Obama Violating Law By Using FBI & IRS To Target Conservatives For Criminal Prosecution

It seems like some extremist use fund raising letters from radical hate groups for sources of news. Pathetic.
Yeah....,Judicial Watch is a radical hate group.

Is Tom Fitton still the head of Judicial Watch? Was he not discredited with the George Zimmerman fiasco when he made a false accusation against the Obama administration?

"Fitton was identified as a key member of Groundswell, a secretive coalition of right wing activists and journalists attempting to make radical political change behind the scenes, whose members met in the offices of Judicial Watch."

Inside Groundswell Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a 30 Front War Mother Jones

Oh! scamp... there's no way to discredit the obama cult. They possess no credibility and such is never more true than in and around the Zimmerman case.

Of course there's no telling YOU that... given that you just cited MOTHER JONES as source.

ROFL! You can NOT make this crap up... .

You cannot dispute anything written by that MJ piece? ROFL!

How about PolitiFact?
In 2013, Fitton (Judicial Watch) appeared in numerous interviews to claim that Obama administration's DOJ had sent representatives to Sanford in the wake of Martin’s death "to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman." Politifact rated Fitton's claim "mostly false."
Judicial watch is not interested in facts; they are political and get their financial support from conservatives for their political agenda.

And you swallow THAT shit from Judicial Watch?

ROFLMNAO! "obama administration's Department OF Justine" Now THAT is hysterical!

In point of fact, there is no department of justice in the obama cult and the scumbags that are otherwise employed under that rubric did establish anti-Zimmerman protests, just as they established protests in Jefferson, MO, Baltimore, MD and NYC, NY.

It's not even a debatable point.

Looks like you're hysterical all right.
Try to stick with all facts that reflect reality, not just your subjective political preferences. Try this ...

"Armed with public documents, Judicial Watch said the Department of Justice sent the Community Relations Service to Sanford in the wake of Martin’s death "to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman."

Judicial Watch’s statement contends an element of truth: Justice Department employees were sent to Sanford, in part to deal with community uprising, including protests. But they were sent with the idea of keeping the situation peaceful and calm, not to instigate or condone protests or violence.

That’s a critical distinction being ignored in this particular claim. We rate it Mostly False.

Judicial Watch says Department of Justice unit organized protests against George Zimmerman PolitiFact Florida
All those political groups lying about being social welfare organizations should loose tax exempt status and the people who have been benefiting financially should be prosecuted. It is good to finally see proof that the government was attempting to do it's job.
So in 2016, you gonna support a republican doing the same to liberals? Obama has given future presidents the power with the help of dumbasses like yourself.
Nope.......our hopes is to find someone who isn't a lying, rotten, butt-reaming, criminal, ass-wad.

Then you won't have to worry about a president constantly breaking the law.

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