Dare Admit You Voted For Obama???

And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Only if you're a blind partisan, a masochist or a subversive.

Or someone who pays attention during the campaigns to the promises of the candidates. McCain would still have us in Iraq. That is a given. Romney wanted to cut 10% of the federal jobs--some of which would be at the CDC doubtlessly--adding to the unemployment rolls. Both would have sponsored the same "hands off" regulatory policies that lead to TARP.

I am proud to have voted for President Obama...twice.
News flash ... We're back in Iraq. Cutting gov jobs is more money saved than potential unemployment cost increases.
Can you name one thing Obama has ever done wrong?

Obamacare? Perfect!

Foreign policy? Perfect!

Immigration? Perfect!

Social issues? Perfect!

Don't be so jelly that your guy lost.

Wow... can you give me the details on your prescription? I want some!

Seriously though, if I was one of those poor souls convinced that we simply must vote for Democrats or Republicans, I probably would have voted for Obama over Romney.

I don't take meds. I used to require Viagra, until I discovered Obama. Instant erection!
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

And you owe us several trillion. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said Iraqi oil would pay for the war?
No, it was left wing partisans who propagated the notion that the Iraq invasion was about and for oil.
Can you name one thing Obama has ever done wrong?

Obamacare? Perfect!

Foreign policy? Perfect!

Immigration? Perfect!

Social issues? Perfect!

Don't be so jelly that your guy lost.

Wow... can you give me the details on your prescription? I want some!

Seriously though, if I was one of those poor souls convinced that we simply must vote for Democrats or Republicans, I probably would have voted for Obama over Romney.

I don't take meds. I used to require Viagra, until I discovered Obama. Instant erection!

OIC, alternative lifestyles are cool! Unfortunately, statist corporatists wilt my willie. To each his own, I 'spose.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

My last political confession was...

I voted for Obama twice.

In 2008 because I did not want four more years of McSame.

In 2012 because I did not want Forty-Seven-Percent Mittens with his hand on the wheel.

I figured that Obumble was the Lesser of Two Evils on both occasions.

I may have been wrong.

In any event, I've had Voter Remorse since the moment I stepped outside the voting booth.

I have already been performing penance so I am hoping that a simple Act of Contrition and a dozen Hail Marys and a half-dozen Our Fathers will get me off the hook.

I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

And you owe us several trillion. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said Iraqi oil would pay for the war?
No, it was left wing partisans who propagated the notion that the Iraq invasion was about and for oil.

VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, that might have been, but I don’t know what is basis was for making that judgment. We do know that we are prepared and need to be prepared to do whatever it takes to make it work. But this is not a situation where, you know, it’s only a matter of us writing a check to solve the problem. Iraq sits on top of 10 percent of the world’s oil reserves, very significant reserves, second only to Saudi Arabia.

The fact is there are significant resources here to work with, and the notion that we’re going to bear the burden all by ourselves from a financial standpoint I don’t think is valid.

Transcript for Sept. 14 - Meet the Press NBC News
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

My last political confession was...

I voted for Obama twice.

In 2008 because I did not want four more years of McSame.

In 2012 because I did not want Forty-Seven-Percent Mittens with his hand on the wheel.

I figured that Obumble was the Lesser of Two Evils on both occasions.

I may have been wrong.

In any event, I've had Voter Remorse since the moment I stepped outside the voting booth.

I have already been performing penance so I am hoping that a simple Act of Contrition and a dozen Hail Marys and a half-dozen Our Fathers will get me off the hook.


You did well. Republicans/corporate America/wall street are run by the devil.
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

And you owe us several trillion. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said Iraqi oil would pay for the war?
No, it was left wing partisans who propagated the notion that the Iraq invasion was about and for oil.

VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, that might have been, but I don’t know what is basis was for making that judgment. We do know that we are prepared and need to be prepared to do whatever it takes to make it work. But this is not a situation where, you know, it’s only a matter of us writing a check to solve the problem. Iraq sits on top of 10 percent of the world’s oil reserves, very significant reserves, second only to Saudi Arabia.

The fact is there are significant resources here to work with, and the notion that we’re going to bear the burden all by ourselves from a financial standpoint I don’t think is valid.

Transcript for Sept. 14 - Meet the Press NBC News
He was referring to the ensuing Iraq regime helping to foot the bill. Not a war for oil.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

My last political confession was...

I voted for Obama twice.

In 2008 because I did not want four more years of McSame.

In 2012 because I did not want Forty-Seven-Percent Mittens with his hand on the wheel.

I figured that Obumble was the Lesser of Two Evils on both occasions.

I may have been wrong.

In any event, I've had Voter Remorse since the moment I stepped outside the voting booth.

I have already been performing penance so I am hoping that a simple Act of Contrition and a dozen Hail Marys and a half-dozen Our Fathers will get me off the hook.


You did well. Republicans/corporateron America/wall street are run by the devil.

Strong the stupid side of the force is with this brain dead Wookie, Master Yoda

thrashed by dunce stick he has been Obi Wan
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

And you owe us several trillion. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said Iraqi oil would pay for the war?
No, it was left wing partisans who propagated the notion that the Iraq invasion was about and for oil.

No, it was George Bush Sr. who said so, outright, in 1990.
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

And you owe us several trillion. Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said Iraqi oil would pay for the war?
No, it was left wing partisans who propagated the notion that the Iraq invasion was about and for oil.

No, it was George Bush Sr. who said so, outright, in 1990.

And his son, George Bush, Jr, also in March of 2003.
You're both dishonestly twisting context. You should include Clinton, too.
If you're referring to the global oil market and the instability Saddam posed to that market you'd be correct. But you're just doing the usual ignorant partisan rant.
Of course, the Righties here prove how one handles a trash-thread, but trashing it.

Good job, Righties!
Because it got turned into a Boosh thread. The topic is how people are refusing to admit they voted for the guy. That's BS. If you did it, own it.

The topic should not exist in the first place, for the principle of the secret ballot is that people should not feel the need afterward to ever discuss their voting choices in the past. Ever. That is the entire principle behind SECRET BALLOT: privacy.

In fact, this is the kind of privacy that most Righties want to defend the most when it comes to their private meetings.


Why do RWNJs suddenly hate privacy so much?

No one was forced to discuss anything. They did it on their own ad nauseum when it suited them. The point is how they are denying it now. Again just own it. If I voted for Hitler I would say yeah I voted for him.
You're both dishonestly twisting context. You should include Clinton, too.
If you're referring to the global oil market and the instability Saddam posed to that market you'd be correct. But you're just doing the usual ignorant partisan rant.

What do you think blood for oil means?
It's a left wing propaganda phrase aimed at demonizing those who endorsed an invasion and, in the eyes of the left, in order to profit off of oil booty.
Oil as a factor in the invasion is because of the potential destabilization of the global oil market and the adverse impact that would have on global societies in general. Way more altruistic than dem propagandists describe.

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