"Creating" Slavery - and Ending It


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
"Creating" Slavery - and Ending It

18 Jun 2020 ~~ By Nark Steyn
The March of the Morons across the western world is deeply depressing. As soon as a new low is reached, some halfwit dives even deeper. On yesterday's Mark Steyn Show I played the audio of the contemptible Tim Kaine, Virginia senator and 2016 vice-presidential candidate, from a speech on the Senate floor:
The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it. It got created by the Virginia general assembly and the legislatures of other states.
The thugs trashing American cities seem sincerely to believe this - that white Americans invented slavery a couple of centuries back. Whereas in reality, as I write below, for the entirety of human history slavery was an accepted fact of life, indeed as routine and ubiquitous a fact as the earth and sky.
Stupidity on this issue, alas, is deeply ingrained. In After America, I cite leftie objections to a proposed Cambridge University "Empire Ball" - on the ground of "the British Empire's long association with slavery"....

The British Empire's principal association with slavery is that it abolished it. Until William Wilberforce, the British Parliament and the brave men of the Royal Navy took up the issue, slavery was an institution regarded by all cultures around the planet as a constant feature of life... Britain expunged it from most of the globe.
It is pathetic but unsurprising how ignorant all these brave 'anti-fascists' are. Yet there is a lesson here not just for Britain but for America, too: when a society loses its memory, it descends inevitably into dementia.
That was a rather more prophetic line than I would have wished.

"William Wilberforce," writes Eric Metaxas in his book Amazing Grace, "was the happy victim of his own success. He was like someone who against all odds finds the cure for a horrible disease that's ravaging the world, and the cure is so overwhelmingly successful that it vanquishes the disease completely. No one suffers from it again - and within a generation or two no one remembers it ever existed."
What did Wilberforce "cure"? Two centuries ago, on March 25th 1807, one very persistent British backbencher secured the passage by Parliament of an Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade throughout His Majesty's realms and territories. It's not that no one remembers the disease ever existed, but that we recall it as a kind of freak pandemic - a SARS or bird flu that flares up and whirrs round the world and is then eradicated. The American education system teaches it as such - as a kind of wicked perversion the Atlantic settlers had conjured out of their own ambition.
In reality, it was more like the common cold - a fact of life. The institution predates the word's etymology, from the Slavs brought from eastern Europe to the glittering metropolis of Rome. It predates by some millennia the earliest laws, such as the Code of Hammurabi in Mesopotamia. The first legally recognized slave in the American colonies was owned by a black man who had himself arrived as an indentured servant. The first slave owners on the North American continent were hunter-gatherers. As Metaxas puts it, "Slavery was as accepted as birth and marriage and death, was so woven into the tapestry of human history that you could barely see its threads, much less pull them out. Everywhere on the globe, for 5,000 years, the idea of human civilization without slavery was unimaginable."
Today we call for action all the time, but mostly from government, which is another way of excusing us and allowing us to get on with the distractions of the day. Our schoolhouses revile the Victorian do-gooders as condescending racists and oppressors - although the single greatest force for ending slavery around the world was the Royal Navy. Isn't societal self-loathing just another justification for lethargy? After all, if the white man is inherently wicked, that pretty much absolves one from having to do anything. And so the same kind of lies we told ourselves about slaves we now tell ourselves about other faraway people, and for the same reason: because big changes are tough and who needs the hassle? The hardest thing in any society is "the reformation of manners".

I guess we can claim that in the 20th Century Democrats recreated slavery thanks the party of 'Woke' led by Woodrow Wilson who segregated our military, FDR that continued it and Lyndon Johnson who created the "Democrat Great Society". Now sixty years down the road from the inception of the Great Society, you would think the increasing slaughter of blacks resulting from the drug wars and abortion would raise some sort of alarm. We have a whole generation of young Americans engaged as foot soldiers in a) the drug wars or b) the war on freedom and sanity. And the answers to these problems are either not forthcoming or specious. Now our president is going to "reform" the police. Acquire arms and learn and be prepared to use them.
Lest we forget, we all are individuals and shouldn't have to be judged by how our ancestors acted. Living under a predetermined title such as "privileged" or "oppressed" makes the genetic crap shoot of race no different than the genetic crap shoot Mark mentioned of nobles and common folk. Now we're being judged for the sins of past generations and the only "redemption" is to be oppressed the same way as to "understand" their condition. When "the talk" involves telling you that you're going to be arrested for being black, what motivation do they have for obeying the law? For change to occur, "the decision" needs to be about teaching understanding for the duty of a police officer and that if a black person wears the uniform that they're not traitors wanting to help oppress you but someone that wants to bring that understanding to the force to somehow bridge a relationship that people still to this day believes to have never existed.
Oppression and Slavery continues throughout the world today in Africa, the Middle East and certainly in China, yet racism is rampant in America.
If the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat is allowed to continue in their destruction of America, what is occurring today will lead to a race war. Cooler heads must prevail yet, at this point the political left has dug in and continues thier ranting.
I fear that the 1978 publication of the 'Turner Diaries' is all too prophetic and if we don't stop this false ideas being made today, we shall be forced into a second Racist Civil War perpetrated once more by Democrats.

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