Dante Would Consider Voting For John Ellis 'Jeb' Bush in 2016

I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
there are lots of Democrats, former Democrats and Liberals out there that I know would consider voting for Jeb. Consideration is what rational and reasonable people put out there when faced with credible and experienced candidates

Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

Sect. Rice also ginned up the invasion and later occupation of Iraq, costing our nation too much blood and treasure. She, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and a dozen other neo conservatives ought to burn in hell, and likely will, if it exists.
Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016

I disagree with him on the Florida high speed rail initiative, but I also agree with him on many other things. At least he tackled environment and education issues. Not much to disagree with there/ .

This was honest and in some way heroic: Bush was asked what he would do for African Americans if he gets elected, responding: "It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results. So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing." -- wikipedia link - It probably cost him the election -- but he was honest and what is not to like about what he said?

Bush was responsible for creating the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship which provides corporations with tax credits for donations to Scholarship Funding Organizations which must spend 100% of the donations on scholarships for low income students. - wikipedia link -

I actually prefer the elites like the Bush family to the people like Obama and Carter and Reagan.

I like the Clintons too

Sue me

Jeb Bush will need to explain his signature on the Project for a New American Century's, statement of principles before I would ever consider a vote for him.

Review the document here

http://www.rrojasdatabank.info/pfpc/PNAC---statement of principles.pdf

and pay special attention to the names of those who signed this document along with Bush, those who ginned up the 'need' for the war in Iraq which killed 4,500 + young Americans, and wounded 10,000 more - many with life changing injuries.

the 1990s?

Hey, cross over Bill Clinton's Bridge into the 21st Century willya? We live in a different world. Of course Bush was on the list. Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But just as with Justices after they are appointed to the Supreme Court, many Presidents disappoint those who thought their belonging to or signing things with groups defined the man himself. But I agree, let JEB explain. He would surely be asked to
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
I liked Coni when she was in academia, but she was definitely not ready for prime time in the Bush admin. I think she is not smarter than Obama, but who knows.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

Sect. Rice also ginned up the invasion and later occupation of Iraq, costing our nation too much blood and treasure. She, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and a dozen other neo conservatives ought to burn in hell, and likely will, if it exists.

The invasion was a huge success! What sucked was the ProCounselship of Bremer. Early on, many like me who supported the invasion (for reasons other than WMD) were puzzled then horrified what transpired under Bremer. That was unexpected to say the least.
Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016

I disagree with him on the Florida high speed rail initiative, but I also agree with him on many other things. At least he tackled environment and education issues. Not much to disagree with there/ .

This was honest and in some way heroic: Bush was asked what he would do for African Americans if he gets elected, responding: "It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results. So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing." -- wikipedia link - It probably cost him the election -- but he was honest and what is not to like about what he said?

Bush was responsible for creating the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship which provides corporations with tax credits for donations to Scholarship Funding Organizations which must spend 100% of the donations on scholarships for low income students. - wikipedia link -

I actually prefer the elites like the Bush family to the people like Obama and Carter and Reagan.

I like the Clintons too

Sue me

Jeb Bush will need to explain his signature on the Project for a New American Century's, statement of principles before I would ever consider a vote for him.

Review the document here

http://www.rrojasdatabank.info/pfpc/PNAC---statement of principles.pdf

and pay special attention to the names of those who signed this document along with Bush, those who ginned up the 'need' for the war in Iraq which killed 4,500 + young Americans, and wounded 10,000 more - many with life changing injuries.

the 1990s?

Hey, cross over Bill Clinton's Bridge into the 21st Century willya? We live in a different world. Of course Bush was on the list. Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But just as with Justices after they are appointed to the Supreme Court, many Presidents disappoint those who thought their belonging to or signing things with groups defined the man himself. But I agree, let JEB explain. He would surely be asked to

I agree, and I posted in my first paragraph this:

"Jeb Bush will need to explain his signature on the Project for a New American Century's, statement of principles before I would ever consider a vote for him."

I agree, we all change. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, after my sophomore year in college. Had I waited 'till my senior year, I would have joined the Coast Guard and spent my time saving lives and not in a service taking lives. I do believe all citizens have a duty to serve our nation, though not to kill the kids of farmers in far off lands.
there are lots of Democrats, former Democrats and Liberals out there that I know would consider voting for Jeb. Consideration is what rational and reasonable people put out there when faced with credible and experienced candidates

Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.
there are lots of Democrats, former Democrats and Liberals out there that I know would consider voting for Jeb. Consideration is what rational and reasonable people put out there when faced with credible and experienced candidates

Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible
Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016

I disagree with him on the Florida high speed rail initiative, but I also agree with him on many other things. At least he tackled environment and education issues. Not much to disagree with there/ .

This was honest and in some way heroic: Bush was asked what he would do for African Americans if he gets elected, responding: "It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results. So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing." -- wikipedia link - It probably cost him the election -- but he was honest and what is not to like about what he said?

Bush was responsible for creating the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship which provides corporations with tax credits for donations to Scholarship Funding Organizations which must spend 100% of the donations on scholarships for low income students. - wikipedia link -

I actually prefer the elites like the Bush family to the people like Obama and Carter and Reagan.

I like the Clintons too

Sue me
All progressives should love Jeb. He is a major statist and will continue the welfare/warfare police state. The elite love Jeb.
there are lots of Democrats, former Democrats and Liberals out there that I know would consider voting for Jeb. Consideration is what rational and reasonable people put out there when faced with credible and experienced candidates

Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible

Compared to what democrats have to offer it seems that Jeb Bush is a shoe in at this point in time.

LOL, let's see what the GOP has to offer:

Ted Cruz [Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (born December 22, 1970)] is the demagogues demagogue.

Marco Rubio, tossed under the bus by Jeb Bush, who owns the donors in Florida, Rubio didn't know if the should shit or get off the pot when J. Bush made his announcement to establish a committee to explore his run., Gee, what would he do if Putin made an announcement - piss through his shit hole?

Rick Perry, LOL

Mitt Romney, The Plutocracy may support him, the rest of the Crazy New Right thinks he's a loser (and he is).

Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann. the Crazy new right loves them, no one else gives a damn.

Ben Carson, Who? 9-9-9 with a medical degree? Not a chance.

Wisconsin's Gov Walker, maybe a slim majority of the cheese heads support him, the rest of Wisconsin and the country finds him to be a demagogue with no ideas, little support from the working man, and no support from government employees.

The D's have two Sec.of State and a VP; if foreign policy counts that will be big. they also have Sen. Warren, a darling of the middle class and former Sen. Jim Webb, a Vietnam Vet and former Senator.

If experience counts the D's will win the White House; if the GOP is able to once again fool the Crazy Right Wing they have a chance, but only with Jeb Bush. The rest of those in the GOP who want to be POTUS are awful.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

I'll bet she plays a better piano. No doubt.
But what about ---- "experience"?
This country didn't fight a war over 200 years ago to overthrow a monarchy just so we could start electing one. Nothing good comes out of either of those two being president. Just further consolidation of the power into fewer hands.
Hyperbole will get you nowhere in an argument. Power has always been in few hands. As a matter of fact over 200 years ago power was in fewer hands and it worked better. :lol:

Why should I or anyone else for that matter not get to vote for somebody because others think they should run? A Monarchy is not about one family being in office. It's about the power in the hands of the Monarchy and birthright. Thee is no vote on who gets to be a Monarch, unless of course there is a rebellion

Worthy worthy points, both the present and the prior one responded to.

The problem is a single-party oligarchy, whether it pretends to dress in two different colours or not, is a distinction without a difference from a monarchy. Thus there's little appeal in either one.

We are all one big liberal party. We all come out of a tradition of liberal democracy. Conservatives and Liberals are all traceable back to the same people, movements, and ideas.

Some people get disillusioned because they can never get others to listen to them, but what they fail to grasp is that change will only come from inside. Any outside change in our tradition will result only from bloodshed and rebellion. But at what and at what cost? Americans do not have the stomach for such radical change because no matter how bad tings get we still have it good relatively speaking.

People like you NEED to step up and try to convince others. But doing that means abandoning certain traits and taking on new ones. You have to dress the part and speak the part in order to live the part

Not sure what that means. Kinda vague. But if it means anything in the direction of co-optation or pandering, I'd respond that one needs to be true to one's ideals. When one isn't they're no longer ideals; they're past history.

Or to put it another way, I have a hell of a lot more respect for a politician whose positions oppose mine in everything, if he's at least honest and consistent about where it is he stands, than one who takes positions I like but has the backbone of a jellyfish.

-- which is, for example, exactly why when Democrats came out of the woodwork for a chance to run against Bush I, Bill Clinton ranked, and stayed, dead last on my preference list.

People who are stubborn and refuse to compromise more often than not fail to make positive change.

GHW Bush's loss had nothing to do with your fantasy story. Ross Perot ring a bell? Bill Clinton won a plurality with just 43% of the vote to Bush's 37.5%

Pat Buchanan savaged Bush. You had Ron Paul running around as crazy as ever. Crazy Alan Keys was running around. Poor George (born with the silver foot in his mouth) was doomed, even though he waged and won a hugely successful at that time, war.

Lots more on the domestic front, so enough with the talking points and bumper sticker analysis

I don't have a "fantasy story" and posted nothing about how the election worked; I spoke of my preferences leading up to it. Read it again.
I just can't imagine the president of the United States by the name of "Jeb".

Of course ten years ago I would never in a million years believe we would elect a president by the name of Barack Hussein Obama.

For that matter we've never had a POTUS with a female name... and in the big picture of world nations we're pretty far behind on that as a benchmark. Just sayin'.

That should not matter.
I agree. We shouldn't be electing Presidents based on plumbing or pigment.

Or religion.

To this day I am stupefied as to why, when you look up a politician on Wiki, there even exists a sidebar info entry for "religion". Yet it's always there. :dunno:
Unless he's Mormon..... THAT really freaked me out how many; especially JoeB got so ugly about Mitt Romney's religion.
I do remember the noise about JFK being Catholic, but never subscribed to the whole "The Pope will be running America" thing any more than I figured if Joe Lieberman was VP, that we would outlaw bacon.
I happen to like both bacon and the former Senator from my home state.

A candidate's religion should be as obscure a piece of info as, say, their height measurement.
there are lots of Democrats, former Democrats and Liberals out there that I know would consider voting for Jeb. Consideration is what rational and reasonable people put out there when faced with credible and experienced candidates

Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible


Pogo would vote for a proposition making it illegal to refer to himself in the third person. :eusa_shifty:

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