Dan Maes--CO--Republican gubanatorial candidate NEW SCARE TACTIC.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
We have a real problem with the Colorado Gubanatorial Republican candidate in Colorado--(Dan Maes.) Maes won the primary because the opposing candidate Scott McInnis flamed out during the primary over plagerism charges. McInnis had a 20+ point lead just two weeks prior to the primary--and Dan Maes--(by default) won the Republican primary.

Tom Tancredo--(former Colorado congressman) jumped into this race as a 3rd party candidate running as the Constitutional candidate. Last week Tancredo was only 4 points behind democrat contender John Hickenlooper--and Maes is now floundering in the single digits.

Dan Maes has made very BLUNDER in campaign history. Receiving the most in campaign violation fines in this states history--17K--then acting as if he is some kind of Meg Whitman business person--while his personal income tax returns are showing he has been living beneath the poverty level for the past 5 years. To add--he refuses to release his 2009 return. Then to add insult to injury--Coloradoans found out about Maes getting fired from a small police department in Liberal Kansas--because he was leaking information to his girlfriend--whose family was the object of an FBI investigation. Over this last weekend we found out about a personal bankrupsty in 1989.

SO THE NEW SCARE tactic IS. Since Maes is already in the single digits--that this will reduce the Republican Party to minority status in Colorado. IOW vote for this incompetance--so your party won't be reduced to minority status--:lol:

This issue was already addressed in the Denver Post several weeks ago. That the state legislature in Colorado once reconvended will immediately overrule that law and restate the Republican party has a majority party in this state--no matter what. So have no fear you can vote for Tom Tancredo in this race without losing majority status for the Republican party.

The below are comments from FOX news regarding this:

But state Republicans aren't worried about falling into minority status.

"It's not that a big of a deal," GOP chairman Dick Wadhams told FoxNews.com, who acknowledged that their gubernatorial nominee is in trouble. "The statue can be changed and I anticipate it will be changed. Our party will not function any differently as far as the nomination process goes."

Wadhams said Republicans are focused on Senate and House races and gaining control of the state legislature. But he added, even if Democrats maintain control of the legislature, he thinks they will overturn the law.

"It clearly is not a valid or rational definition of a major political party, not when there's 850,000 active registered Republicans to 790,000 active registered Democrats," he said. "Regardless of who controls the legislature, this comes under the heading of stupid."

Colorado Republicans Facing Minority Status in Gubernatorial Election - FoxNews.com

Do not let "scare tactics" rule the day. Vote for Tom Tancredo for the next governor of this state.

Simply put--a vote for Dan Maes is just another vote for John Hickenlooper.
UPPS--just received the below e-mail from Mrs. Karen Maes. It appears that the Colorado Secretary of State is finally auditing this campaign.!!! Now she is asking for the "required" information on donors that should have been asked upon receiving that check many months ago--LOL

Really it wouldn't surprise me to see the real FBI show up at the Maes house to arrest someone. Karen Maes being the actual treasurer of her husbands campaign and Maes 21 yr. old daughter being the campaign manager. Maes had a nice "little" family business going on here--as it is estimated that out of all the campaign donations he did receive over 30% of that money went for themselves.

Here is today's email from Mrs. Karen Maes--October 19, 2010.

In order to satisfy Sec of State policy, I need the name of your employer and occupation. Thanks for your donation and your VOTE!
Good luck Karen on getting this information NOW--lOL.

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