Damn Oil Speculators!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
They are driving the price of oil and gas down. Without government intervention, the market will fix issues of supply , demand and price.

Government's role is to create a business friendly environment that promotes growth and entices foreign companies to relocate to the USA.
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Speculators are to markets as stimulants and depressives are to human bodies.

They exacerbate the normal functioning of the system.

There is a very simply solution to end speculation...don't let people who are not either going to deliver or accept delivery of the commodities buy or sell those futures.

That would mean that if you're not IN that business, you cannot make bets on it.
I don't know about the rest of the nation, but a week ago gas had dropped from $4.39 to $4.23, yesterday I put gas in the car and it was up to $4.67!
capitalism is a wonderful system.

Its not a perfect system.

which is why editec is spot on
Speculators have been around even when gas prices are down. They are betting that gas prices will keep going up because Barry told them that's what he wants.
The thing is that "speculators" is a term with a lot
of groups in it. Its good to explain what kind fo speculators we
are talking about
For example we are not talking about "speculators" who go to farmers and basically insure
their crops so that if an unexpected drought occurs the farmer doesn't go bankrupt.
What we are talking about are "speculators" who just buy a bunch of oil
and have it sit because they know the price will go up and when
a lot of people do this the price goes up because all the oil is sitting in a warehouse.
We are at the point in history where we are mortgaging our great grand kids future because the president set up an anti-energy agenda. Barry Hussein tells Americans to wait a while and he will create "alternate" energy but it's a cruel lie. There are no green jobs and their ain't no alternate energy. Smart speculators gladly invest in oil futures because Barry told them that he will punish Americans for their decadent lifestyle by increasing the cost of fossil fuels. Didn't the former community activist understand the economic system or is he trying to turn the greatest Country into another 3rd world slum?
We are at the point in history where we are mortgaging our great grand kids future because the president set up an anti-energy agenda.

Which one? IMO every President since (and including) Nixon has been a lying bastard about energy, some worse than others, but all lying bastards. The American people require it, so while they might be lying bastards, you can argue that it is required of them by their constituents.

whitehall said:
There are no green jobs and their ain't no alternate energy.

Sorry, but until you drive on I70 to the west of Salina Kansas and see the size of the construction going on, it is difficult to make that statement, if only because of all the people working, and all the alternate energy being produced.
We are at the point in history where we are mortgaging our great grand kids future because the president set up an anti-energy agenda.

Which one? IMO every President since (and including) Nixon has been a lying bastard about energy, some worse than others, but all lying bastards. The American people require it, so while they might be lying bastards, you can argue that it is required of them by their constituents.

whitehall said:
There are no green jobs and their ain't no alternate energy.

Sorry, but until you drive on I70 to the west of Salina Kansas and see the size of the construction going on, it is difficult to make that statement, if only because of all the people working, and all the alternate energy being produced.

Nixon has been accused of a lot of things. Perhaps you can enlighten us to how he lied about alternate energy. Kudos to the good people of Salina Kansas but whatever they are building is unfortunately not an example of Barry's National green jobs success.
They exacerbate the normal functioning of the system.

If that we're true, why wouldn't those companies in the oil business simply ignore the speculator's bets and set their own prices?

Speculators help the market, that's why those in the oil business utilize their bets to plan, to set contracts for future delivery, etc. This helps to smooth the system, exacty the opposite of what you're suggesting. When many people put their capital on the line, the prices of those bets are excellent indicators of future supply and demand.

By your logic, I would have to be an electrician to speculate on the price of GE stock. How crazy you want to go with your meddling?
What we are talking about are "speculators" who just buy a bunch of oil
and have it sit because they know the price will go up and when
a lot of people do this the price goes up because all the oil is sitting in a warehouse.

Are you suggesting that government should be able to force people to sell their private property?
We are at the point in history where we are mortgaging our great grand kids future because the president set up an anti-energy agenda.
Plz explained how expanding oil production is anti-energy. Plz explain how investing billions in energy efficiency so we dont have to pay so much for energy is anti-energy. Plz explain how investing billions in clean energy production is anti-energy.
The problem is that you do not think for yourself you just regurgitate what ever talking points you are fed
Barry Hussein tells Americans to wait a while and he will create "alternate" energy but it's a cruel lie.
A cruel lie backed by 5 different scientific studies but I guess Glenn Becks ramblings are more accurate the actually looking at the effects and benefits of certain energy
There are no green jobs and their ain't no alternate energy.
That is news to 2.7million Americans employed in green jobs. But do go on tell us how 2.7million Americans aren’t real
A New Report Shows That Green Jobs Are More Common Than You Think | Ecocentric | TIME.com
When your post is shown to bogus and un true you have to wonder..
Smart speculators gladly invest in oil futures because Barry told them that he will punish Americans for their decadent lifestyle by increasing the cost of fossil fuels. Didn't the former community activist understand the economic system or is he trying to turn the greatest Country into another 3rd world slum?
Jesus you are a complete retard come back when your posts consist of something other then pure lies and bullshit, but given that you're brainwashed and have an IQ of 40 I doubt thatis possible
What we are talking about are "speculators" who just buy a bunch of oil
and have it sit because they know the price will go up and when
a lot of people do this the price goes up because all the oil is sitting in a warehouse.

Are you suggesting that government should be able to force people to sell their private property?

That be an extreme measure. The government could do many different things such as limit speculation to activities that are actually beneficial or you could put certain fees on speculators that are then repaid if the goods they buy or sold after a different point etc etc etc
They exacerbate the normal functioning of the system.

If that we're true, why wouldn't those companies in the oil business simply ignore the speculator's bets and set their own prices?

Speculators help the market, that's why those in the oil business utilize their bets to plan, to set contracts for future delivery, etc. This helps to smooth the system, exacty the opposite of what you're suggesting. When many people put their capital on the line, the prices of those bets are excellent indicators of future supply and demand.

By your logic, I would have to be an electrician to speculate on the price of GE stock. How crazy you want to go with your meddling?

No some speculators help others do not.
They are driving the price of oil and gas down. Without government intervention, the market will fix issues of supply , demand and price.

Government's role is to create a business friendly environment that promotes growth and entices foreign companies to relocate to the USA.

If you notice.....Obama announced a few weeks ago that he would possibly use some of the SOR. At the same time the UK, Japan, and several other countries made similar announcements as per an agreement they made earlier this year.

The result was a decrease in the price per barrel of oil on the market. Now we're back to about 18 cents above what we paid last December and feeling good about it......yet still almost twice as high as we were under Bush. So we're still getting screwed but we feel better about it now.

Obama said he couldn't do anything about the price, which only shows he doesn't really care about high energy prices. However he did something about it behind the scenes and helped drive the price down in a tried and tested manner and it worked, but he only did it because his reelection rode on rising gas prices. Then he started floating statements that he wanted to take credit for the dropping prices. Everyone jumped in his ass with both feet. So now he's not trying to take credit for the drop.

One thing we can be assured.......Obama is the biggest roadblock to recovery simply because nobody trusts him. Uncertainty is the biggest fear in our economy.
All people who buy a commodity at a specified price at some furure date should have to take delivery.
If only the users of oil were allowed to purchase oil futures the law of supply and demand would work.
...etc etc etc

That's the part I'm worried about.

People are free to make purchases they hope will appreciate in value. There is zero reason for the government to interfere with that process.

...government could do many different things such as limit speculation to activities that are actually beneficial

Who gets to determine that? Why don't you tell us what makes some speculation "beneficial" and other not.
They exacerbate the normal functioning of the system.

If that we're true, why wouldn't those companies in the oil business simply ignore the speculator's bets and set their own prices?

Speculators help the market, that's why those in the oil business utilize their bets to plan, to set contracts for future delivery, etc. This helps to smooth the system, exacty the opposite of what you're suggesting. When many people put their capital on the line, the prices of those bets are excellent indicators of future supply and demand.

By your logic, I would have to be an electrician to speculate on the price of GE stock. How crazy you want to go with your meddling?

No some speculators help others do not.

Link? Supporting evidence? Logic or reason?
Which one? IMO every President since (and including) Nixon has been a lying bastard about energy, some worse than others, but all lying bastards.

Nixon has been accused of a lot of things. Perhaps you can enlighten us to how he lied about alternate energy.

I didn't say the Presidents (including Nixon) have lied about alternative energy, only energy. I don't think it matters much if the electricity to power my car comes from wind, solar panels or a natural gas fired power plant, energy is energy.

"Let this be our national goal: At the end of this decade, in the year 1980, the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need to provide our jobs, to heat our homes, and to keep our transportation moving."


whitehall said:
Kudos to the good people of Salina Kansas but whatever they are building is unfortunately not an example of Barry's National green jobs success.

But they are green jobs, they are making energy, and I don't see how it matters if they have anything to do with this Barry person. I think the reason those wind farms are going up is a wind power subsidy. Did this Barry person have anything to do with getting that legislation passed? If not, they sure, maybe he has nothing to do with these jobs, or the type of energy they produce.
Speculators are to markets as stimulants and depressives are to human bodies.

They exacerbate the normal functioning of the system.

There is a very simply solution to end speculation...don't let people who are not either going to deliver or accept delivery of the commodities buy or sell those futures.

That would mean that if you're not IN that business, you cannot make bets on it.

Isn't it true that speculators provide the needed liquidity and assume the risk by filling those orders. Without that liquidity the bid/ask spreads would be so wide, try getting filled at the price you want with a large # of lots needed for your hedge. So speculators make a profit (or loss) and the hedger locks in that future price he/she was looking for.

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