Covid Isn't Being Spread By Border immigrants. It's being Spread By Ignorant Rightwingers In Red States

You are denying people. Forcing them to take the shot or to fired or not allowed entrance to a public place and for purchasing products also in some areas. Your promoters are pushing this.
Perfectly wrong.

As I have said many times: I support your right to not get vaccinated, and I am against mandates. I can't make that more clear. Other people's beliefs are other people's beliefs.

So maybe quit playing the victim, and get on with your life.
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Probably because fewer whites believe getting vaccinated will make a there's that among other reasons.
People are dying, that don't have to die, because they haven't received the vaccine, which reduces death from covid exponentially.....

And people are dying of cancer, heart attacks and a number of other medical conditions because these hospitals in hot spots are filling up with covid patients who are taking up hospital beds for weeks, and medical care is limited.

Yes, it is a bummer that the vaccines don't stop the spread of covid 19, Delta style.....and the vaccinated can get infected....

but not so much a bummer for the vaccinated for themselves, they will likely live.... But a bummer that the vaccinated, give no protection to the unvaccinated by reducing community spread.
People are dying, that don't have to die, because they haven't received the vaccine, which reduces death from covid exponentially.....

And people are dying of cancer, heart attacks and a number of other medical conditions because these hospitals in hot spots are filling up with covid patients who are taking up hospital beds for weeks, and medical care is limited.

Yes, it is a bummer that the vaccines don't stop the spread of covid 19, Delta style.....and the vaccinated can get infected....

but not so much a bummer for the vaccinated for themselves, they will likely live.... But a bummer that the vaccinated, give no protection to the unvaccinated by reducing community spread.
People keep dying for different reasons.....but for some silly reason only the left decides what form of death matters.
Ever wonder why during this pandemic almost nobody seems to be dying from the flu anymore?
Well.....the answer could be that people aren't spreading the flu like they used to. Or it could be that people who are dying from COVID are more likely to die from the flu than most people.....and there's just fewer people alive who are at risk.
People keep dying for different reasons.....but for some silly reason only the left decides what form of death matters.
Ever wonder why during this pandemic almost nobody seems to be dying from the flu anymore?
Well.....the answer could be that people aren't spreading the flu like they used to. Or it could be that people who are dying from COVID are more likely to die from the flu than most people.....and there's just fewer people alive who are at risk.
People are still dying from flu idiot

People keep dying for different reasons.....but for some silly reason only the left decides what form of death matters.
Ever wonder why during this pandemic almost nobody seems to be dying from the flu anymore?
Well.....the answer could be that people aren't spreading the flu like they used to. Or it could be that people who are dying from COVID are more likely to die from the flu than most people.....and there's just fewer people alive who are at risk.
I never wondered about less flu only made sense to me.

1. Everyone was encouraged to get the flu shot this past fall and flu vaccines given went way way up compared to a normal year of flu vaccinations.

2. Covid disease mitigation, masks, separation, lock downs, school closures, staying home, working from home.... all worked in fighting the spread of influenza.
"Covid is just like co2 based climate change.
If Americans just ignored it, everything would be normal."
Badabing! Badabing!
Poster EMH your Speakership for the Rightfield constituency of this gossipboard is solid and unthreatened by any voice of reason coming from the Rightfield. In short, you have no competitors.
I love this bar.

"You are denying people. Forcing them to take the shot or to fired or not allowed entrance to a public place and for purchasing products also in some areas."
"take the shot or be fired" --- OK, your rights vs. the private employer on private property who has multiple employees? You should lose that one.

"not allowed to a public place"......... it depends. Crowed airports are public spaces, so are, I suppose, Veteran's Hospitals.
The choice is simple poster 22lc: live in and thrive by the benefits of societal living......or.......isolate yourself from the responsibilities incumbent to living within a human society, and it's associated benefits.

There's a quid pro quo for living within a human society: benefits come with responsibilities. Responsibilities come with benefits.

"Probably because fewer whites believe getting vaccinated will make a difference......."

Yupper, and polio just disappeared all by itself.
So did smallpox.
Dramatically reduced by vaccines were: chickenpox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, rubella, diptheria. et al.
So you be you, poster 'mudwhistle'.
Whistle as you walk by the graveyard.
"People keep dying for different reasons.....but for some silly reason only the left decides what form of death matters."

Yupper, I quite agree, the "silly left" (and maybe maybe some others )seem to fret and fuss over, say, murder.....or dead by a drunk driver ......or falling down an open manhole, or a natural gas explosion in the basement.

Those things should not what I gather from poster "mudwhistles" view.
No ocean rise
No net ice melt ongoing
No warming in the atmosphere
No warming in the oceans
No breakout in hurricane activity

Which explains why homO and Michael Robinson bought beachfront property.....

Nobody is sick.

Covid 19 left in May of last year.

Diagnosis of fall flu was 3% of normal because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

People are dying in droves from the fraud vax.

Your advice to republicans.... Get the fraud vax and join them.....
Earlier this week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and, specifically, what Hannity called “the biggest superspreader in the country.”

“I’m going to argue, you know, the high rate of covid positivity at that border — any American that is infected because Joe’s not enforcing the laws of this country, you can blame Joe Biden for covid,” Hannity said, claiming vaguely that migrants crossing the border are driving the current surge in coronavirus cases. “And if you die, I would put the blame on him, too. Why won’t they stop this superspreader event? Because it’s happening in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands.”

“McAllen is a city, its population is about 140,000,” Cruz said. “That means 5 percent of the population of the city consists now of illegal immigrants who tested positive for covid that Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris are just dumping there, one after the other after the other because they won’t enforce the law.”

Nope. Wrong.

The only thing amazing in this story, is everybody spreading this BS, are the same liars that haven't been right about anything.
They were right that strict enforcement and a wall eliminates 'caravans'. Nor does your 'source' actually provide any evidence that the illegal hordes aren't spreading the Chinese Plague. They simply attempt to confound and confuse the numbers and offer no proof of their claims.
Yupper, I quite agree, the "silly left" (and maybe maybe some others )seem to fret and fuss over, say, murder.....or dead by a drunk driver ......or falling down an open manhole, or a natural gas explosion in the basement.

Those things should not what I gather from poster "mudwhistles" view.
Yes.....more people have died this year from heart disease than COVID.
More people have died this year from cancer than COVID.
But only COVID matters......oh and mass shootings.
Eventually they'll they'll lay off the COVID shit and go back to creating mass-shootings by white males.
Note....that whatever the left focuses on is the only game in town.
No mass-shootings are happening, or being covered by the MSM, because they aren't the focus.

whacked out fringe nut cases like yourself.
AMERICANS have the right to know where the scum demonRATS are shipping the illegals....spreading the chinese flu, and then placing blame elsewhere, for their lack of brains
How many brains does it take to get a safe vaccine that can save your life? Judging by what's happening in Texas, Florida & other red states must be more then you clowns have.
Earlier this week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and, specifically, what Hannity called “the biggest superspreader in the country.”

“I’m going to argue, you know, the high rate of covid positivity at that border — any American that is infected because Joe’s not enforcing the laws of this country, you can blame Joe Biden for covid,” Hannity said, claiming vaguely that migrants crossing the border are driving the current surge in coronavirus cases. “And if you die, I would put the blame on him, too. Why won’t they stop this superspreader event? Because it’s happening in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands.”

“McAllen is a city, its population is about 140,000,” Cruz said. “That means 5 percent of the population of the city consists now of illegal immigrants who tested positive for covid that Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris are just dumping there, one after the other after the other because they won’t enforce the law.”

Nope. Wrong.

The only thing amazing in this story, is everybody spreading this BS, are the same liars that haven't been right about anything.
Tens of thousands of ChinaFlu infested illegals spread around the country are not infecting anyone.

What science is that based on?
No ocean rise
No net ice melt ongoing
No warming in the atmosphere
No warming in the oceans
No breakout in hurricane activity

Which explains why homO and Michael Robinson bought beachfront property.....

Nobody is sick.

Covid 19 left in May of last year.

Diagnosis of fall flu was 3% of normal because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

People are dying in droves from the fraud vax.

Your advice to republicans.... Get the fraud vax and join them.....

In case you were not aware...

You are nuts! :)
No ocean rise
No net ice melt ongoing
No warming in the atmosphere
No warming in the oceans
No breakout in hurricane activity

Which explains why homO and Michael Robinson bought beachfront property.....

Nobody is sick.

Covid 19 left in May of last year.

Diagnosis of fall flu was 3% of normal because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

People are dying in droves from the fraud vax.

Your advice to republicans.... Get the fraud vax and join them.....
COVID left last year? How so? Just disappeared into thin air, right halwit?

Jerkoffs like you are the reason that there's instructions on shampoo bottles.
Much more fun to keep insulting each other, keep the hate flowing, Who wants to be the 1st to admit we would be better off if we attempted to find some workable middle ground.
You know you are lying about this, why keep repeating it?
CBP numbers: 16% of illegals tested test positive.
CBP numbers: 1.1 million crossed the border in June.

That means 160,000 infested illegals came into the country in June alone.
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