They are busting Trump rght now in court

They'd have to go lower than that. We're talking about impeaching the president because he's icky and Orange Man Bad, and reasons and feelz, and JUST SHUT UP! Besides, Jan 6.
Trump was impeached for corruption and total abuse of his office. He deserved it.
you from Canada?

You joined this board, what 10 minutes ago????? I've been here for 10 years, A$$hat. Where is Donald Trump finding all of these new accolytes to come here and spew his bullshit at people?

Donald Trump is in the middle of a criminal trial - the first of many, based on the conspiracy to lie to and deceive the American people, in aid of his 2016 election. And then he tried to claim the bribes as a "business expense".

Who has to pay "hush money" to unsavoury people and extortionists???? Criminals.

The whole "banana republic" parade of people who are prepared to go New York and prostrate themselves before Trump and lie to the American people. Self abasement and discarding all moral principles are a necessity to having power in the Republican Party.
Cop out.

They’re fake electors. They were not duly qualified and chosen by the state. They signed forms claiming to be anyway. They then voted for Trump in the electoral college.

If you read the Eastman memo, the plan was to use their fake votes to dispute the real votes and disqualify both slates so Trump could be elected.

It’s fraud.

You already copped out once. Are you going to do it again?
How do you get fraud out of that? Alternate Electors are a challenge. You solve it in court. They did. It's no more a "threat to democracy" than any other challenge to an election! The fact that you on the left need to blow it up to be this terrible thing is just indicative of how you've treated the right for years now!
You joined this board, what 10 minutes ago????? I've been here for 10 years, A$$hat. Where is Donald Trump finding all of these new accolytes to come here and spew his bullshit at people?

Donald Trump is in the middle of a criminal trial - the first of many, based on the conspiracy to lie to and deceive the American people, in aid of his 2016 election. And then he tried to claim the bribes as a "business expense".

Who has to pay "hush money" to unsavoury people and extortionists???? Criminals.

The whole "banana republic" parade of people who are prepared to go New York and prostrate themselves before Trump and lie to the American people. Self abasement and discarding all moral principles are a necessity to having power in the Republican Party.
You don't really know what a "Banana Republic" you Dragonlady? Let me give you a hint. In Banana Republics people in power use that power to put their political opposition in jail on trumped up charges. Trump isn't doing that. Joe Biden is.
How do you get fraud out of that? Alternate Electors are a challenge. You solve it in court. They did. It's no more a "threat to democracy" than any other challenge to an election! The fact that you on the left need to blow it up to be this terrible thing is just indicative of how you've treated the right for years now!
I just explained it. They claimed to be duly chosen and qualified electors. That’s a lie.

Fake electors are not a challenge. A challenge is a lawsuit that you file in court. Trump did that and lost. The fake electors don’t change anything.

Did you read the Eastman memo? The plan outlined certainly is a threat to democracy.
Trump’s behavior in office was totally out of bounds.
Yeah I hated it when he got the economy going so well the Fed had to keep raising rates to cool it off and we only had 1.9 % inflation! That securing the border thing he did was awful too...imagine keeping out drugs and people on the terror watch list? How dare he! Then he had the nerve to get peace accords signed in the Middle East between Israel and a bunch of Arab nations? Who does he think he is! Oh and let's not forget how he shamed our NATO allies into honoring their commitments. Those poor European nations! How dare he ask them to pay their fair share!

Out of bounds? You're out of your mind!
Trump was impeached for corruption and total abuse of his office. He deserved it.
He was impeached because he looked into Joe Biden's influence peddling in Ukraine! That's what you on the left DO these days! You impeach the guy asking for an investigation into corruption and then you elect the corrupt guy to be your President!
That video claimed he died from injuries from THAT confrontation, Faun and that's a flat out lie! Just one more example of how you on the left took a riot that took place because Democrats failed to secure the Capital into "the worst attack on democracy in the history of our nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That Jan. 6th committee put on a Hollywood show that was nothing more than propaganda.

It said no such thing. Learn to read. It said violent rioters clashed with police all over Capitol grounds, leaving 5 people dead, including Brian Sicknick who succumbed to the attack. It doesn't at any point state he died from injuries sustained inside that tunnel.
He was impeached because he looked into Joe Biden's influence peddling in Ukraine! That's what you on the left DO these days! You impeach the guy asking for an investigation into corruption and then you elect the corrupt guy to be your President!
He was impeached for trying to use foreign policy to cajole a foreign power to publicly attack Joe Biden on baseless allegations of bribery.

There was no investigation into corruption. It was all electioneering.
It said no such thing. Learn to read. It said violent rioters clashed with police all over Capitol grounds, leaving 5 people dead, including Brian Sicknick who succumbed to the attack. It doesn't at any point state he died from injuries sustained inside that tunnel.
It says...and I quote: "He died from injuries sustained from the attack on the Capital"! That's a lie.
Video of that officer from later in the day shows him walking around inside of the Capital perfectly fine. He died of a stroke the next day. Something that had nothing to do with the riot at the Capitol but you on the left have told that lie for three and a half YEARS now until you think it's the truth!
Video of that officer from later in the day shows him walking around inside of the Capital perfectly fine. He died of a stroke the next day. Something that had nothing to do with the riot at the Capitol but you on the left have told that lie for three and a half YEARS now until you think it's the truth!

“all that transpired played a role in his condition.” ~ medical examiner
Nope, not a lie. Again, the medical examiner said, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”
You keep telling yourself that every time you trot that lie out, Faun and I'll keep right on laughing at you!

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