Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Asked and answered.

No it wasn't, douche bag.
Yes it was go back and read the post again.

Quote it, douche bag. I saw no answer to the question.
That's because your illiterate and brain dead.
Neither of which is my problem.

In other words, you don't want to post what the colors identify.

Who do you think you're fooling, you lying weasel?
I know what the colors identify it's you who's confused.
No it wasn't, douche bag.
Yes it was go back and read the post again.

Quote it, douche bag. I saw no answer to the question.
That's because your illiterate and brain dead.
Neither of which is my problem.

In other words, you don't want to post what the colors identify.

Who do you think you're fooling, you lying weasel?
I know what the colors identify it's you who's confused.

Then tell us, asshole. What are you afraid of?
False that would be stating fact .
Trump has never done that.
Wow. Trump really has Left Wing Loonies scared shitless. ROFL
Nope just you clowns.
You're just lashing out because you're angry and scared. The fact you don't even know who I'm voting for shows my statement to be true.
Daws is too much of a pussy even to explain what the different colors on a map identify.
-------------------------- funny :afro: , course what I said is true , only the illegal border jumpers would complain about being dictated to and they have no right to complain Jake .
They have just as much right as anyone else in the US.

They can complain all they like on the bus back to Mexico.
Not gonna happen.

So you want all the illegals to stay here? Just admit it and quit wasting our time pretending otherwise.

"Deflection" from what, the fact that you are an open-borders traitor?
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

:lol: Unfortunately there's this little detail called the "Constitution" and its leadoff batter, the First Amendment.

1A is quite the leadoff batter too. It's always on base. That's why it's Numero Uno.

Oh sorry--- that Rapistish for "number one".

Bit of a pickle, that Constitution thing, since the first thing a POTUS has to do --- literally the first thing --- is to swear to preserve, protect and defend it. Clearly he's in no position to take that oath.



There’s also that pesky 5th Amendment – the one that guarantees all persons the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

And each of those 11 million persons can’t be deported absent due process – they are afforded to the presumption of innocence and the right to a trial.

Trump is an ignorant, hateful bigot, who will never be president – his moronic notion of ‘deporting’ 11 million people is proof of that.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

:lol: Unfortunately there's this little detail called the "Constitution" and its leadoff batter, the First Amendment.

1A is quite the leadoff batter too. It's always on base. That's why it's Numero Uno.

Oh sorry--- that Rapistish for "number one".

Bit of a pickle, that Constitution thing, since the first thing a POTUS has to do --- literally the first thing --- is to swear to preserve, protect and defend it. Clearly he's in no position to take that oath.



There’s also that pesky 5th Amendment – the one that guarantees all persons the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

And each of those 11 million persons can’t be deported absent due process – they are afforded to the presumption of innocence and the right to a trial.

Trump is an ignorant, hateful bigot, who will never be president – his moronic notion of ‘deporting’ 11 million people is proof of that.

Wrong, moron. They get a hearing, and that's that. They aren't being accused of a crime. They have violated a civil statute. The SC has already ruled on the matter.
Wrong, moron. They get a hearing, and that's that. They aren't being accused of a crime. They have violated a civil statute. The SC has already ruled on the matter.
I believe that it is only a misdemeanor crime, but attempts after that are felonies, but I am not sure. Read it somewhere.

But employers who hire illgeals can be held to felony crimes for human trafficking and more and prosecuted under RICO.

But right now the Dems dont want to and so Obama is sitting on his hands in this situation.

The next President might see things differently.
It is hard to believe that you RW nuts are falling for the promises of a unabashed Demagogue. He is already signaling that his wall and immigration assertions are just words.

If he were elected, you would all look so stupid.....wait....YOU ALREADY DO!
More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.
What about the children who were born in the US?
----------------------------- generally young gang members are under the control of their older gang member parents . .....

How predictable that this topic would once again get dimwits like you all excited to waste time with shit that will never happen, and then start pulling crap like this out your ass. Hysteria, hyperbole, racial slurs, or made-up shit like the above will never bring us one step closer to addressing the problem of illegal immigration. Of course that's not what drama queen dimwits like you are interested in anyway.

You can say that again. Pismoe is one of the old timers here and this probably the 4x of the same topic since last October. I thought he should be smarter by now but still the same stupid racist asshole
It is hard to believe that you RW nuts are falling for the promises of a unabashed Demagogue. He is already signaling that his wall and immigration assertions are just words.

If he were elected, you would all look so stupid.....wait....YOU ALREADY DO!
Thankfully, there won’t be a ‘president’ trump.
You're one of the idiots who said Trump would never get the nomination.

Enough said.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Nope--you couldn't even find that many. And I doubt the U.S. Supreme court would approve of Gestapo type squads breaking down doors in this country to seek and find Illegals.

Trump was bogus B.S. from the minute he stepped into this race. H's been nothing more than a Democrat plant from the onset. Republicans took the bait, swallowed it hook line and sinker and they have sunk the ship once and for all. I doubt the next Republican President is even born yet. Maybe someday these idiots will ponder what exactly that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump right before he jumped into this race.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

So what candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior?

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More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.
What about the children who were born in the US?
----------------------------- generally young gang members are under the control of their older gang member parents . .....

How predictable that this topic would once again get dimwits like you all excited to waste time with shit that will never happen, and then start pulling crap like this out your ass. Hysteria, hyperbole, racial slurs, or made-up shit like the above will never bring us one step closer to addressing the problem of illegal immigration. Of course that's not what drama queen dimwits like you are interested in anyway.

You can say that again. Pismoe is one of the old timers here and this probably the 4x of the same topic since last October. I thought he should be smarter by now but still the same stupid racist asshole

Charmin, there is nothing racist about wanting the borders protected and there is nothing wrong about wanting to return to a Republic style of governance. You see, you are an don't have the foggiest clue as to what has been done to the people of this are a political infant...sorry, homes......that's just the facts.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

:lol: Unfortunately there's this little detail called the "Constitution" and its leadoff batter, the First Amendment.

1A is quite the leadoff batter too. It's always on base. That's why it's Numero Uno.

Oh sorry--- that Rapistish for "number one".

Bit of a pickle, that Constitution thing, since the first thing a POTUS has to do --- literally the first thing --- is to swear to preserve, protect and defend it. Clearly he's in no position to take that oath.



There’s also that pesky 5th Amendment – the one that guarantees all persons the right to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

And each of those 11 million persons can’t be deported absent due process – they are afforded to the presumption of innocence and the right to a trial.

Trump is an ignorant, hateful bigot, who will never be president – his moronic notion of ‘deporting’ 11 million people is proof of that.

Wrong, moron. They get a hearing, and that's that. They aren't being accused of a crime. They have violated a civil statute. The SC has already ruled on the matter.

It used to be simply a civil offense, but I believe under President Bush, it was changed to a misdemeanor, first time caught and deported, if the same person reenters again, then is a felony.
Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....

He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Nope--you couldn't even find that many. And I doubt the U.S. Supreme court would approve of Gestapo type squads breaking down doors in this country to seek and find Illegals.

Trump was bogus B.S. from the minute he stepped into this race. H's been nothing more than a Democrat plant from the onset. Republicans took the bait, swallowed it hook line and sinker and they have sunk the ship once and for all. I doubt the next Republican President is even born yet. Maybe someday these idiots will ponder what exactly that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump right before he jumped into this race.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants


The apparatus to go "door to door" to go after gun owners has already been put in place along with their GPS address so don't tell me that the gestapo (which we know as the DHS) wouldn't do just that. You are ill-informed about what your beloeved "gubermint" is all about. You nor I have the protection of this corporate constitution that was written in 1871 that was nothing more than a corporate charter. USA.INC is a foreign owned corporation and that is a fact.
"No one has to deport illegals. This was proved when Arizona passed a law - before it ever went into effect. They announced it, they passed it, they declared they meant it, and they declared they would enforce it...and illegals flooded out of the state....BEFORE it ever went into effect."

Still posting the same old made up bullshit, I see, Easy, without links, because you heard it on AM radio once while driving through Dogtrot, Missouri....
I actually LIVED it, VAL. I WATCHED it and followed it in the news, I read about it in newspapers and in magazine articles. Dumbasses like you think if it isn't on the internet it didn't happen, as if everything on the internet is true.

Life is actually happening right now away from your computer / smart phone. If you really want to educate yourself go live life and experience some of it yourself.

And if you really want research on it get off your ass and learn how to use 'google'. Don't sit there and demand someone spoon-feeds your lazy ass. I have no problem leaving you fat, dumb, and lazy - if you don't care enough to make an effort I sure don't have a reason to?!

Thanks for demonstrating the 'lack of desire' I was talking about.

Easy, I live in Arizona. in fact, I live withing 30 miles of the Mexican boarder, and there was NO migration of illegals out of Arizona because of the law that AZ passed, which was quickly squashed by the feds as being out of the state jurisdiction.

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