CSPAN Poll Says 66% Believe Trump Won The Debate

Don't listen to anyone in the media.
They're all lying to us.
Most people felt that Trump won the debate. 66%

Worldwide media gave the debate to Biden because Trump was disgraceful and embarrassed the United States.
Yet Biden refused to answer questions.....resorted to name-calling....and needed the moderator to help him get through the debate.
If it wasn't for the constant help from Chris Wallace it was clear that Trump was destroying Joe Biden and exposing his lies to everyone in America.
Wallace refused to do follow up questions on obvious lies by Biden. Every time Biden lied Wallace changed the subject and refused to allow Trump to provide a response.

The biggest problem for biden.......he lost his control and called Trump names.....Trump is already known for who he is and how he debates.....biden had that fake "stateman" lie about him......he wrecked that. He also refused to answer simple questions....and looked really, really old....

Yeah I agree. The biggest problem was he had a wire on. No wonder he didn't want anyone to inspect him. What a dishonest POS.

As for Trump?? I hope he keeps on doing exactly what he's doing. That's what I love abut him. He says what he thinks and does as he pleases and he doesn't give a rats ass if other like it or not.

I'll be voting for him in Nov. If Biden gets elected the economy and the country will be headed down the drain. That man is no financier and he has some really destructive ideas.

I wouldn't vote him in a sewer worker. Oh wait. I forgot. He loves to dish out shit. Never mind.

The democrats, if they win, are no longer going to play the democracy game......they will consolidate power once they have the chance.
I find these poll results rather astounding. If it were possible to vote for "None of the Above," I'm sure NOTA would have won in a landslide.

The cornucopia of reasons to vote for Trump, and the even larger mass of reasons to vote against Biden-Harris remain.

I will vote early and often for Our Exalted President. But I will cast fewer votes having seen this fiasco.
The Telemundo poll looks to be an accurate reflection of the hispanic vote shifting toward Trump. The same thing appears to be happening with the black vote and I believe both are firmly based on Trumps pre-covid policy success, It's a case of seeing is believing. As for the integrity of the election, what now appears to be widespread voter fraud and ballot harvesting will be dealt with in the courts.
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

Those were online polls. They weren't scientifically conducted and are not valid.

Four polls came out yesterday. Biden leads Trump by eight or nine points in all of them, including Rasmussen, and every one of them has Biden at 50% or 51%. Trump is done. No incumbent president has ever won reeelection this close to the election with those numbers.

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

The Republicans are strongly focused on winning the 2020 election.
The Democrats are strongly focused on winning the 2016 election.

It could go either way......a lot of Americans are stupid....as shown by the 8 years of obama....

But this time, Trump isn't fighting against the Republican party as well as the democrat party.

Republican voters who were not sure of Trump because they thought he was a New York democrat.....are now fully on the Trump Train, and are going to storm the polls for him.

Blacks and Hispanics are not impressed with biden and have had their neighborhoods burned, looted and destroyed for the last 5 months by joe biden voters.

Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, and the democrat party vile smear job against him was too soon before the election.....the democrats can't help themselves and will do their best to smear "The Original AOC," and that will happen right before this election.

Exactly so.
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.
Those who answered those polls must have been deaf dumb and blind or they must have thought they were watching wrestling starring Captain Chaos.
The Telemundo poll looks to be an accurate reflection of the hispanic vote shifting toward Trump. The same thing appears to be happening with the black vote and I believe both are firmly based on Trumps pre-covid policy success, It's a case of seeing is believing. As for the integrity of the election, what now appears to be widespread voter fraud and ballot harvesting will be dealt with in the courts.

I'm really interested in the exist polls in November.
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.
Those who answered those polls must have been deaf dumb and blind or they must have thought they were watching wrestling starring Captain Chaos.

It was a headache.
Please go on thinking ye won... Please....

Where did I say that?
You are pumping internet polls as Trump as a winner... These were not random select polls...
you mean the shitty mainstream polls that are always wrong, we should go with those? bwahahahahahaah

look at realclearpolitics, it's getting closer.....I knew that was going to happen in the spring.....it's going to get even closer and voila the last couple of days you guys will freak out...we know how this poll game is played.....They give dems huge early leads trying to panic us.....doesn't work man.
The Telemundo poll looks to be an accurate reflection of the hispanic vote shifting toward Trump. The same thing appears to be happening with the black vote and I believe both are firmly based on Trumps pre-covid policy success, It's a case of seeing is believing. As for the integrity of the election, what now appears to be widespread voter fraud and ballot harvesting will be dealt with in the courts.

I'm really interested in the exist polls in November.
LOL, I Am too, because they will show the dems winning...and then on election night, Trump will win......the dems always get so excited with exit polls.
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.
There is no group less partisan than Vegas bookies and they thought Biden won. Just sayin'.

Trump Odds Drop

If the betting odds are any indication, President Donald Trump’s debate performance was a setback for his re-election campaign. Trump entered Tuesday’s event trailing in national polls and was hoping to turn the tides with the general election just 34 days away. Instead, Trump’s betting odds fell to lows he had not seen in more than two months.​
Political oddsmakers dropped Trump to a +138 underdog Wednesday morning. They also boosted Biden’s odds and he’s now a -162 favorite. These are big 24-hourswings. Trump was +120 Tuesday morning and +100 last Friday, meaning his odds have decreased by nearly 40% in just five days.​
Those are the worst odds for Trump since late July, when was at +160 after the Tulsa rally which drew far fewer attendees than expected. A two-month climb to even-money at the betting shops is now mostly erased in the aftermath of Tuesday’s debate.​
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

I think looking at this cherry picked "scientific poll" may help deplorables stay hopeful and in denial for one more month, cause after that, you will have to suck it up with dem WH for decades to come...
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

I think looking at this cherry picked "scientific poll" may help deplorables stay hopeful and in denial for one more month, cause after that, you will have to suck it up with dem WH for decades to come...

So this is the agenda you favor for America?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Care to explain your choice?
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

Great. Thanks for posting this.
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

I think looking at this cherry picked "scientific poll" may help deplorables stay hopeful and in denial for one more month, cause after that, you will have to suck it up with dem WH for decades to come...

So this is the agenda you favor for America?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Care to explain your choice?

Don't forget ending the electoral college...so big states can control small states, making Puerto Rico and D.C. states do the democrat party can control the senate, and packing the Supreme Court so the democrat party can control that court........

They are no longer pretending to play politics...they want control...
Interesting that less partisan polls had Trump the big winner.

1. Telemundo
Daniel Garza

Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

View attachment 395466

2. C-Span

Another one where Trump crushed Biden was the C-Span poll, with Trump crushing Biden by an even bigger margin at the time of this post. There are currently eight hours left on their poll, with over 250,000 Twitter votes cast. Twitter is also infested with left wing communist filth, which makes the results of this poll even more surprising.


Who won the first presidential debate? #Debates2020


Donald Trump

Joe Biden

None of the above

325,530 votes · Final results

3. And in the mid-West.....WGN poll:

"Hannity seized upon two online surveys to declare victory for his friend President Trump.
One, from Telemundo, had Trump winning by a 2-to-1 margin, he said. Another, from WGN, had a similarly lopsided result."

4. My opinion?
I didn't feel that either man did himself proud....any of the three, if you want to include Wallace.

The only 'winners' are those who recognize that one should vote for policies, not persons.

5. Let's get to the election and hope that the machinations of the Democrats aren't effective in corrupting the vote.

I think looking at this cherry picked "scientific poll" may help deplorables stay hopeful and in denial for one more month, cause after that, you will have to suck it up with dem WH for decades to come...

So this is the agenda you favor for America?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Care to explain your choice?

Two and a half words: "Mail-In Voting"

Don't forget ending the electoral college...so big states can control small states, making Puerto Rico and D.C. states do the democrat party can control the senate, and packing the Supreme Court so the democrat party can control that court........

They are no longer pretending to play politics...they want control...
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

The Republicans are strongly focused on winning the 2020 election.
The Democrats are strongly focused on winning the 2016 election.

Is Hillary Clinton running for president?
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

The Republicans are strongly focused on winning the 2020 election.
The Democrats are strongly focused on winning the 2016 election.

Is Hillary Clinton running for president?

Are the same organizations doing the polling in the same ways?

Wise up.
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

The Republicans are strongly focused on winning the 2020 election.
The Democrats are strongly focused on winning the 2016 election.

Is Hillary Clinton running for president?

Are the same organizations doing the polling in the same ways?

Wise up.

Is Hillary Clinton running for president? Yes or no?

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