COVID Bill Exempts Fed Reserve From Having to Follow the Law


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Deep State? What Deep State? We’ll take care of OUR money trust us!

“Tucked into the recent recovery bill was a provision granting the Federal Reserve the right to set up a $450 billion bailout plan without following key provisions of the federal open meetings law, including announcing its meetings or keeping most records about them, according to a POLITICO review of the legislation.”
Even worse, when contacted by POLITICO, the Senators wouldn’t take ownership of the provision:

Spokespeople for Sens. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), the chairman and ranking member on the Senate Banking committee, declined to comment on how the change was added to the recovery bill or who requested it.

Of course, The Feds always play the we make the rules but they don't apply to us game

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