Daniel Goldman is a Congresman now! This guy still has splinters from where the Dems scaped him off the bottom of the barrel.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Here he is getting spanked at length by Doug Collins during the impeachment hearings - one of them, I can't remember which:

As Collins points out, Goldman was a staffer who had no business testifying but Adam Schiff was hiding from being called on his lies. The Democrats allowed their attorney to testify, which inappropriate role overlap is a hallmark of kangaroo justice.

Now, he is a congressman, and he was lamely defending the FBI at the hearing on how the world's premiere law enforcement agency turned into partisan hacks with badges and guns.

His defense: The first amendment does not protect ALL speech. The point of his questions seems to be that the witnesses have no business testifying about the FBI if they don't work for the FBI. Nice dodge for Dems, since the FBI is retaliating against whistle blowers who do work for them.

He is still a weasel, and he has not aged well. At least now, he is much more openly being a partisan hack.
Here he is getting spanked at length by Doug Collins during the impeachment hearings - one of them, I can't remember which:

As Collins points out, Goldman was a staffer who had no business testifying but Adam Schiff was hiding from being called on his lies. The Democrats allowed their attorney to testify, which inappropriate role overlap is a hallmark of kangaroo justice.

Now, he is a congressman, and he was lamely defending the FBI at the hearing on how the world's premiere law enforcement agency turned into partisan hacks with badges and guns.

His defense: The first amendment does not protect ALL speech. The point of his questions seems to be that the witnesses have no business testifying about the FBI if they don't work for the FBI. Nice dodge for Dems, since the FBI is retaliating against whistle blowers who do work for them.

He is still a weasel, and he has not aged well. At least now, he is much more openly being a partisan hack.

Collins is an idiot jerkoff who is no match for Goldman who ate his lunch at that hearing.
I was gonna say, I have no idea what hearing the OP was watching..but I saw Collins sputter all over himself and come off looking like an idiot. :)
And Goldman is correct. The 1st Amendment is NOT a blanket protection for free speech. There are limits. Courts have ruled on this.
I was gonna say, I have no idea what hearing the OP was watching..but I saw Collins sputter all over himself and come off looking like an idiot. :)
Of course you did . . .
And Goldman is correct. The 1st Amendment is NOT a blanket protection for free speech. There are limits. Courts have ruled on this.
He stumbled badly at the end. But that's what happens when you try to defend the indefensible. After being an unfunny wise guy to a long-term public servant, he turns to an FBI Agent turned whistle blower and says:

GOLDMAN: Uh, Mister . . . Ms. Parker, real quick, do you think that you speak for um . . . you said that uh . . . Americans are . . . concerned about the FBI. Do you think that you speak for every American?

WHISTLE BLOWER: I do not speak for every American, but as a Special Agent who's been out in the field trying to conduct my job, it's very difficult when we don't have the buy-in of the American people and a lot of Americans

GOLDMAN: *sigh* Right.

WHISTLE BLOWER: do not trust the FBI anymore because of recent

GOLDMAN: Unfortunately, my time is about up . . .

I hope Goldman is good at something, because grilling witnesses is not his strong suit.

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