Current Communist (Democrat) Goals

Skousen would have nothing to do with Trump, and he would consider folks who were "conservatives" to be turncoats and fair weather patriots for supporting the Donald.

Apparently the JakeAss knew Skousen personally to be able to put words in his mouth.... This should make you about 98 years old, JakeAss, and SENILE as all get out... We've discovered your problem!
Your problem is that you don't read in depth and context. That has always been obvious. It is obvious you don't understand Mormon-John Birch neo-theology. They find progressive statism abhorent: thus Trump would be a no no to them and those "conservatives" who support him are cowards to the ideology of True America.

Vigilante is a cultural mccarthyite, meaning he is an opportunitist not a member of the ideology of conservatism. Nothing more than a fair weather patriot supposedly on the right.

Just for you JakeAss, McCarthy was right... now you can try to argue that against todays FACTS!
This old lie? That's what it is BTW. The guy was a Mormon fruitcake, which is why they kicked him out of the FBI and then kept an eye on him for the rest of his life. All of the above on his list is made up crap, from his paranoid tiny mind...

Exactly which items on that list do you not personally support and promote?
I'm down with these, how about you?

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

Cowards would pick those....Coward!
Skousen would have nothing to do with Trump, and he would consider folks who were "conservatives" to be turncoats and fair weather patriots for supporting the Donald.

Apparently the JakeAss knew Skousen personally to be able to put words in his mouth.... This should make you about 98 years old, JakeAss, and SENILE as all get out... We've discovered your problem!
Your problem is that you don't read in depth and context. That has always been obvious. It is obvious you don't understand Mormon-John Birch neo-theology. They find progressive statism abhorent: thus Trump would be a no no to them and those "conservatives" who support him are cowards to the ideology of True America.

Vigilante is a cultural mccarthyite, meaning he is an opportunitist not a member of the ideology of conservatism. Nothing more than a fair weather patriot supposedly on the right.

Just for you JakeAss, McCarthy was right... now you can try to argue that against todays FACTS!
No, he was not. You are not. The nonsense of fifty years ago you posted is still nonsense today. You have no context, no understanding of American politics. You have no clue as to who and what was Skousen.
Vigilante is part of the scrotum-less and brainless far reactionary right, the voices of cultural mccarthyism. You in no way should (1) Skouse was right, and (2) and, if so, how does it apply to today.

The Dems, for exmple were racists before the 1960s, which has nothing to do with today.
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Skousen would have nothing to do with Trump, and he would consider folks who were "conservatives" to be turncoats and fair weather patriots for supporting the Donald.

Apparently the JakeAss knew Skousen personally to be able to put words in his mouth.... This should make you about 98 years old, JakeAss, and SENILE as all get out... We've discovered your problem!
Your problem is that you don't read in depth and context. That has always been obvious. It is obvious you don't understand Mormon-John Birch neo-theology. They find progressive statism abhorent: thus Trump would be a no no to them and those "conservatives" who support him are cowards to the ideology of True America.

Vigilante is a cultural mccarthyite, meaning he is an opportunitist not a member of the ideology of conservatism. Nothing more than a fair weather patriot supposedly on the right.

Just for you JakeAss, McCarthy was right... now you can try to argue that against todays FACTS!
No, he was not. You are not. The nonsense of fifty years ago you posted is still nonsense today. You have no context, no understanding of American politics. You have no clue as to who and what was Skousen.

You are so IMPRESSED with yourself, you don't realize NO ONE cares who he was except you liberal scumbags! We simply read and understand the words, look at the current state of affairs, and see 95% or more of what was written over 50 years ago, directly correlating with today's NeoCommie/Socialist/Communist/DemocRAT party! If you can't argue anything from that point of view, I suggest you look at the underwater basket weaving forum!... THIS is why we call you the JakeAss, and a Manchurian Republican!
Vigilante is part of the scrotum-less and brainless far reactionary right, the voices of cultural mccarthyism.

Why that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me... on the other hand, you're still a subversive asshole that pretends to be a moderate Republican!

I'm down with these, how about you?

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

Of course you are, but then you are a complete pile of shit who seeks the utter destruction of the nation.
I'm down with these, how about you?

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

Of course you are, but then you are a complete pile of shit who seeks the utter destruction of the nation.

How many times has PMH, the suicidal maniac, said he'd blow himself up if he could take out a bunch of us with him..... He's a muslim terrorist!
Compared to you, Vigilante, who does not understand Americana, the Constitution, mores and morals, anybody would be impressed with him or herself. Vigilante is like the mule, strong but sterile in an intellectual sense: he likes to masturbate mentally but it is still sterile. The fact remains that cultural mccarthyism, the skousen insanity, the far right mental munchins hinder America's development.
social-democracy is civilization...and vastly predates communism by about ten thousand years. ;) Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Roman republic, Tang, Sing, Ming China all expected their people to pay taxes for infrastructure, science, police(guards) and millitary...

To say this is communism is to be without a clue on reality.
Compared to you, Vigilante, who does not understand Americana, the Constitution, mores and morals, anybody would be impressed with him or herself. Vigilante is like the mule, strong but sterile in an intellectual sense: he likes to masturbate mentally but it is still sterile. The fact remains that cultural mccarthyism, the skousen insanity, the far right mental munchins hinder America's development.

And your vacuous beliefs and ideas will simply end the Republic.... I was able to say that so even you could understand it....without having to go to a dictionary.
social-democracy is civilization...and vastly predates communism by about ten thousand years. ;) Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Roman republic, Tang, Sing, Ming China all expected their people to pay taxes for infrastructure, science, police(guards) and millitary...

To say this is communism is to be without a clue on reality.

Really? Really! So what if I agreed with you Matthew, does that make me a lefty? Nope! It makes you a parrot who is uninformed. The Shocking Truth on Entitlements
Seriously, the left whines moans, and groans, and the truth is that all of the federal social programs have taken up 70% of the budget. Instead of moving money around, their 1st inclination is to demand more money from us! In other words.......they want to eat their cake, and have it too!
Bray all you want, mules. SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA are not going anywhere, are not going to be defunded.
social-democracy is civilization...and vastly predates communism by about ten thousand years. ;) Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Roman republic, Tang, Sing, Ming China all expected their people to pay taxes for infrastructure, science, police(guards) and millitary...

To say this is communism is to be without a clue on reality.


You are horribly stupid with virtually no education at all. You actually think that life under the Sung dynasty was superior to what you have. First thing to understand is that most of those you listed, were feudal monarchies.

Song T'ai Tsu was declared a living god. All of China, including the people, were the absolute property of the Emperor/God. The castes of old China were permanent and absolute. Those born a peasant could expect to spend their 28 year life span perpetually at the brink of starvation, laboring in rice paddies or fields until death mercifully released them from the living hell they occupied. When Kublai Khan invaded, he actually improved the life of most Chinese by ending the concept of imperial deity.

The misery of the brutish past is exactly what you idiot Communists demand we return to. You yearn for a master to lay a lash across your back, all so you never have to think or make a decision.

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