Could You Imagine the Uproar from the Right if Obama...

Spent all the many many millions to go to Mar a Lago.

Fox news would devote a story to it everyday.

I guess I just forgot that the GOP doesn't have to follow the rules, they get to make up the rules as they go along. I'm sorry I forgot about that fact.

Obama's giving Iran $150b in unfrozen assets and sending $1.5b in cash via plane to Iran was horrible enough.Trump's trips are all within his budget.
Donald Trump: Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash

You can whine about breaking "rules" but sane people have no clue what you are referring to. So when you post, please provide credible links so we know WTF you are talking about.
Yup pretty much you have no real response, because if Obama did this exact same thing you would be attacking him because the right did attack him for how he spent his leisure time.

We get it, the right will attack Obama for something and then Trump will go and do the same thing and not even a peep.

It's not like you'd be honest and admit a double standard...
The way you loons complained about how Bush spent his leisure time, but were totally silent over how Obama spent his. Makes me laugh.
I remember the uproar from the Obama's wasting tax dollars going on vacations on seperate planes.

Don't get the OP's point. People bitch about the shit every president does.

Just looking to whine?

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