the car, but soon after, the car was found abandoned less than a mile away.

On March 15, 1972, three months after Issa allegedly stole Jay Bergey’s car and one month after he left the Army for the first time, Ohio police arrested Issa and his older brother, William, and charged them with stealing a red Maserati from a Cleveland showroom. The judge eventually dismissed the case.

…The incident involving the Maserati was a case of mistaken identity, he said. “By the time I get home in ’72, my brother has been incarcerated,” he said. “Cleveland Heights is a pretty small town. He was arrested and sent off to juvenile detention for a year and now he’s back on the street, and the police stop us. We’re about a thousand feet away, but walking in a direction toward this car. And they put two and two together: ‘Hey, car sitting in the middle of the road and two guys walking toward it and one of them’—Billy had never been arrested for car theft, but he’d been arrested for other thefts. Eventually, they put together the, quote, eyewitness with us and we don’t match and the case is dismissed.”

According to court records, on December 28, 1979, William Issa arrived at Smythe European Motors, in San Jose, and offered to sell Darrell’s car, a red 1976 Mercedes sedan. William was carrying an Ohio driver’s license with his brother’s name on it and the dealer gave William a check for sixteen thousand dollars, which he immediately cashed. Soon afterward, Darrell reported the car stolen from the Monterey airport. He later told the police that he had left the title in the trunk.

The brothers had been together in Cleveland for Christmas, and, after Darrell gave a series of conflicting statements about his brother and whether he himself had recently obtained a second driver’s license, the investigator in the case became suspicious that the two men had conspired to fraudulently sell Darrell’s car and then collect the insurance money.

The brothers were indicted for grand theft. Darrell argued that he had no knowledge of William’s activities; William claimed that his brother had authorized him to sell the car, and he produced a document dated a few weeks before the robbery that gave him power of attorney over his brother’s affairs. On February 15th, with the investigation ongoing, Darrell returned to the San Jose dealership and repurchased his car, for seventeen thousand dollars. In August, 1980, the prosecution dropped the case. Darrell insisted that he was a victim, not a criminal. William had produced evidence that he had the legal authority to sell the car, and the injured party was reimbursed.
Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
^ that had to leave a mark. Why is it martybegan & Oldstyle are the designated Repub dirty tricks apologists 94% of the time? :dunno:

Why do you suck JoeBlow's dick 100% of the time?

If your skin was any thinner you'd bleed to death through evaporation.
And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
^ that had to leave a mark. Why is it martybegan & Oldstyle are the designated Repub dirty tricks apologists 94% of the time? :dunno:

Why do you suck JoeBlow's dick 100% of the time?

If your skin was any thinner you'd bleed to death through evaporation.

and the next idiot joins the party. Joe Blow, Dot Cum, and No brainpartypleeze all in the same post trying to rustle my jimmies, I'm honored.

Impossible. First you have to have some.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.

The special prosecutor, was a result of the CIA asking the Justice Department to investigate how Plame was outed. The Justice Department got the special prosecutor involved, it had nothing to do with congress. This, explained in my previous post. You can read the timeline at several sites.
"Department of Justice investigation[edit]
Following the disclosure, on September 16, 2003, the CIA sent a letter to the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), requesting a criminal investigation of the matter.[15] On September 29, 2003, the Department of Justice advised the CIA that it had requested an FBI investigation into the matter.[15][16]

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is... and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft referred the matter to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, directed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.
Plame affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But the Dems did put on their show after Libby was found guilty of perjury, however it was a short, short circus compared with the two year show of Benghazi-gate. Should we compare cost to the taxpayers?
^ that had to leave a mark. Why is it martybegan & Oldstyle are the designated Repub dirty tricks apologists 94% of the time? :dunno:

Why do you suck JoeBlow's dick 100% of the time?

If your skin was any thinner you'd bleed to death through evaporation.

and the next idiot joins the party. Joe Blow, Dot Cum, and No brainpartypleeze all in the same post trying to rustle my jimmies, I'm honored.

one lousy perjury conviction, thats it.
perjury is a very serious transgression martybegan :nono: Same thing as contempt. The diff between Scooters & Clinton's couldn't be farther apart= Scooter Libby (R) [Cheney's hatchet man/Dick's BFF] outed a cia agent (dastardly, some might say seditious act :eusa_think: ) whereas Clinton lied about having a consensual affair that was TOTALLY unrelated to that OTHER Republican with hunt.

I mentioned the diff to head you off at the pass so you wouldn't invoke the rw'ers favorite "yabut" rebuttal :talktothehand: :slap:

See the diff rw hack boi?
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