Covid-19 was just a warm-up. Gain-Of-Function research is on-going and working on much deadlier viruses.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Apparently the 1 percent death rate of Covid-19 wasn't enough to scare off Fauci and the Gain-Of-Function researchers. It's still going on in multiple countries and could end up with another OOPS only this time with a 40 to 60 percent death rate. Hey maybe we should put a stop to research that could end humanity? Just a thought.

Apparently the 1 percent death rate of Covid-19 wasn't enough to scare off Fauci and the Gain-Of-Function researchers. It's still going on in multiple countries and could end up with another OOPS only this time with a 40 to 60 percent death rate. Hey maybe we should put a stop to research that could end humanity? Just a thought.

Thing is for Covid, it had happened already, SARS in the early 2000s. The thinking is that China was trying to develop a strain of the coronavirus that wouldn't be harmful to humans because... COVID WAS INEVITABLE.

Viruses are a part of humans and a part of evolution. It's how information gets passed around between species. You want to think we're in total control of our world, that we could just stop this stuff from happening, the more people there are on this planet, the worse it will get because we want to eat animals and have dairy products, then we're in contact with animals more and more and when they spread, we're so close together.
Would really be sad if the next one also mainly kills stupid conservatives.. which is nearly all of them. Looks like Darwin was right.
It wouldn't surprise me at all! in fact is quite possible this is happening.

These people are capable of everything. :(
Apparently the 1 percent death rate of Covid-19 wasn't enough to scare off Fauci and the Gain-Of-Function researchers. It's still going on in multiple countries and could end up with another OOPS only this time with a 40 to 60 percent death rate. Hey maybe we should put a stop to research that could end humanity? Just a thought.

International legislation already existed , overseen by Francis Boyle (and agreed by Obummer and Fauci etc ), who was shut down across the globe when he told us that SARS2 Covid19 was an engineered bio weapon in early 2020.

A huge consideration for Dear Uncle P when skipping into Khazaria to check out such matters .
Over 30 bio labs funded and built by the US and many looking at viruses whch killed selectively by ethnicity .
He was not happy when he found the evidence that Slavs were being targeted experimentally .
Let alone Blacks -- to make up for a comparative failure to kill in Africa

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