Crime and race in the US. Not for liberals

We had photo radar here for a while. I was just about the only one who was sad to see it go. It made it easier to obey speed limits because you knew every one could get a ticket

If you live in GB, you guys have all of that "Big Brother" shit going on. I'm glad we are not there yet, but we are getting there.

On to this "Black Culture" shit; what "Black Culture" are you referring to? Gang banging? If so, gang banging is not a solely "Black thing", it goes across all racial lines. If one has spent time in Chinatown in NYC, one would know about the different street gangs and Triads. Somehow "the Blacks" are the most hated when in reality they have been the MOST FUCKED WITH by the culture of white people who despise them. I think a lot of this "hate" towards the Blacks, is really a coping mechanism for "white guilt".

The Blacks didn't go over to Europe and make the Europeans their slaves. The Blacks didn't colonize Europe and strip it of it's natural resources while at the same time treating the natives worse than animals and using the tactic of "divide and conquer" that those idiots fell for. The Blacks didn't beg the Europeans to bring them to America and make them slaves and treat them as less than human for centuries. The Blacks didn't ask those cocksuckers to humiliate them, brutalize them, kill them, and disenfranchise them of basic liberties that the White Founding Fathers considered as Natural Rights.

I find it funny that descendants from a bunch of people who have caused millions of deaths, committed millions, billions, and trillions in robbery, occupied and subjected other people in their lands and haven taken them abroad to do the same, now cry about the results of the actions that their ancestors started.

"Black culture" in America, IS American culture, it's a result of their experience living in a country with a White ruling class, that at times have been very hostile toward them. In spite of it all they STILL volunteered to fight for this country, even that wasn't enough for the "innocent" White ruling class and then henchmen in the lower socioeconomic levels. The still faced life as second class citizens, still faced lynchings and white riots (see Black Wall Street) , through it all there were and ARE successful Black people who made it through all of that bullshit. They are the real "Black Culture" in America.

Should the fucking "Honey Boo Bo" family be the representatives for White America? How about the cocksuckers who shot up the movie theater and those babies recently in Connecticut, should people start knocking White middle class culture because of those bastards?

Are there lowlifes in the "Black community" hell yeah there are, just like in any other community. If they break the law, seek justice through the law. That justice should be equal. Ron Paul agrees. Listen to him at 45 seconds into it:

[ame=]Ron Paul Is a Racist agaisnt Black People MUST SEE!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

Before some of you people talk about "Black violence and criminality" look at this video series and see the crimes against humanity perpetrated by White Culture.:
[ame=]The History of the United States ~ Chapter 1 - World War II - YouTube[/ame]

I laugh when some of the ignorant and bigoted dolts say this "Why do dey gotta call demselves Afwickan Amwericwans, instead of just Americans?" regarding "the Blacks" calling themselves African Americans, maybe it's because those same cocksuckers never treated them as fellow Americans. It's quite telling that 70+ percent of Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and probably American Indians, voted for Obama instead of the republicans.

You people should be shamed of yourselves and embarrassed that you have to hide behind "race" and racism to make yourselves feel better for your own individual shortcomings. I think a lot of the most venomous bigots are frustrated because they are no better and probably than "That ****** walking down the street with his pants hanging down off of his ass with Walkmans on a rapping.".

So people can take this stupid racial statistics and shove it up their asses. How the fuck are you people as INDIVIDUALS?

I find it sad. People that have never been slaves; people whose parents have never been slaves are still crying about something that happened over a century ago. They have the same opportunities that MOST whites have: to be bullied in school, to be humiliated in school, to find subjects that interest them in school, to overcome the bullying and humiliation by focusing on what interests them, and working towards living apart from those that humiliated and bullied them in school. Once they GRADUATE, they have opportunities to join the military or get a college education. They have the opportunity to start working at a "dead end" job and stay there until finance or boredom encourage them to reach for a better position. Once they have "worked" in different jobs, they have the same opportunities to continue their education thru night school, or specialized courses. They are "free" to invest their earnings in their futures (not tatoos, not hair treatments, not nail treatments), as any "white".

When this is pointed out, the IGNORANT (means they choose to stay in a state of unknowing), cry about how hard it is. Ask your 99% of white people if they were humiliated or bullied in school. Ask them if they were ever called nasty names. Ask them if there was anyone holding their hand to "success". Ask them if they ever felt discrimminated against (some will tell you that they were passed over for "affirmative action", so that less qualified, correctly colored people could be in better positions), or had people insult them over their appearance. Bad experiences are not an excuse to lie down and hold out your hand. Bad experiences are a challenge to show you what you can do in spite of difficulties. Millions of blacks, hispanics, whites, yellows, reds have done this, and are thrilled to be able to go to work every day, so that they can support their own families, and not take from others. What is your excuse for decendents [all of the races have been enslaved at some point in history, and there are still slaves (sold by their own people to muslim slave traders in Africa, not that you would mention that point) in many places in the world] of slaves, now?

I find it sad that dishonest bigots want to run back to that "the slaves were freed over a century ago." crap. They leave out the other 100 plus years after slavery when they were still fucked with and treated as less than American citizens.

The Black and Mixed race people in my family come from white collar and blue collar backgrounds, they are NOTHING like the narrative that some White bigots are trying to make about "the Blacks".

Read this and educate yourself:
Hood-Winked « Black Men In America

Why do I have to have an "excuse" for other people?
there is no excuse for drunk driving. the fact that it is culturally unacceptable has cut the rates dramatically from decades ago.

when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?

Culturally unacceptable? Cut the rates dramatically? You have got to be kidding me. First of all culturally unacceptable is a matter of opinion. Drunk driving is the most dangerous crime there is and the most expensive. yet while you talk about gun control there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it. I guess it just a known that it is culturally unacceptable. We don't really need to do anything about it or say anything about it because you already know how I feel about it so lets discuss something else.
As for black culture and unacceptable crimes, Why do black folks have to do anything about it? Can't you be satisfied with just knowing that is unacceptable to us? You obviously know nothing about what goes on in black culture. You hear about the crime on the news but nothing of the aftermath in black neighborhoods. You know nothing of the town halls, the vigils, the church leaders and residents marching through the streets begging for something to be done. But the saying goes that "crime can never be stopped it can only be contained" So maybe you should thank those people in the hood that have to put up with all kinds of crime on the daily. After all as long as they do then you don't.

The people in the "hood" support the crimmals. You see it on the news, frequently: my boy would never hurt anyone...., my boy never jumped that man, he is just a little sweet boy (punk over 6 foot tall).... etc.

When the police try to clean up the "hood", they get closed doors and silence. the "hood" supports crimminal activity, and the people that live there keep it going.

Was she in the "hood"?

In the mid-1970s, Louise Bundy was a married mother of five working as a secretary at the University of Puget Sound when authorities across the nation began to accuse her eldest son in a series of gruesome killings.

For years, she refused to believe the charges.

"Ted Bundy does not go around killing women and little children!"
she told The News Tribune in 1980 after Ted Bundy was convicted in the Florida killings. "And I know this, too, that our never-ending faith in Ted - our faith that he is innocent - has never wavered. And it never will."

Louise Bundy spoke with him twice on his execution day, telling him at the end of the second call, "You'll always be my precious son."

She's not the only white mother to do this.................. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
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Exactly, which is why less whites commit crimes, violent or otherwise, than negroes, and why minorities drop out of school at a much higher rate than whites. The negro culture is not very effective at teaching morals, values, a strong work ethic, a love for learning not to mention a respect for authority and law and order. By the way, considering that from the age of about 6yrs old, the State has your kids, if you're dumb enough to send them to public schools, for the vast majority of the day, so they DO bear a lot of responsibility in how kids turn out.

Did you go to public school or private schools when you grew up?

Actually my generation was propably the generation that saw the start of the decline of the PS education system in the US. I went to school in the 60's and 70's in NYC (kindergarten to the 6th grade Catholic school, public JHS and HS), right when you started to see a large influx of the hippy-dippy, anti-war protesting, socialist sympathizing, National Liberation Front supporting, a-hole liberal college grads entering the PS system as teachers. We still had many hold overs from previous generations of teachers though that believed in education not liberal indoctrination. By the 80's it was all over. For the past 40+yrs our PS system has focused more on liberal indoctrination than on a good solid education and it has gotten much, much worse in the past 10-20yrs. Neither of my kids went to public school and for my oldest that meant serious sacrifices, and I hope when I have grandkids they won't either. I have already put money aside for their private education. Private and home schooled children consistantly out perfom their PS peers in ALL standardized tests, not to mention having much higher graduation rates and College attendance rates and much lower rates of violence in the schools. This is a fact that must be looked at when sending your kids to school. For some this may mean sacrifices, no new car, no grand vacations, smaller homes, whatever, but no sacrifice is too great to ensure your kids the best possible future. I drive the same truck I bought used 15yrs ago and after putting in a new motor this past summer, I plan to drive it another 15yrs without a truck payment. My wife wanted a new mustang since she was a little girl, instead she sacrificed that and for the cost of a new mustang our son went to and currently attends, a private school. Since I started my own business 8yrs ago the sacrifices haven't been so grand, and she now has her mustang, 3yrs old and paid cash for, but we would sacrifice anything to enusre our son didn't attend the cesspool we call public education in this nation. My oldest is currently serving in the USMC and if he decides to go to college they pay for almost all of it so the money we have for that can go to his kid's education and my youngest also wants to join when he comes of age so his college fund can go to his kid's education. I would go to any lengths to keep my children and grandchildren from taking part in the liberal's grand social engineering experemint we call public education.

I actually have the same experience k-4 public school, 5-8 Catholic School, JHS % SHS public school. This was on long Island, I went to predominately White working class schools, and all of the elements that went along with that. If you are from NYC then maybe you know what I am talking about. This was the 70's and early , early 80's for me. I had a White father and a Puerto Rican/Black mother. I learned a lot about people from different races.

I agree.

I love my 1996 Jeep Cherokee, we drive it to my White republican conservative in-laws in Forsythe County/Pickens (check out the history and demographics of those counties) county Georgia. why did i use those adjectives about my in-laws? Because it's true and I want to demonstrate that I have an intimate knowledge of the mindset from different groups of people. My Scot/Irish/German wife goes to New York and visits with my Puerto Rican/Black and mixed race family. One thing I can say, is that everyone is decent and we all love each other. My wife agrees with my family's politics and I debate some people in her family's politics, though her two brothers and I agree with each other politically.

Some of you people make it seem sooooo bad, when the everyday people who I know, run into, am friends with and associate with, are all pretty much fine. Yes, there are a MINORITY of ASSHOLES from ALL RACES, backgrounds, beliefs, and political persuasions, to try to fuck things up and make it miserable for the other people, but a 3 hour walk on the beach where I encounter all sorts of people (homeless to wealthy, Black to White) with my dog puts it all in perspective. That's my America.
Why has the white race systematically oppressed more racial groups than any other racial group has in the world?

Everyone opperessed everyone. The black man enslaved millions of his own race and didn't break a sweat.

If you're going to find slavery today look at Africa and Arabia.

The white race has "systematically oppressed" more racial groups then ANY other racial group has in the world.:cool:
Most African-Americans have a challenging, if not impossible time summarizing our collective experience into one positive statement of group-worth. Sadly if I were to ask you the same question about other racial groups, you would rattle off quickly “smart,” “hard-working,” “and “good with money.” This is a testament to how we have allowed Black identity to be twisted and maligned, while also adopting this societal defamation of character as our own belief set.

So with that, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for another message to be forwarded about what is means to be Black in America. WE can no longer depend on any organization, any government or any media outlet to shine the positive light of who WE are. WE can no longer afford to define ourselves by our shortcomings. WE have got to shout confidently, that WE are much more than the incarcerated, the uneducated, or the prime time buffoon.

My final challenge to you, as a Black American, would be this. If XYZ actor gets caught cheating on their spouse, you head right to the local internet search engine to fact-check the story. The Internet has become the great equalizer in this struggle, and your government has made most data freely accessible. The next time you hear any data or statistics about Blacks, anywhere, be just as diligent in your search to confirm or dismiss the story. Because, as I see it, the ratings, the notoriety, and the funding will always promote the negative statistics about Black Americans.

In closing, here are some verified African American Male statistics on education, economics and employment. Statistics you probably have never heard. Statistics I would challenge you to try discussing on your next visit to the local stylist, academic setting, or community activist meeting. What will sadden you most is to watch the debate, watch the resistance, and watch the denial from people who desire most to hold on to false claims about us… myths, stereotypes and misinformation that only perpetuates the denigration of us all.

· There are more Black Males in College[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)

· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane[4].

(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)

32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]

(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)

1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].

(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)

6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].

(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].

(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .

(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)

12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.

(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]

5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]

(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)

88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)

(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)

$23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older

$19,470 Average Income Black Females

1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]

(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)

($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]

(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)

[1] National Center for Education Statistics: iPeds data set, March 2011 – reporting Scholastic Year 2009

[2] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010)

[3] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[4] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010

[5] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[6] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[7] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[8] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement

[9] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement

[10] National Center for Education Statistics: Table A-19-2. Number of status dropouts and status dropout rates of 16-through 24-year-olds – American Community Survey (ACS) 2008)

[11] 2,583,000 includes individuals reporting Black A.O.I.C. US Census data are individuals reporting Black Alone

[12] U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Social and Economic Supplement: 2003 Current Population Survey, Current Population Reports, Series P20-553, “America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2003″ and earlier reports.

[13] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[14] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[15] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-05. Work Experience in 2009–People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Earnings in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[16] U.S. Census Bureau, Child Support Payments Agreed to or Awarded Custodial Parents by Selected Characteristics and Sex: 2007

[17] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-08. Source of Income in 2009-People 15 Years Old and Over, By Income of Specified Type in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[18] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2009.
Why has the white race systematically oppressed more racial groups than any other racial group has in the world?

Everyone opperessed everyone. The black man enslaved millions of his own race and didn't break a sweat.

If you're going to find slavery today look at Africa and Arabia.

The white race has "systematically oppressed" more racial groups then ANY other racial group has in the world.:cool:

Good point. I like asking these bastards what they THEMSELVES HAVE DONE TO BETTER THIS SOCIETY. They like to knock other races, but how are they as INDIVIDUALS. Are they really any better than the people they hate? Here's a quick occupational sample from my Black relatives; Lawyer, small business owner, correction officer, teacher, works for MTV in marketing, etc.
How are these white racist bastards better than any of my relatives? I own my own business as well, so does my little sister, I'm a decent law abiding citizen, I'm mixed race, but by all intents and purposes BLACK man. How are these White racist bastards any better than me? I don't need to make any excuses or garner any responsibility for Black criminals than they do for those sick White perverts.
Why has the white race systematically oppressed more racial groups than any other racial group has in the world?

Because we could.

How does that make you morally any better than the ******* that you don't like? systematically oppressing equals raping, robbing, brutalizing, and stealing from people. Wow, that sounds like the things you complain about the ******* doing! Maybe those ******* leaned it from watching YOU.

Thanks for that response. When asked why your race did those heinous crimes, your response was "Because we could.", yet you want explanations from Black people about crime in their community. Hypocrisy and outright ignorant racism at it's finest! :lol:
Now we need to make speeding unacceptable too. Same with red light running and text driving. Car violence is much larger and much more correctable than gun violence.

We had photo radar here for a while. I was just about the only one who was sad to see it go. It made it easier to obey speed limits because you knew every one could get a ticket

If you live in GB, you guys have all of that "Big Brother" shit going on. I'm glad we are not there yet, but we are getting there.

On to this "Black Culture" shit; what "Black Culture" are you referring to? Gang banging? If so, gang banging is not a solely "Black thing", it goes across all racial lines. If one has spent time in Chinatown in NYC, one would know about the different street gangs and Triads. Somehow "the Blacks" are the most hated when in reality they have been the MOST FUCKED WITH by the culture of white people who despise them. I think a lot of this "hate" towards the Blacks, is really a coping mechanism for "white guilt". I gave you the statistics on black gang involvement, along with their propensity for violence, they are much more likely to be involved in gangs than anyother race, even the hispanics who also embrace the gang culture at a pretty high per capita rate but not even close to the negro's invlovement. As for the chinks in Chinatown in NYC, I went to HS at Murry Bergtraum right below Chinatown and am very familiar with the Chinese gangs and per capita, they're gang membership is very, very, very low, compared to either the negro's or the hispanics, so no comparrison there. As for all this telling the truth about the negro being a coping mechanism for white guilt, you've got that wrong son, it's the denial of the facts and the making the excuse it's the white man's fault and it's not the negroes fault because way back when some negro was oppressed that is a coping mechanism for white guilt. Most that think like I do have NO GUILT, because neither we, nor ANY of our ancestors ever owned a freaking negro.

The Blacks didn't go over to Europe and make the Europeans their slaves. The Blacks didn't colonize Europe and strip it of it's natural resources while at the same time treating the natives worse than animals and using the tactic of "divide and conquer" that those idiots fell for. The Blacks didn't beg the Europeans to bring them to America and make them slaves and treat them as less than human for centuries. The Blacks didn't ask those cocksuckers to humiliate them, brutalize them, kill them, and disenfranchise them of basic liberties that the White Founding Fathers considered as Natural Rights. No the blacks didn't go over to Europe and make Europeans their slaves, they went to the next village over and took other negroes to make them slaves and to sell them to the Europeans to keep as slaves. Hell TODAY they still do it the only difference is that they're selling their fellow africans to muslims instead of Europeans. See all these excuses you give are a perfect example of white guilt. Negroes had in better or no worse than many other people throughout history, they've just never been able to overcome it.

I find it funny that descendants from a bunch of people who have caused millions of deaths, committed millions, billions, and trillions in robbery, occupied and subjected other people in their lands and haven taken them abroad to do the same, now cry about the results of the actions that their ancestors started. Lol. too funny.

"Black culture" in America, IS American culture, it's a result of their experience living in a country with a White ruling class, that at times have been very hostile toward them. In spite of it all they STILL volunteered to fight for this country, even that wasn't enough for the "innocent" White ruling class and then henchmen in the lower socioeconomic levels. The still faced life as second class citizens, still faced lynchings and white riots (see Black Wall Street) , through it all there were and ARE successful Black people who made it through all of that bullshit. They are the real "Black Culture" in America. No they're not, they're the exception to the rule.

Should the fucking "Honey Boo Bo" family be the representatives for White America? How about the cocksuckers who shot up the movie theater and those babies recently in Connecticut, should people start knocking White middle class culture because of those bastards? If the people like that made up such a large, large, large portion of our population, you'd have a point, they don't, so you don't.

Are there lowlifes in the "Black community" hell yeah there are, just like in any other community. If they break the law, seek justice through the law. That justice should be equal. Ron Paul agrees. Listen to him at 45 seconds into it: It's just the factthat there's a whole lot more of them in the black community than in any other community that's the problem[ame=]Ron Paul Is a Racist agaisnt Black People MUST SEE!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

Before some of you people talk about "Black violence and criminality" look at this video series and see the crimes against humanity perpetrated by White Culture.:
[ame=]The History of the United States ~ Chapter 1 - World War II - YouTube[/ame]

I laugh when some of the ignorant and bigoted dolts say this "Why do dey gotta call demselves Afwickan Amwericwans, instead of just Americans?" regarding "the Blacks" calling themselves African Americans, maybe it's because those same cocksuckers never treated them as fellow Americans. It's quite telling that 70+ percent of Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and probably American Indians, voted for Obama instead of the republicans. If I asked the average negro in this coutnry to name three african nations and spotted them two, they couldn't do it, so save me your african american bs.

You people should be shamed of yourselves and embarrassed that you have to hide behind "race" and racism to make yourselves feel better for your own individual shortcomings. I think a lot of the most venomous bigots are frustrated because they are no better and probably than "That ****** walking down the street with his pants hanging down off of his ass with Walkmans on a rapping.". Lol, nobody's "hiding behind racism" Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, and this is an easily proven (by archeology, sociology and anthropology) and easily seen, (by personal observations, current events and a brief study of history), fact. To deny what your eyes see, what your own ears hear and what your mind can process is the ultimate in denial. As for being no better than the average ****** walking down the street with his pants haging down his ass, well if there are three of them, you can bet your ass we're most likely better than at least one of them, because when you have three together, statistics say one of them is a convicted criminal, not to mention that there's a good chance that out of the other two at least one is the father of a child he pays no support to, or is a HS drop out or lives by sucking off the teat of the tax payers, so yeah, we're probably better than them.

So people can take this stupid racial statistics and shove it up their asses. How the fuck are you people as INDIVIDUALS? Well they're not "racial statistics, they're crime statistics, unwed pregnancy statistics, HS drop out statistics, section 8 housing statistics, welfare statistics, gang membership statistics and failure to pay child support statistics, it's just a coincidence that the negro leads in all these statistics huh?
Did you go to public school or private schools when you grew up?

Actually my generation was propably the generation that saw the start of the decline of the PS education system in the US. I went to school in the 60's and 70's in NYC (kindergarten to the 6th grade Catholic school, public JHS and HS), right when you started to see a large influx of the hippy-dippy, anti-war protesting, socialist sympathizing, National Liberation Front supporting, a-hole liberal college grads entering the PS system as teachers. We still had many hold overs from previous generations of teachers though that believed in education not liberal indoctrination. By the 80's it was all over. For the past 40+yrs our PS system has focused more on liberal indoctrination than on a good solid education and it has gotten much, much worse in the past 10-20yrs. Neither of my kids went to public school and for my oldest that meant serious sacrifices, and I hope when I have grandkids they won't either. I have already put money aside for their private education. Private and home schooled children consistantly out perfom their PS peers in ALL standardized tests, not to mention having much higher graduation rates and College attendance rates and much lower rates of violence in the schools. This is a fact that must be looked at when sending your kids to school. For some this may mean sacrifices, no new car, no grand vacations, smaller homes, whatever, but no sacrifice is too great to ensure your kids the best possible future. I drive the same truck I bought used 15yrs ago and after putting in a new motor this past summer, I plan to drive it another 15yrs without a truck payment. My wife wanted a new mustang since she was a little girl, instead she sacrificed that and for the cost of a new mustang our son went to and currently attends, a private school. Since I started my own business 8yrs ago the sacrifices haven't been so grand, and she now has her mustang, 3yrs old and paid cash for, but we would sacrifice anything to enusre our son didn't attend the cesspool we call public education in this nation. My oldest is currently serving in the USMC and if he decides to go to college they pay for almost all of it so the money we have for that can go to his kid's education and my youngest also wants to join when he comes of age so his college fund can go to his kid's education. I would go to any lengths to keep my children and grandchildren from taking part in the liberal's grand social engineering experemint we call public education.

Thank him for his service to this country, for me.

I will do so, thank you.
Everyone opperessed everyone. The black man enslaved millions of his own race and didn't break a sweat.

If you're going to find slavery today look at Africa and Arabia.

The white race has "systematically oppressed" more racial groups then ANY other racial group has in the world.:cool:

Good point. I like asking these bastards what they THEMSELVES HAVE DONE TO BETTER THIS SOCIETY. They like to knock other races, but how are they as INDIVIDUALS. Are they really any better than the people they hate? Here's a quick occupational sample from my Black relatives; Lawyer, small business owner, correction officer, teacher, works for MTV in marketing, etc.
How are these white racist bastards better than any of my relatives? I own my own business as well, so does my little sister, I'm a decent law abiding citizen, I'm mixed race, but by all intents and purposes BLACK man. How are these White racist bastards any better than me? I don't need to make any excuses or garner any responsibility for Black criminals than they do for those sick White perverts.

Projections Put Whites in Minority in U.S. by 2050, I imagine that the white racists are hoping that when they find themselves in the minority they will not experience the same systematic oppression that they imposed on other races when they held the majority population.
If you live in GB, you guys have all of that "Big Brother" shit going on. I'm glad we are not there yet, but we are getting there.

On to this "Black Culture" shit; what "Black Culture" are you referring to? Gang banging? If so, gang banging is not a solely "Black thing", it goes across all racial lines. If one has spent time in Chinatown in NYC, one would know about the different street gangs and Triads. Somehow "the Blacks" are the most hated when in reality they have been the MOST FUCKED WITH by the culture of white people who despise them. I think a lot of this "hate" towards the Blacks, is really a coping mechanism for "white guilt".

The Blacks didn't go over to Europe and make the Europeans their slaves. The Blacks didn't colonize Europe and strip it of it's natural resources while at the same time treating the natives worse than animals and using the tactic of "divide and conquer" that those idiots fell for. The Blacks didn't beg the Europeans to bring them to America and make them slaves and treat them as less than human for centuries. The Blacks didn't ask those cocksuckers to humiliate them, brutalize them, kill them, and disenfranchise them of basic liberties that the White Founding Fathers considered as Natural Rights.

I find it funny that descendants from a bunch of people who have caused millions of deaths, committed millions, billions, and trillions in robbery, occupied and subjected other people in their lands and haven taken them abroad to do the same, now cry about the results of the actions that their ancestors started.

"Black culture" in America, IS American culture, it's a result of their experience living in a country with a White ruling class, that at times have been very hostile toward them. In spite of it all they STILL volunteered to fight for this country, even that wasn't enough for the "innocent" White ruling class and then henchmen in the lower socioeconomic levels. The still faced life as second class citizens, still faced lynchings and white riots (see Black Wall Street) , through it all there were and ARE successful Black people who made it through all of that bullshit. They are the real "Black Culture" in America.

Should the fucking "Honey Boo Bo" family be the representatives for White America? How about the cocksuckers who shot up the movie theater and those babies recently in Connecticut, should people start knocking White middle class culture because of those bastards?

Are there lowlifes in the "Black community" hell yeah there are, just like in any other community. If they break the law, seek justice through the law. That justice should be equal. Ron Paul agrees. Listen to him at 45 seconds into it:

Ron Paul Is a Racist agaisnt Black People MUST SEE!!!! - YouTube

Before some of you people talk about "Black violence and criminality" look at this video series and see the crimes against humanity perpetrated by White Culture.:
The History of the United States ~ Chapter 1 - World War II - YouTube

I laugh when some of the ignorant and bigoted dolts say this "Why do dey gotta call demselves Afwickan Amwericwans, instead of just Americans?" regarding "the Blacks" calling themselves African Americans, maybe it's because those same cocksuckers never treated them as fellow Americans. It's quite telling that 70+ percent of Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and probably American Indians, voted for Obama instead of the republicans.

You people should be shamed of yourselves and embarrassed that you have to hide behind "race" and racism to make yourselves feel better for your own individual shortcomings. I think a lot of the most venomous bigots are frustrated because they are no better and probably than "That ****** walking down the street with his pants hanging down off of his ass with Walkmans on a rapping.".

So people can take this stupid racial statistics and shove it up their asses. How the fuck are you people as INDIVIDUALS?

I find it sad. People that have never been slaves; people whose parents have never been slaves are still crying about something that happened over a century ago. They have the same opportunities that MOST whites have: to be bullied in school, to be humiliated in school, to find subjects that interest them in school, to overcome the bullying and humiliation by focusing on what interests them, and working towards living apart from those that humiliated and bullied them in school. Once they GRADUATE, they have opportunities to join the military or get a college education. They have the opportunity to start working at a "dead end" job and stay there until finance or boredom encourage them to reach for a better position. Once they have "worked" in different jobs, they have the same opportunities to continue their education thru night school, or specialized courses. They are "free" to invest their earnings in their futures (not tatoos, not hair treatments, not nail treatments), as any "white".

When this is pointed out, the IGNORANT (means they choose to stay in a state of unknowing), cry about how hard it is. Ask your 99% of white people if they were humiliated or bullied in school. Ask them if they were ever called nasty names. Ask them if there was anyone holding their hand to "success". Ask them if they ever felt discrimminated against (some will tell you that they were passed over for "affirmative action", so that less qualified, correctly colored people could be in better positions), or had people insult them over their appearance. Bad experiences are not an excuse to lie down and hold out your hand. Bad experiences are a challenge to show you what you can do in spite of difficulties. Millions of blacks, hispanics, whites, yellows, reds have done this, and are thrilled to be able to go to work every day, so that they can support their own families, and not take from others. What is your excuse for decendents [all of the races have been enslaved at some point in history, and there are still slaves (sold by their own people to muslim slave traders in Africa, not that you would mention that point) in many places in the world] of slaves, now?

I find it sad that dishonest bigots want to run back to that "the slaves were freed over a century ago." crap. They leave out the other 100 plus years after slavery when they were still fucked with and treated as less than American citizens.

The Black and Mixed race people in my family come from white collar and blue collar backgrounds, they are NOTHING like the narrative that some White bigots are trying to make about "the Blacks".

Read this and educate yourself:
Hood-Winked « Black Men In America

Why do I have to have an "excuse" for other people?

Ah, now we see why you deny the reality placed right in front of your eyes. You think to admit the truths you're faced with here is to somehow be disloyal to your family members that married negroes. Well don't let that bother you son, the negroes in your family know these facts I'm putting here probably better than the both of us do and your family member or members that married them know it better than all of us.
Most African-Americans have a challenging, if not impossible time summarizing our collective experience into one positive statement of group-worth. Sadly if I were to ask you the same question about other racial groups, you would rattle off quickly “smart,” “hard-working,” “and “good with money.” This is a testament to how we have allowed Black identity to be twisted and maligned, while also adopting this societal defamation of character as our own belief set.

So with that, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for another message to be forwarded about what is means to be Black in America. WE can no longer depend on any organization, any government or any media outlet to shine the positive light of who WE are. WE can no longer afford to define ourselves by our shortcomings. WE have got to shout confidently, that WE are much more than the incarcerated, the uneducated, or the prime time buffoon.

My final challenge to you, as a Black American, would be this. If XYZ actor gets caught cheating on their spouse, you head right to the local internet search engine to fact-check the story. The Internet has become the great equalizer in this struggle, and your government has made most data freely accessible. The next time you hear any data or statistics about Blacks, anywhere, be just as diligent in your search to confirm or dismiss the story. Because, as I see it, the ratings, the notoriety, and the funding will always promote the negative statistics about Black Americans.

In closing, here are some verified African American Male statistics on education, economics and employment. Statistics you probably have never heard. Statistics I would challenge you to try discussing on your next visit to the local stylist, academic setting, or community activist meeting. What will sadden you most is to watch the debate, watch the resistance, and watch the denial from people who desire most to hold on to false claims about us… myths, stereotypes and misinformation that only perpetuates the denigration of us all.

· There are more Black Males in College[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)

· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane[4].

(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)

32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]

(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)

1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].

(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)

6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].

(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].

(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .

(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)

12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.

(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]

5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]

(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)

88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)

(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)

$23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older

$19,470 Average Income Black Females

1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]

(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)

($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]

(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)

[1] National Center for Education Statistics: iPeds data set, March 2011 – reporting Scholastic Year 2009

[2] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010)

[3] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[4] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010

[5] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[6] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[7] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009

[8] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement

[9] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement

[10] National Center for Education Statistics: Table A-19-2. Number of status dropouts and status dropout rates of 16-through 24-year-olds – American Community Survey (ACS) 2008)

[11] 2,583,000 includes individuals reporting Black A.O.I.C. US Census data are individuals reporting Black Alone

[12] U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Social and Economic Supplement: 2003 Current Population Survey, Current Population Reports, Series P20-553, “America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2003″ and earlier reports.

[13] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[14] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[15] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-05. Work Experience in 2009–People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Earnings in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[16] U.S. Census Bureau, Child Support Payments Agreed to or Awarded Custodial Parents by Selected Characteristics and Sex: 2007

[17] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-08. Source of Income in 2009-People 15 Years Old and Over, By Income of Specified Type in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex

[18] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2009.

Hood-Winked « Black Men In America

Good statistics and fine information, but it's not me and those whites that think like me that you have to convince. Iit's the 33% of negro males who commit crimes you have to convince, then and only then, will you get the inner city black youth to aspire to being more than a street corner thug.
The white race has "systematically oppressed" more racial groups then ANY other racial group has in the world.:cool:

Good point. I like asking these bastards what they THEMSELVES HAVE DONE TO BETTER THIS SOCIETY. They like to knock other races, but how are they as INDIVIDUALS. Are they really any better than the people they hate? Here's a quick occupational sample from my Black relatives; Lawyer, small business owner, correction officer, teacher, works for MTV in marketing, etc.
How are these white racist bastards better than any of my relatives? I own my own business as well, so does my little sister, I'm a decent law abiding citizen, I'm mixed race, but by all intents and purposes BLACK man. How are these White racist bastards any better than me? I don't need to make any excuses or garner any responsibility for Black criminals than they do for those sick White perverts.

Projections Put Whites in Minority in U.S. by 2050, I imagine that the white racists are hoping that when they find themselves in the minority they will not experience the same systematic oppression that they imposed on other races when they held the majority population.

Bad news for the blacks seeing that it will be cacausion hispanics that make up the majority and they detest blacks more than the whites do for the most part.
Why is it crime and race instead of crime and poverty?

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.

Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?

Think rappers and athletes.
Why has the white race systematically oppressed more racial groups than any other racial group has in the world?

Because we could.

How does that make you morally any better than the ******* that you don't like? systematically oppressing equals raping, robbing, brutalizing, and stealing from people. Wow, that sounds like the things you complain about the ******* doing! Maybe those ******* leaned it from watching YOU. Simplistic theory at it's best, seeing that the whites oppressed, raped, robbed and brutalized OTHER FREAKING WHITES, much, much, much, much longer and more often than they did those things to the negro. As for how it makes ME morally better than the ******* I don't like, it's because unlike them, I have never raped, oppressed or robbed anyone and I never brutalized anyone that didn't deserve it.

Thanks for that response. When asked why your race did those heinous crimes, your response was "Because we could.", yet you want explanations from Black people about crime in their community. Hypocrisy and outright ignorant racism at it's finest! :lol: No, your idea that two wrongs somehow make a right is hypocrisy and outright ignorance. If you show me ONE ****** who was a slave or who was raped, robbed or brualized by their white masters you'd have a point, but you can't so you don't. last I checked the last slave in this nation was around 1865. Furthermore if you can show me one convict ****** who had to ride on the back of the bus, or saw his family member or neighbors lynched by whites or raped by the "white man" or robbed by the "white man", you'd have a point, but you probably can't, so once again, you don't.

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