Court grants significant new discovery in hillary e-mail case.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
We have won a significant victory in our pursuit of the truth about Hillary Clinton’s misuse of official email and the Deep State’s efforts to cover it up.
A federal judge granted us seven additional depositions, three interrogatories, and four document requests related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unauthorized email server.

Hillary Clinton and her former top aide and current lawyer Cheryl Mills were given 30 days to oppose being deposed by Judicial Watch (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242))

Fitton: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case

What dat u say? Lock her up? yeh...dats da ticket lock her up!
Great news. Now we can finally put Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Holder, McCabe, Obama, Clapper, Brennen, Strzok, Page and the Ohrs behind bars for life. Treasonous scum that they are.
I'm sure the Dems would like Judicial Watch to be listed as a domestic terrorist organization.
I would love to even see charges brought against her but there are way too many who are willing and ready to make sure nothing like that happens.

Not to mention every left idiot would be willing to riot, murder or whatever it took to make sure that nothing like that would happen.

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